Dr. Cannabi's Kali Mist - DIY Organic Soil - Medical Grow & Show

Hey my friend!
OK I've got to step in here... Firstly to tarnish a persons name on here is not what I expect! Secondly to do it to a sponsor of this great site is also not what I expect. Especially when who is doing so, hasn't even had any direct contact with the person in question I believe???????!???
I am friends with Paul, I cant speak on his behalf as that isn't right in my eyes. Yet I can speak from my own experience and that in a general way of others on here that have been aided by the man. To say he is greedy is beyond stupid!! If you don't know him or his business dont speak! simple really. :)
The customer service I cant speak on simple as I haven't gone that route obviously being sponsored by BM. I have no gripe at people tearing BM a new one on any just level. So yep I dont need to comment they're.
To my understanding the prices are where they are because of the diodes! They are not the basic diodes that were mentioned! They are ones or equivalent to the OD mid range of budmaster. The GOD diodes are a very guarded secret! I have personally had other light companies coming to me to try and gain this info! (they are told politely to go away) Paul spent a long time and lots of money getting these spot on! Osram makes more than one type of each model diode!! They also are tied to not disclose what BM uses I believe :) Paul worked with Osram on getting these right!

BM had problems before with China ripping stuff off with lower tear diodes. Then they're tech got beyond the point where china could do this cost effectively! So if it could be done so cheaply my friends and you could get them as cheaply as was above stated (and have the exact GOD diodes). Then I'm sorry but china would have been pushing them out like crazy and everyone could claim the insane PAR readings Paul and BM can! It would of happened an age ago lol.

So yep people claiming to run Osrams yep they may be lol, but they aint the GOD !!!!

Then I can talk on how he aids people on here that I've put him in touch with... Although I wont as they have already spoken in the past on they're threads and that's their business.
I could talk about lots to put this all in perspective, except it directly involves many others on here and they're business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe this place is changing but talking on a personal level, tarring someone in such a wide and general way is just wrong and not the 420 forethought I expected from a member thats been around a while now :(

Sorry for my rant Doc
Not wanting to disrespect a sponsor but I stand by my comment of him being greedy & the mark up he make on his lights back that up. Now LA, the diodes in the GOD lights are no different to the ones used in my lights, Advanced LED's lights & BML's lights. Do you really think for one second that a multi-billion dollar international company like Osram is going to have a top secret diode & give a little two bit UK company exclusive rights on it? Haha, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. BM are small fry in a very big world, they deal with a handful of home growers who buy one light. Companies such as BML deal with commercial growers who light thousands of square feet. Do BML have a top secret exclusive diode? No, they have the same SSL80 as everyone else, the one that Osram spent millions of dollars developing.
I don't want to rant on forever or turn this into a slanging match on Doc's journal so I'll leave it there. :peace:
You got it GD! When you're ready to try it out, just let me know. I will do everything i can to help you Brother. I would have to say that being able to go out of town for the weekend is THE #1 benefit to OLS/LOS. That and the money you save not having to buy bottled nutes.

If I leave for 3-4 days or longer, I just bubble a couple 5 gallon buckets of water (to keep them aerated) and have my patient stop by every three days and add a gallon per plant. No PH, no nutes. Instructions are simple. See that bucket of water there? See them plants there? Take that water and pour it on the top of the soil of those plants LOL! Even Mrcannabi was able to follow along, and she can kill a cactus hehehe!

DWC is very cool though. My buddy grows all different styles and he loves DWC for certain strains. I think the way he grows his plants is the best for people without full time jobs. But it is serious work. He has plants in DWC, coco, FF soil and OLS. He also has a hydroponic table he grows 36 clones from root in. They produce around 1 oz each and there is NO veg time.

Talk soon buddy!

What up Doc:)?...I hope all is well with the new job and things have slowed down a bit for you:).....you need some time to breathe my friend:).....have you thought about trying coloidal silver for you wifi to make some fem seeds?.....as much as you love it bro might be worth trying.....if you can find the time for a new project:rofl:lol.....anyway....great update adn pics bro:)....yeah DWC is pretty cool but it is definately an everyday job:)lol....i came in this morning and my WW in flower decided to drink about 1 3/4 of the 2 gallon resevoir:/!!!......the leaves had some spots on them from the concentration i am guessing....oh....sorry....just remembered that was yesterday morning which i got in there about 2 hours later than normal i think:)lol....right now i just dont know abotu the yield....i need so mmuch to keep us happy each month:)lol.....what is your best pull off one plant?....and what lighting was that under?:)......alright my friendd......catch you soon:)
How goes the organic journey, my friend?
I was just wondering a couple things.. if you've added any new amendments to your soil, like greensand or myco-fungi, and how much worm castings you use (and are they DIY castings?)
secondly, how those lights are working out for you!!! Tell me bout yah happiness!!

We just built some DIY LED panels and I'm almost aching to try them out , finally graduating from our chinese panel woohoo!

Catch you on the flip side, bruh

Fighting a good battle, you are
Hey Doc much reps to your grow there buddy!!

I think I can help put the argument about LED lighting to rest for a little while. I have experience building electronics, the cost is in the CHASSIS not the LED diodes or the power supply. The best light would have a great CHASSIS and the best POWER SUPPLY (.) Very simple...LED technology has been around since the 70's - yes the 70's and thats consumer markets not just R&D. If you think there's some magic diode that some company came out with THIS YEAR, do your homework. All of what I see is diodes with higher power and less of them to cut costs (less wiring, less chassis work) but with better lens adapters to FOCUS the light. That's it, very simple really. It's all good, if you have a light that has a quiet fan, nice hefty chassis that wont rust, and a decent power supply you have a light that will stand the test of time. There's a ton of companies that made decent to GREAT electronics but are out of business because they had crappy marketing. I USED to think that sales and marketing was all BS and the folks like me doing the work were the important part, that is not true. Marketing sells and the salesman collects the money. Sad but true, no difference in the LED lighting industry.

Keep it green - cheers,

Vero's and Cree's are the only two good (best) companies for LED DIY style as supported by most ppl on most medical websites and forums, and they can make changes in any year.. the Vero 10's took a nice leap lately.

As for the rest of that post tho, very proper.

Drive a hq led light soft, she will last for 10 years vs 10% loss every 100 days

No need for glass, no need for an enclosed case..

we use wall heater panel boxes (white metal rectangle, with sides, no top or bottom)
$25 a piece.

Black atomized heat sink, just need one fan, all saulderless is possible on your first design.

The materials list (and understanding) is the hardest part. If you have sources for this info (like DIY builders like us and doc) then you golden baby

Well said bobrown14 and DonTe
Hey my friend!
OK I've got to step in here... Firstly to tarnish a persons name on here is not what I expect! Secondly to do it to a sponsor of this great site is also not what I expect. Especially when who is doing so, hasn't even had any direct contact with the person in question I believe???????!???
I am friends with Paul, I cant speak on his behalf as that isn't right in my eyes. Yet I can speak from my own experience and that in a general way of others on here that have been aided by the man. To say he is greedy is beyond stupid!! If you don't know him or his business dont speak! simple really. :)
The customer service I cant speak on simple as I haven't gone that route obviously being sponsored by BM. I have no gripe at people tearing BM a new one on any just level. So yep I dont need to comment they're.
To my understanding the prices are where they are because of the diodes! They are not the basic diodes that were mentioned! They are ones or equivalent to the OD mid range of budmaster. The GOD diodes are a very guarded secret! I have personally had other light companies coming to me to try and gain this info! (they are told politely to go away) Paul spent a long time and lots of money getting these spot on! Osram makes more than one type of each model diode!! They also are tied to not disclose what BM uses I believe :) Paul worked with Osram on getting these right!

BM had problems before with China ripping stuff off with lower tear diodes. Then they're tech got beyond the point where china could do this cost effectively! So if it could be done so cheaply my friends and you could get them as cheaply as was above stated (and have the exact GOD diodes). Then I'm sorry but china would have been pushing them out like crazy and everyone could claim the insane PAR readings Paul and BM can! It would of happened an age ago lol.

So yep people claiming to run Osrams yep they may be lol, but they aint the GOD !!!!

Then I can talk on how he aids people on here that I've put him in touch with... Although I wont as they have already spoken in the past on they're threads and that's their business.
I could talk about lots to put this all in perspective, except it directly involves many others on here and they're business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe this place is changing but talking on a personal level, tarring someone in such a wide and general way is just wrong and not the 420 forethought I expected from a member thats been around a while now :(

Sorry for my rant Doc

Not wanting to disrespect a sponsor but I stand by my comment of him being greedy & the mark up he make on his lights back that up. Now LA, the diodes in the GOD lights are no different to the ones used in my lights, Advanced LED's lights & BML's lights. Do you really think for one second that a multi-billion dollar international company like Osram is going to have a top secret diode & give a little two bit UK company exclusive rights on it? Haha, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. BM are small fry in a very big world, they deal with a handful of home growers who buy one light. Companies such as BML deal with commercial growers who light thousands of square feet. Do BML have a top secret exclusive diode? No, they have the same SSL80 as everyone else, the one that Osram spent millions of dollars developing.
I don't want to rant on forever or turn this into a slanging match on Doc's journal so I'll leave it there. :peace:

Hi Skunny and LA, I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. Life is rarely black and white. It's usually greyed up by our life experiences. This community is the greatest and you are both a big part of that.

LA, you've done more to help me personally than a lot of people in my real life, I have nothing but respect for you brother!

Skunny, You are also an extremely helpful and valuable member here on 420. You're one of my favorite Peeps!!!

The issues I've had have nothing to do with $$$, diodes, or optics. There is a boat load of LED companies with outstanding products that stand up to the HPS lights in yield, and blow them away on power consumption. My gripe is just Customer Service. I'm a stickler for that. It's a game changer for me. When I don't feel respected or appreciated, my loyalty is over. I have an extensive Customer Service background and I have very high standards.

I love the fact that you are both knowledgeable and passionate about the LED tech. It is people like you that keep this industry on its toes. I personally don't have the interest to dig deep into the technology of it all. I'd say my expertise is in finding the easy way to do things without sacrificing quality. You guys are very similar in your passion. It would be awesome to see you team up :):):)!

You guys can rant on my journal anytime. I've done it a bunch of times on other peoples LOL!

:peace: Peace
:love: Love
:Namaste: Hapiness
What up Doc:)?...I hope all is well with the new job and things have slowed down a bit for you:).....you need some time to breathe my friend:).....have you thought about trying coloidal silver for you wifi to make some fem seeds?.....as much as you love it bro might be worth trying.....if you can find the time for a new project:rofl:lol.....anyway....great update adn pics bro:)....yeah DWC is pretty cool but it is definately an everyday job:)lol....i came in this morning and my WW in flower decided to drink about 1 3/4 of the 2 gallon resevoir:/!!!......the leaves had some spots on them from the concentration i am guessing....oh....sorry....just remembered that was yesterday morning which i got in there about 2 hours later than normal i think:)lol....right now i just dont know abotu the yield....i need so mmuch to keep us happy each month:)lol.....what is your best pull off one plant?....and what lighting was that under?:)......alright my friendd......catch you soon:)

Hey GD, Life is good brother!!! I am totally loving the new job. The people are top notch and the work is challenging. It makes it a lot of fun. Thank you for inquiring:thanks:

My best pull was my last 2 grows. On both grows, I grew 1 plant in a 2x3 cabinet with California Light Works (CLW) lights, Organic Living Soil (OLS), and AACT teas. They were grown in 10 or 15 gallon fabric pots (cant remember which). The lights were the older series. 1 was a "SolarFlare 200", and 1 was a "SolarStorm 400". They ran about 500 watts at the power outlet. This BM GOD uses just a bit more and is lighting my whole tent. Hoping for the best brother and so far it's looking GOOD!

The yield was over 8 OZ for each plant I believe. So 1/2 pounders is a good estimate !:):):)!
How goes the organic journey, my friend?
I was just wondering a couple things.. if you've added any new amendments to your soil, like greensand or myco-fungi, and how much worm castings you use (and are they DIY castings?)
secondly, how those lights are working out for you!!! Tell me bout yah happiness!!

We just built some DIY LED panels and I'm almost aching to try them out , finally graduating from our chinese panel woohoo!

Catch you on the flip side, bruh

Fighting a good battle, you are

Hi DonTe,

Awesome questions! My original soil recipe and basic AACT teas is all I've used throughout the grow, with the exception of 1/2 cup of 0-12-0 seabird guano granules per pot (10 gallon fabric) last week. My soil recipe is on the 1st page of the journal my friend :Namaste:. I'm working on a new HowTo for the DIY soil. It will be AWESOME!

Here is my AACT tea schedule
1st watering = EWC + BSM
2nd watering = GEM liquid fish
3rd watering = EWC + BSM
4th watering = Water soluble kelp
5th watering = Straight H2O
repeat until harvest.

I know it's simple but it works well for me.

Peace Bro!

EDIT: The EWC is homemade but I didn't make it. My patient has a great worm bin that keeps him happy. I use his castings.

The light is really great so far even though it's not completely assembled yet. I'm still waiting on the last parts. Then I can install the last 4 panels. I have very high expectations :):)!
Hey Doc much reps to your grow there buddy!!

I think I can help put the argument about LED lighting to rest for a little while. I have experience building electronics, the cost is in the CHASSIS not the LED diodes or the power supply. The best light would have a great CHASSIS and the best POWER SUPPLY (.) Very simple...LED technology has been around since the 70's - yes the 70's and thats consumer markets not just R&D. If you think there's some magic diode that some company came out with THIS YEAR, do your homework. All of what I see is diodes with higher power and less of them to cut costs (less wiring, less chassis work) but with better lens adapters to FOCUS the light. That's it, very simple really. It's all good, if you have a light that has a quiet fan, nice hefty chassis that wont rust, and a decent power supply you have a light that will stand the test of time. There's a ton of companies that made decent to GREAT electronics but are out of business because they had crappy marketing. I USED to think that sales and marketing was all BS and the folks like me doing the work were the important part, that is not true. Marketing sells and the salesman collects the money. Sad but true, no difference in the LED lighting industry.

Keep it green - cheers,


Thank you Brother Brown! :thanks: I know you are the real deal :high-five:. I seriously couldn't DIY my way through a canvas tarp LOL!

Everything you're saying makes a lot of sense to me. Good parts = Long life. I hope this one lasts me a long time because it sure wasn't cheap ::Namaste: I'd love seeing what you could do with some good panels. IMO, a much larger footprint and lighter chassis is the way to go. I think BLM has the right idea. Check out their lights and let me know what you think. I have a lot of experience with LEDs and my #1 complaint is footprint (besides customer service LOL).:thumb:
Vero's and Cree's are the only two good (best) companies for LED DIY style as supported by most ppl on most medical websites and forums, and they can make changes in any year.. the Vero 10's took a nice leap lately.

As for the rest of that post tho, very proper.

Drive a hq led light soft, she will last for 10 years vs 10% loss every 100 days

No need for glass, no need for an enclosed case..

we use wall heater panel boxes (white metal rectangle, with sides, no top or bottom)
$25 a piece.

Black atomized heat sink, just need one fan, all saulderless is possible on your first design.

The materials list (and understanding) is the hardest part. If you have sources for this info (like DIY builders like us and doc) then you golden baby


Hi DonTe,

Please feel free to post a pic of your DIY. There are a lot of interested people that could benefit from this kind of experience!!! Thank You :thanks:
Hey GD, Life is good brother!!! I am totally loving the new job. The people are top notch and the work is challenging. It makes it a lot of fun. Thank you for inquiring:thanks:

My best pull was my last 2 grows. On both grows, I grew 1 plant in a 2x3 cabinet with California Light Works (CLW) lights, Organic Living Soil (OLS), and AACT teas. They were grown in 10 or 15 gallon fabric pots (cant remember which). The lights were the older series. 1 was a "SolarFlare 200", and 1 was a "SolarStorm 400". They ran about 500 watts at the power outlet. This BM GOD uses just a bit more and is lighting my whole tent. Hoping for the best brother and so far it's looking GOOD!

The yield was over 8 OZ for each plant I believe. So 1/2 pounders is a good estimate !:):):)!

8 oz each....?!!!....damn....i wasnt expecting that........that definately makes it more interesting now:)lol....but i have a favor to ask of you my friend:).....Lady Bud....my wife....not sure if you knew that:)lol....anyway i was telling her a little about OLS or LOS.(is there a differencee?).......anyway she got very excited about mixing her own completely organic soil for her veggie garden......was hoping you could give her some guidance like you were going to for me.....she actually agreed to learn how to do it then teach me once she has things dialed in some:).....alrigth my friend.....off to the next yard we go:)lol.....Have a great day at work bro:)
Yes sir GD, 8 oz each :). It was actually 7.5 and 8.6 respectively. Average was right around 8.

I can certainly help LB. Is she going to use the KIS organics nutrient pack? I highly recommend that. You'll also need to source some primo vermi compost.

The recipe I used is on the 1st page of this journal and I'm absolutely blown away how great it is. Have LB start there and I can answer any questions along the way.

Back to work :) :) :)!
As far as OLS LOS goes. They are the same thing. The words are the same and the meaning is the same. KIS Organics and microbeman call it OLS. Clackamas Coot and most others refer to it as LOS. since I'm using KIS Organics nutrient pack and recipe, I call it OLS. Confused yet? :high-five:
Awesome stuff, doc, I know how the wait can be for the last parts..
And you know, I did read your post and almost the whole thread minus two little chunks in the middle yet,
And that's why I ask...
And I'm all respect when I do..

Cause I like what you're attempting and not just that but doing, im all for caregivers and patients, and co-ops,
but without DIY castings, DIY lights, and a couple key amendments, there is a lack of potential as well as efficiency..

So I was really impressed to see you tackling the light already, but was wondering about your castings and long term style (recycling, no till / ROLs) cause you know, less work, bigger (no-till) beds (on wheels) is the way to go as we evolve quickly like we are.. More moisture retention, less drying out and more microbes flourishing, means more medicine..things like greensand can release dozens of trace minerals for 24 months at least, and DE rocks, for example, (even cucumber fumes) can deter pests like thrips and gnats while providing natural Si, its cooling effects, among many more benefits.. This is a simple mulch idea somewhat contrary to a N recycling companion crop like white clover

The frass (insect frass, insects that eat cactus and wheat bran then die, naturally, proving mega chitin) is a big weapon that comes in a tiny bag...I advocate for it as well, just from personal experience, and is not required to pre mix .. im just planting a seed cause a seed planted can take some time to germ, not to mention order, lol..
The auto immune responses are crazy, plus:
...-insect frass has 100 Billion fungi spores per gram
...-and 6 trillion cfu/gm of microorganisms (including bacteria, protozoa and nematodes)

a note on insect chitin:
it stimulates the plants auto-immune system so it produces more:
terpenes, flavinoids, alkaloids, amino acids, and chitinase enzyme, not to mention root rot, mildew and nematode defence

so its a good look

Myco fungi meanwhile is not pre mixed in usually either but it is used during transplants.. Something that can happen a few times in each plants life .. Essentially myco as u may know, kill blind root-eating nematodes by attracting them with an attractive chemical then they choke them out, suck their nutrients out of them, and provide them directly to the plants roots, all while increasing the root surface area by an average of 700-1000x, a massive extension that organic growers praise for the extra reach and therefore bulk it can add both above and below the topsoil..

Lastly, aloe Vera..
A post from a compadre of mine I liked..

Aloe is really great for all stages. Including cuttings and seedlings - Salicylic Acid, IAA, etc.

The ten main areas of chemical constituents of Aloe vera include: Amino Acids, Anthraquinones, Enzymes, Minerals, Vitamins, Lignins, Monosaccharide, Polysaccharides, Salicylic Acid, Saponins, And Sterols.

Amino acids (proteins for building) found in Aloe vera include: Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Valine,And Tryptophan. Some Of The Other Non-Essential Amino Acids Found In Aloe Vera Include Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Cysteine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine, Glutamine, And Aspartic Acid.

Enzymes include Amylase, Bradykinase, Catalase, Cellulas, Lipase, Oxidase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Proteolytias, Creatine Phosphokinase and Carboxypeptidase.

Aloe vera also contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12 along with Choline, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium. Additional elements found in Aloe vera include Copper, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, And Sodium.

(He goes on aboutnseeds..) I also have a belief that seeds are awaiting specific enzymes, pgh's, pgr's, humic acids, etc from the soil, or good vermicompost. If a seed needs water (rain) to wash off the anti rooting hormones encoded on the outer seed, it only makes sense it needs/expects/awaits other factors from nature." End quote, P

Well homie, that's it for now, keep up the great work ..

I would not be afraid to finish with a few weeks of water either, you got a lot of power behind you..

I'd be happy to bro!
but im new to this site and could use some help in loading pics still lol

But we built 4 panels, all solder less, I'm so happy with them, its insane.. got a lot help from several guys on Riu, and we even got thermal imaging and testing done..
Built to outcompete and replace 1000w hps with less draw, less heat dissipation, and more flexibility (multiple lights at different heights) and outlast a decade longer.. How great is that

Which is such a relief cause I'm growing a 27 wk Sativa that will be 6 feet probably and a few clones that are like 9 inches, only. Haha! So sure doc.. Np, ASAP
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