First Timer - Soil - 600W LED - White Widow & Candy Cane Autos - 2x4x7 Tent

Day 36 - (evening pm) - Back on Track for now.

Just before the babies went to be bed I regetted not using even more cal-mag in their waterings, 3.5ml each; probably should have used 5-8 this water to help play catch up. That said since I was going to spray them down anyway...hey why not throw some magi-cal and sugar daddy in there as well (s-daddy is primarily magnesium). So I threw 4ml of magi-cal and 4ml of sugar daddy in gallon of distilled ph'd to 6.58-6.61 (sort of depended how much I shook it, apparently bubbles lower ph a bit?).

I drenched the babies 15-20minutes before lights (after the side lights had gone off), both over and from under leaves with the pressure mister, and I do mean drenched.. I had to clean up excess water from trays.. and some on the walls, *giggle* was like a rain storm hit. I did try not to spray the budlets directly, but I mean they got some regardless. I shook'em to try and get a little of the excess off, zipped up the tent and ran the AC "dry" function for first 2hr of sleep, then back to cool... trying to help them want to suck it up as well as helping them dry little quicker.

Miss Cane - 9pm:

Pretty much looks as good as I've ever seen her in last two weeks... at least putting the
bottom leaves and exiting rusty stuff that will not go away aside.

Mrs. Widow - 9pm:

Looks much better, some of the twisting leaves (I mean ones were I didn't purposely tuck\twist them) untwisted themselves.
She grew a bit during nap time and her budlet areas look much more active tonight...maybe it's just my mind playing tricks, kind of doubt that changed in 7hr. Semi droop still on some but where that is case it's mostly where I been training\pushing them down over the weeks (the larger fans mid\lower as try and find way of letting light in without removing anything).

So I will not say 'in the clear', and I'll probably regret jinxing myself, but I think I'm heading back on track, I didn't notice any 'new' rusting on Miss Cane...but tomorrow morning will be a better judge.

I will consider moving the lights (at least the main) back down 2" tomorrow... def. don't want to touch anything tonight, but also don't want to have them too high and be missing out, that should put ww tops back around 25-26"; looks like I could do a little light bending as well tomorrow. Also, not tomorrow (they probably need a day without it), but Wednesday I'll probably foliar feed them another dose of the mixture I made, if nothing else to use some of it's probably only good for week tops, then it's 5ml in every gallon of their water from here on out.
I'm a little late for the party but I'm subbed in for the rest lol, best of luck to you...️
Day 37 (Morning) - The grass is green, and the girls are pretty.

Temps were 69-77; RH 39-60%. The 69f was probably during sleep when I had the ac\dry function on and had temps set to 70 vs 72 or 73 to make sure the 'dry' function stayed on more often (it turn off upon reaching temp). Anyway my mini dehumidifier should arrive today. Not sure if I'm gonna put it inside the tent or keep it in outer room, probably try inside first. Now on to the good news ....progress.

Before touching them this morning Miss cane 3\4 main tops were at 10" (as tied), Mrs.Widow was at 12" (as previously tied), that's about .5" increase and 1" increase over last ~24hr. Also I see new growth on both of them, and I see flower progress on Candy, as well as Widow, and on Widow there is some competition for who wants to take the top#4 spot...between a new branch, and the previously broken branch, the old branch is losing at the moment, but make a minor tweak to get her some more light see if she can't catch up.
Basically - WOW, and the new stuff either leaves or parts edges of leaves SO easy to spot because they are totally dark green as they should be. So much that I'd forgotten how these beotchs should have been looking.

Have some more things to mention but first get's get the daily porn out of the way.

Top Shots:

Miss Cane (sides + closeups):

The dead leaf is one that was basically long dead at the base of stump,
I just finally removed it as it was dead-dead now, vs dying. The other
bad leave pics aren't so much for show as they are to help me track any
additional signs, I've picked like 4 key leaves to specifically monitor for
next couple day for more 'rust', far as I can tell this morning I don't see
any additional leaves like that, as for leaves that already had some...
I don't think I see additional rust spots, but a couple spots on those leaves
that had gone like black\dark purple are more pronounced today...or
maybe I'm just seeing them more clearly today.


Mrs.Widow (sides + closeups):

Here that dead leaf is the original gangster (cyclodone or whatever) I finally removed it, I'd already
removed the other day ago. The bad leaf pics here are less about tracking mag or cal problems,
and more about tracking if the problems down there are spreading or as I suspect 80% caused
by me. (spilling nutes on them, man handling them causing cracks,chips, nicks, growing in ground, etc)
That last pic I think is very telling... lower part of the pic where you see dark green tips, that's not
shading or the camera\lighting, that's the new growth, same in the upper right, Magnesium finally getting
to where it needs to be.



So either it seems they took up the nutes at whatever ph, or they at least took up the cal-mag I foliar feed, I still don't know what to make of in at 6.8 but out at 6.1, but for now I'm going to assume they got the last dose fine. BUT to be safe and to help make up for prior lake of cal-mag, I will break with my plan, and give them a very light misting dose again today 15min just before lights out. Basically have an inch or less of the mixture left in the solo sprayer from yesterday.. I'm just going to finish it off. Reading around I read cal-mag is one of the few things you can (with in reason) give some extra to play 'catch up' with, so I will, and the doliar dosage is 1/2 the dose for playing catchup via foliar anyway, so I don't think I need to worry about over doing it.

As for nutes and going right to 50% of flower mix.. so far so good, I don't see any obvious signs of nute burn...could take another day to show up though.

Lights - I moved the side lights(1-4) back down ~1"...they're still 3-4" higher than they were 4-5 days ago.
I am going to move the main 600 and extra guy in the back (side #5) down an inch or two as well, but I'm not going to do that till right around lights out today after I mist and lights are minute from going out. Again they'll still be higher than they were and still well above how close in theory I should be able to have them. That said I did catch a leaf or too at 78-79f when it was 76 on the room gauge. Not gonna fret about that though, most were 74-76.

LST - mini session. So they're in both now of course in flower, CC clearly out of transition and WW either is.. or is about to be, guess I'm not really supposed to still be doing this, but I am anyway, to control their direction a little while I sort of still can. I pulled WW's 3 main tops down about an inch trying to get'em more even with the rest of the canopy that is developing in the middle, as well as some last attempt to get her semi-even with CC's height. On CC I didn't really do the same..cause they were pretty darn even on their own, but I did tweak existing ties just a little for direction and maybe 1/2 inch in height. Some of the outer branches I tweaked a little to make some more potential space for prospects surrounding them. I think after this session though.. just gonna leave them and see what happens. Almost worried I'm having it maybe waste potential energy on stuff that will just end up as popcorn maybe I shouldn't be too concerned about it from here on out.
...if I could defoil I would, but I can't\shouldn't really per most folks.. I'm even afraid when I remove dead stuff now - lol.

Other than that, I'm gonna leave them alone tonight and all day Wednesday, as they should be due for water either Thursday morning or Thursday evening... I'm not letting them get to the 11\11.5lbs (literally dry weight of pots) stage again, fk that, didn't even mean for that to happen, they are getting fed when I see 12.xx or next convenient opportunity if I see 13.1\13.3 and it's been 3 days. With the lower RH and their size now I wouldn't be surprised if they actually want feedings every 3days instead of 4 by next week.

I had an internal debate ... paradise city (grass is green from cal-mag), or pour some sugar (sugar daddy in the mist mix too) on me... whenever there is any doubt GnR should always win.

Yay - they perked back up! Good to see!

How tall are they now?

Before touching them this morning Miss cane 3\4 main tops were at 10" (as tied), Mrs.Widow was at 12" (as previously tied), that's about .5" increase and 1" increase over last ~24hr.
That's from soil base in each pot, not pot tops\edge.
Day 38 - (mid morning) - Hey now, Hey now, my droop is back

Environment stable, 68-77f, 39-61%RH, but borderline too cool during sleep. I'm not that worried about 68f yesterday but I don't ever want to see it colder than that, again I think that happened at the very start of sleep when lights kicked off and the girls were wet and the RH was high for a bit due to misting before bed my other 2 monitors show lows of 72 midway and top of tent so I think it was just wet\wind factor at plant height. As for the plants, last 24hr hasn't shown any noticeable height growth, all my lst point from yesterday though have turned upward, but beyond that I don't see any progress today. They are droopy again this morning, not in a major way, but in the typical early "I want water" way.. however CC is 14.5lbs and WW 13.6, ie they really don't need water, especially CC who oddly is drinking way less then WW all of a sudden....or maybe it's just that she was drenched 12 gallons more than WW.. lol, I'm going with mostly that theory. I lowered the main light 1.5" yesterday before their bed time, they were looking good. I upped it again ~1" this morning... I can not believe it's the light but we'll see.

Question as time goes on shouldn't the 'dry' weight be increasing slightly given all the plant mater that is added to the pots? I started out as 11\11.5lbs was totally dry soil without plant matter day 0, I would think at this point that might really translate more toward 12lbs now, meaning watering at 12.75-13.25 would be good idea. no? I will check WW weight again tonight if 13lbs she will get a gallon of water and calmag, I highly doubt CC will be ready tonight though.

My de-humidifier arrived last night, I forgot to take real pics of it, but it's in the tent today in the same place the humidifer was but of note is it take up more space and frankly I think is going to screw with existing air flow a little... we'll see.

I have it set at 55%, meaning when ever it's higher it should kick on and bring things down to 54-55% and then kick off for at least 30 seconds before checking again. I reset all the high\low markers on the monitors, if this works I plan to leave it around 55% for the next couple days, then 50% after that for a week, then 45%, then 40%. It can in theory go 35%, however I read most units like this don't function well < 40% anyway, but I might try that during the final 2 weeks. It will use up to 120watts when in full gear (active and not in 'sleep mode') and I'm waiting to see how much if any heat it adds to the tent. I figure during sleep it'll probably add a degree to the room... not really a bad thing at this point imho since I'm seeing lows of 68-69 sometimes.
I covered the digital display with some duct tape, honestly I don't think the very dim display would have harmed the plant, but since it's right basically ON the plant I didn't want to take any chances.

Now on to the porn!

Top Shots:


Miss Cane:

I did not notice any new leaves with new problems. However leaves that previously had the rusting
seemed to me to not get any better in areas not 'rusted' yet, and maybe marginally worse.
For example one of 4 I'm monitoring the rust spot expanded a bit, not new spot, but I still found
that strange that existing spot got worse, this is a lower leaf near pot edge. 3 others seemed
about the same as yesterday, that really fked one up top seems about the same though maybe
a little more crusty.. but then I did drench her in water\cal-mag mist yesterday a little more than other
leaves so crusty probably coming from that residue.

After each gets next watering, I will just straight distilled mist\wash them off as if to simulate some rain, btw do I really need to PH the mist water if it's straight distilled and has no nutes\ 0 or say 1ppm??


So while I said there was no height growth... and there wasn't on the 3 longest tops that I measure
I will say that in the area of the broken branch, where there is a competition going on, the non-broken
branch guy (center left of last pic), did add like 1/2", in fact he's probably 1/2" away from being even
with the rest of the 3 mains, the "broken" one had little bit of growth but didn't stretch up the same
way sadly, was really hoping for it but was denied. I don't like the guy that's winning because he's
like growing in toward the center of the pant and he's got no real girth to him like miss broken does.
I think it's maybe what you call foxtailing or something... I could maybe just chop that motherfucker
off.. but that's probably a mistake.

The new toy:

So that's all I got today.

TLDR: Hey now, Hey now the droop is back... all I can think besides unlikeliness of need for water is my main light needs to go up far more than I ever ever would have expected and higher in flower than it needed to be in veg. That makes no fucking sense to me...should be the reverse if anything, but I'll play around with it and see. Pic were later in morning that usual but still ~3hr from lights out, so I don't think it was the sleepytime blues that happen about an hour before.
Looking good Knight. Hope you get a bountiful harvest. I just finished a couple WW autos in tent. Yours are definitely bushier, I had less light and did not top them. I have a couple outdoors now, so I am looking to compare those. I am still not sure whether to top , so I'll be watching your results to get some more insight.
They will droop away from the light if its too intense, could be a big part of the issue now.

Yeah that's about what I'm thinking at this point, but still very surprised about... at least on the main light. I'm actually wondering if all the side lighting is over-kill.. or given it was ok for so long maybe overkill at current distance. Reason I say that is Kind is far more specific in their recommendations and I've seen people have them <20" without issue (though of course that doesn't mean it will apply for me I know that), but the semi-no names for the side lights give you the par output but it's such a wide range in lengths (3meters\1meter\1 foot) that judging correct distance from that info is more trial and error.

So I raised the main up this morning, and my idea is to raise the sides lights back up a little about an hour after lights on tonight (pretty much after I type this if not really seeing improvement), as they were lowered yesterday as well an inch or so yesterday. I may even go up 2" on them. Then I will see how that goes after 5-6 hours, if looking better, I will then go up another inch on the main and use that as the new bench mark. Which would be higher than top end mfg recommended..but hey gotta do what I gotta do. lol

BTW so I just checked the dehumidifier after lights on, during lights off humidity peaked at 64%, and the dehumidifer doesn't have a single drop of water in it's try....pfft..great (not!). Anyway flipped down to 50%, will see how that goes over next few hours, maybe it's just the placement\location of the unit below fan mean humidity is lower in that corner spot for whatever reason (it's near an intake vent) hopefully the device doesn't turn out to be a non performer or a dud. I may try it in a different spot for tomorrow's lights out.
Looking good Knight. Hope you get a bountiful harvest. I just finished a couple WW autos in tent. Yours are definitely bushier, I had less light and did not top them. I have a couple outdoors now, so I am looking to compare those. I am still not sure whether to top , so I'll be watching your results to get some more insight.

Thanks for joining in, I'll check our journal tonight, yeah hopefully I'll get to harvest so you have a data point to compare with. I wasn't sure either, I read don't top autos, I read you can do it if you know what your doing, I read depends on strains. So many opinions, however the 'absolutely don't do it' seems to be dated info. Depends on strain, and your timing felt about right to me, and from what I could see plenty of people had topped their auto ww and cc's so figured fk-it. I did top late though imho, not so much in pure 'day' time, but in progress of growth, I should have topped a couple days sooner than I did in my own opinion, but I was so nervous about it I delayed...almost too long. Lesson learned though - don't be too eager...and don't be too scared.
Day 38 - (Late evening) - mini update.

So after the lights had been on about the better part of two hours (1hr all lights and 2hr main light) or so I pop my head into the tent, I figured they were past their wake-up phase.

Candy Cane by my eyes was doing a little better and weighs 13.8, WW looked about the same but no worse, and weighs 13.2. By my own prior statements I should probably water WW in a few hours... but I'm thinking if I wait till maybe I'm ready for sleep in 4-5 hours maybe Candy will be in the ready zone too... I really hate to water these guys a light cycle apart... if I can avoid it, if not so be it.



So I raise the main light 1/2"..why? well measuring again I meant to be at 46" from the bottom grate... I wasn't maybe I measured wrong this morning and was only at 45.5". Not big deal and will have I think zero effect, it was more correction for record keeping as I previously recorded in my excel log 46" from grate. Anyway.. main is 46 from grill and about 25.x from top top on WW 26+ on most of plant, and like 27"+ on CC.

I then looked over to see the difference between WW and CC's side lighting. I'd been purposely sort of keep WW's lower to slow stretch over time, but also in recent days to see if there was difference in droop factor (which why I didn't reset them all to same level couple days ago), so I was rasing\lowering of course as previously stated but it was always relative to their prior position.

Anyway tonight I raised CC's side lights about 3" to 44 from grill, and WW idk even know how much probably 5" but they also are now 44" from grill. If I see Mrs.Widow responding well by time I want to goto sleep or if I pass out.. then in the morning, then I think I can say not only was it light's too close\intense, but that side lights are the kicker. Also and I don't think it's a huge factor but on WW side, the setup is such that front most light get sort of knocked out of the alignment I want in minor ways when I open\close the tent unless I've very diligent, I'm usually aware enough to check it every morning but can't say I check it every time I open the tent. I re-positioned it's angle as well as it's brother in the back to be a bit more down focused and less diagonal... meaning less bleed over to main light coverage - which is not intended but can't entirely be avoided if I'm going to use them. funny enough though raising them all the height hasn't changed their distance to the plant all that much (the highest tops anyway), maybe inch maybe two, but has for lower parts.

I have a sneeky feeling that in 4-6 hours Mrs. Widow is going to look better, she might still have a droop from wanting water at that point but if Miss Candy look even better then I think I found the problem... either my low wattage side lights are more powerful than I give them credit for, or the bleed over is just too much overkill, or a little bit of both.

Pic of sides now.. I actually raised another 1"\adjusted angles after these photos, that 1" is cause it finally dawned on me to account for the extra inch one of the types of bulbs on each side sticks out of the reflector housing vs.. the others who are at least a solid inch inside it.

The yellow is about where they used to be. Black = old angles Blue = new angles... they will probably still not stay perfect, but I did tighten some stuff up to make staying in place more likely, and they are high enough now I don't touch'em when removing the humidifer\dehumifier in that corner. The homes on the left side for whatever reason usually stay in place unless I specifically knock them.

Light related, but separate\unrelated to present droopy stuff -

I've been mentally thinking over the last week about swapping out the side lights for somehow re-arranging things and throwing the VS-450w\195wall dimmable I have on the sidelines in there with the k600... but it's a lot re-work to do right (I need to rearrange filter\exhaust placement among various other things) for marginal bang me thinks. I could semi half-ass-rig it with out changing up venting and move all my gear down on floor to left side and sort of shift my plants right side and probably kind of get it to work though. IDK.. I keep coming back to..."as bad as things have got at times they not that bad - don't throw big new variables into the fairly dialed in environment just to eek out what will just probably be just a little more popcorn at best.. the damn 600\~320wall alone should be more than enough for these two on its own even for your dumb noobie ass! probably just wasting watts with the side bs as it is.. if you want the 450 in there with the 600, just wait and set it up that way next time from jumpstreet".
- lol Deep thoughts, by Jack Knighthawk


Anyway if none of this seems to have a real effect then it's up 2" on the main come morning again. God I hope I don't have to do that, probably only got 18" left I can raise them...though I forgot to measure that specifically tonight.
Pre-day 39... lol

The booth look a little better to me, but I think my eyes might be biased, only been 5 hours or so.



CC seems better to me, WW better, but marginally so...then again she does legit want some water.
First ww pick, topright corner pic vs ~9pm you can see that highest top leaves are not clawing as much,
now a just more graceful droop now.

I'll feed'em water in few more hours in the morning and fuck it, probably raise the main light 1" more in the morning at same time, just for good measure and cause after that raising, I will at that point only have 18" more safe room (I measured) to raise light before running into some clearance issues with the filter.
I could maybe get an extra inch one way or another up there, and 2" from bottom from removing the shelf grate if I really have too, other than that I will have to do an extreme make over and even then I only buy maybe 2" more without having to move the filter outside the room or do some crazy vertical mounting.

IDK not too worried yet, kind of doubt their gonna get more than 12-15" bigger at this point.
I love this journal I just spend hours re-reading my own.. looking for the cal-mag fuck up.

I found it. (or at least part of it)
One of those water only feedings while back I only did 1ml of cal-mag (or that's what I typed and it matches my spreadsheet for 7/19), when it should have been at least 2.0ml, frankly double that (only that part 4-5ml I only know now, but I knew 2ml then, wtf was I thinking). Also I even mention magnesium concerns to myself about Mrs Widow days before the cal-problem started on CC, and yet I didn't think to double the dosage the watering the next day... what a dumb ass I am for not listening to myself, just looking at the pics now I can sort of clearly see the early mag issue in one of the pictures on the digital scale, to be fair I don't see the any early calcium def signs on CC in my pics\notes so can't really beat myself up about that one at least.
Day 39 - (Morning) Bath time again.

Overview: Temps were lower yesterday for whatever reason 70-75f not sure how that happened. RH was 45-62%, even with the 'dehumidifier'. Which btw 50% setting didn't do squat, though I monitored why, basically as I suspected that corner is reading high 40's when accu-rite monitor on the other side is reading like 52.. That doesn't explain zero happening during lights out though. Hmm.. so this morning dhumid device to 45%, just to see what happens before I attempt to move it maybe tonight.

No need to rehash last night's adventures.

This morning they frankly didn't look any better than they did around 3am. I raised all lights including main another inch, and proceeded to weigh and then water the plants. CC could have gone another 8-12hr for sure (13.2), WW was more than ready at 12.4; it's usually the other way around, but whatevvvah.

Top shots:

Miss Cane:

Last pick leftside left, middle finger, that's new on forward most edge there. boo!!

Mrs Widow:

While watering I found some deadfall\ground level dead'ish branches that needed some snipping.
Most of this is from Mrs.Widow, one is from Miss Cane.

Water report:

Each got a gallon distilled
CC - ph'd to 6.8-6.9 5ml magi-cal, 3ml sugar daddy, + 1/2 tsp of grinded dolomite lime - it previously got less.
PPM: ~240
WW- ph'd to 6.7-6.8 5ml magi-cal, 5ml sugar daddy (has mag in it), + 1/4th tsp of grinded dolomite lime.
PPM: ~280
(apparently is probably the point I would throw an entire cup of dolo at the top soil... but I'm trying to just slowly work it in over time with every watering and sticking with that for now though I did sprinkle each pot to the tiny extent I could (can't get hands in there) with some pinches of it.)

1000ml kind of slow.. then 1000 more a few minutes later, then ~1000 pretty much in under a minute, then 750 'tail' about 10 minutes last. Same on both.

Head end (cup samples):
CC: ph 6.73,6.82,6.8; ppm ~500
WW:ph 6.4,6.44; ppm ~420

Tail end (cup samples):
CC: ph 6.4,6.3,6.5,6.38,6.42 ppm ~440 ; tray similar
WW: ph 6.1,6.2,6.18,6.23 ppm ~350 ; tray similar

da fk?

Runoff amounts: CC: ~1250ml (32%.. expected about 1000ml) WW ~900ml (24% ...expected about 800ml)

That's all I got for now. Lights are 47" from grate, and ~45" for the sides from grate. We'll see how that goes, oh and I actually forgot to measure tops this morning, pfft can't too different from last night though.
I bent the challenger to Mr. broken branch again on Mrs.Widow, didn't tie down, probably never will, just trying to coach it a little out of way of mr.broken branch but that guy probably isn't gonna pop up like I want him to and regain her glory.

I think that's everything.
Glad the dropping is easing off, hopefully they'll prey soon after they're feed! Looking forward to pics
How far away is your light mate?
They have really grown in the last week and you have so many crown colas on yours I'm jealous ..
Glad the dropping is easing off, hopefully they'll prey soon after they're feed! Looking forward to pics
How far away is your light mate?
They have really grown in the last week and you have so many crown colas on yours I'm jealous ..

That's all I got for now. Lights are 47" from grate, and ~45" for the sides from grate.
Which is 27-29" above high points on Miss Cane (about 30-31" on the rest of her) from main and about 26'ish depending from sides\what angle you measure, and on Mrs Widow it's about 26" inchs above high points (as of this morning with a little bit of growth over night), and about the same give\take 1" via side lights depending on spot.
Day 40 (noon)

Overview - Temps stable 70-77f; a slight increase over the last 24hr of 2f. I attribute this to the humidifier being in there and putting off some minor but not entirely insignificant heat (uses 100-120watts when kicked on which is 95% of the time), if stays at 70-77 I can live with it for now. RH was a tiny bit lower in last 24hr, range was 40-60. However while not conclusive yet the dehumidifier I got sucks, and maybe be nearly worthless.

Plant Progress - None that I really see really, CC grew a tiny bit... 0.25" maybe (being generous) and is at 10.5 inches at highest point. WW grew a tiny bit maybe 0.25", and her high tops are 12.5" at highest point. The only thing noticable is Mrs Widow clearly has been putting energy to that one branch I said was trying to overtake the broken one for light, well it's winning cause that guy grew like an inch again and is about even with the other mains now. I don't really notice anything "new" that's bad on CC or WW.

However the droop was back at around noon today on both, mild but way way different than near perfect they looked around 12 hours ago, WAY different. *BUT* keep in mind the side lights do go off in 45min, and the main lights in < 90mins so maybe they just drooping due to that. I don't normally check on them around this time (noon), but they look like they usually look around 1:15pm (full lights out at 1:45pm).

*shugs* Maybe should be, but I'm actually not concerned yet, I'll see how they look tonight, just SUCKS for today's pictures, I knew I should not been lazy last night and snapped some photos of them looking good.

Lights: I moved the main up 1/2" to account for tiny bit of growth I saw, and same with the sides on Mrs Widow, I left CC alone.

(I went light on the photos today cause I don't they really represent the state of things, since usually I'm in the tent around 7-8am, + there isn't too much to see today)

Top Shot:

Miss Cane:

I looked for more rusting spots, def didn't see any on 'new' leaves, and existing ones, I didn't
notice it really getting worse\spreading, least not compared to yesterday where I noticed a little.
Progress was not much on anything flowers or height that I could notice really. Maybe the center
of the plant added a little height\stretch but if so it was minor enough to not be clear. I may
start measuring that tomorrow to see if that's what it's busy doing.


Blue circle is "challenger", orange is "was broken".. I removed oranges
gentle LST strap today, see if that helps make any difference.
As for progress beyond "challenger", eh... but the 'middle' of the plant
does seem to have all 'come up' a bit, can't say how much cause I don't measure it usually.
She looks less green than she did the other day to my eyes, I may hit her with some Cal-Mag mist again just before sleepy time today, probably about the last time I can use that batch of that mix anyway I hear storing nute mix for more than 5-6 days is pushing it before it'll go bad or you at least might have to readjust ph.


Dehumidifier adventures.

I did some testing last night and removed it from the tent and just let it run for 3 hrs outside the tent, it was placed near my exit air and was reading that incoming air to it's vents aroun 48RH, similar to what the tent was at the time. The outside room on opposite area of this was about 41. Good I thought, I set it 40% and let it run. 3hr later the room had not changed any really same 40 vs 41 as and there was all of 2 droplets in it's buckets, and it has been constantly running for those hours. 3 droplets if you count the one that had not made into the collection bucket yet. 1 droplet and hour for 100watts? Gotta be kidding me. Also btw prior to that, and being in the tent and running at the 45% setting... not a single droplet ever appeared, and yet all the accu-rites were showing low 50RH during that period. I then let it run from around 3am till now. Ok so we got like maybe 3ml..maybe. *sigh* That said the room was at 39% even though the machine was till chugging along saying incoming are was at 47%. Tent was high 40's at this time (before I opened it).

For kicks I've put it back in the tent set to maintain 40% (basically running 24x7), it was reading the air at 49% when the accu-rites were showing about the same ~51% (tent had been opened awhile). We'll see what it collects during the too-humid lights out period and should be plenty since after I mist and the lights go out it's sure to hit the low 60's. I also every so slightly 1watt's worth turned up the exhaust fan, and the intake fan (was 2watts on that guy). That is more to trying to adjust temps for dehumidifier exhaust than RH itself.

I do wonder if more constant RH 44-50% (never really higher with lights on now) contributes to droop or what I perceive as very slow growth lately, I really wouldn't think it does so long as we're not talking 30's. IDK maybe they just do this.. sort of take a pause during transition.

*Also I think I may have hit them with Flower nutes 1 week before I was supposed too, ie feed veg 2 weeks into flower instead of just one. Maybe I have fucked myself and that explains the lack of progress\daily stretch like before, eek, not sure if I should switch back or just roll with it for now since already started...I'm thinking just roll with the fkup.
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