First Timer - Soil - 600W LED - White Widow & Candy Cane Autos - 2x4x7 Tent

Which is 27-29" above high points on Miss Cane (about 30-31" on the rest of her) from main and about 26'ish depending from sides\what angle you measure, and on Mrs Widow it's about 26" inchs above high points (as of this morning with a little bit of growth over night), and about the same give\take 1" via side lights depending on spot.

Ah k fair enough, how strong is your light I put mine about 20" from tops seems to be the sweet spot for them. Just curious maybe a closer light make them perk up even more?
Hey, I just happened to see you have a nice tall tent. I've been looking for 2x4 tent with some good height. The tallest I've found is 60". I'm really interested.
Where did you get your tent?
What brand?
How much?
Ah k fair enough, how strong is your light I put mine about 20" from tops seems to be the sweet spot for them. Just curious maybe a closer light make them perk up even more?

Just the opposite has been happening, they've seemingly been too close.

The main 600 light is a Kind - K3-600's. MFG says 18-26" after seedling stage, never go below 14.
Course I would link too it and pdf but I got scolded by mods last time I did that.

It's just odd.. 22-24" used to be fine for them now in veg, now in flower they seem to want the light higher (if last 48hr of experiments are accurate), I would have expected if anything a little of the opposite, ie could go marginally closer.

Could be the higher they've been lifted (room wise) though the more they give off to the sides, hence the 'side' lights if hitting the centers too much maybe was the overkill now in flower since sides get more light from the mains... idk just theory I had after jacking up the side lights big time made a pretty big difference.
Hey, I just happened to see you have a nice tall tent. I've been looking for 2x4 tent with some good height. The tallest I've found is 60". I'm really interested.
Where did you get your tent?
What brand?
How much?

Hi there Jnv123 Thanks for the comments about the nice tent.

It's a Gorilla Grow 2ft x4ft 6ft.10" tent. It also comes with 1ft extension poles and skirt to make it 7.10"ft. AND you can get a 2ft extension for it separately for I think like 70$ or something. As for procurement, you can probably order it on their website or via a retailer\var. They are more expensive than many other tents though. gorillagrowtent dot com

I got mine via a package deal I went for via a third party.

As for the tent. I have nothing bad to really say about it over all.

I would say it's got plenty of vent options and cord hole options that should fit most setups. The single 4ft top cross beam and two 2ft beams are sturdy and work well, rest of the tent is sturdy and solid, knocking into it you never feel it wobble or anything.
But I do wish you got two 4ft cross beams and three 2ft'er because for me anyway it would have made hanging and configuration options a little easier - but I made it work, and if anyone is handy a little trip to hardware store and 1" pvc pipe and some creativity would solve my issue... I just didn't bother yet.

The zippers are high quality as is the tent and reflective material for the most part, and minimal light leakage at the zipper points... I would say none, but after a month of screwing around some of the flaps that cover those areas toward the floor at the front, at least in my case are not as 'meshed up' against the front as they used to be, but that's mainly from me bending them... it's not really a 'light leak' concern though from photo-plant perspective it's just sometimes if I'm not anal when I close up the tent and can look to one little spot and I can see that the lights are on in the tent - which is actually net-net a good thing. It's nothing 5$ with of velcro stick'ems would not resolve if I cared enough. The window flaps on both main 'doors' are excellent and are holding up well, and SUPER handy for just popping my eyes on my babies or temps etc in the tent without having to open it, and the velcro around them is solid, feels like day 1 every time I use them thus far.
Hi there Jnv123 Thanks for the comments about the nice tent.

It's a Gorilla Grow 2ft x4ft 6ft.10" tent. It also comes with 1ft extension poles and skirt to make it 7.10"ft. AND you can get a 2ft extension for it separately for I think like 70$ or something. As for procurement, you can probably order it on their website or via a retailer\var. They are more expensive than many other tents though. gorillagrowtent dot com

I got mine via a package deal I went for via a third party.

As for the tent. I have nothing bad to really say about it over all.

I would say it's got plenty of vent options and cord hole options that should fit most setups. The single 4ft top cross beam and two 2ft beams are sturdy and work well, rest of the tent is sturdy and solid, knocking into it you never feel it wobble or anything.
But I do wish you got two 4ft cross beams and three 2ft'er because for me anyway it would have made hanging and configuration options a little easier - but I made it work, and if anyone is handy a little trip to hardware store and 1" pvc pipe and some creativity would solve my issue... I just didn't bother yet.

The zippers are high quality as is the tent and reflective material for the most part, and minimal light leakage at the zipper points... I would say none, but after a month of screwing around some of the flaps that cover those areas toward the floor at the front, at least in my case are not as 'meshed up' against the front as they used to be, but that's mainly from me bending them... it's not really a 'light leak' concern though from photo-plant perspective it's just sometimes if I'm not anal when I close up the tent and can look to one little spot and I can see that the lights are on in the tent - which is actually net-net a good thing. It's nothing 5$ with of velcro stick'ems would not resolve if I cared enough. The window flaps on both main 'doors' are excellent and are holding up well, and SUPER handy for just popping my eyes on my babies or temps etc in the tent without having to open it, and the velcro around them is solid, feels like day 1 every time I use them thus far.

Thanks for the details. That's awesome. I had no clue they made them with extensions. I just grew out of my 4' tent and purchased a 5' tent yesterday. Because width is an issue. I needed a tent with the dimensions of 2x4. We'll I will definitely look into the tents withs extensions. That's so convenient.
I'm also subbed in to join the show. I love all the details. I'm 4 weeks into flower with my girls and I'm always down to follow people that are thorough. Helps others to learn off of your successes and mistakes!
Good luck!!
I feel your dehumidifier may be a dudd from what ive been reading

I'm starting to think the same, I wanted to give it another day or so to test but if still doing basically next to nothing I may try returning it (getting a swap\replacement from mfg), for 135$ I expected it to do a better job, I've seen little 45$ manual ones (down side is no specific humidity control) that do better thus far.
day - 40 (evening check in)

9pm - Lights have been on about two hours. CC looks sort of ok, WW same droop as at noon.

RH did not break 60 over sleep time with DHum in there, it did collect about 35ml of water during that time,
but getting to 60% even, isn't acceptable to me. Have it turn down to 35% setting now...just to see what it will collect if any different vs 40%.
Day 41 - Morning\Afternoon

Overview: Temps were 72-77 yesterday; RH last 24hr period total was 40-57%, finally below 60 but I doubt that will last. Lots of growth all of a sudden overnight (I noticed too when I poked my head in there at 3am), though not where I was expecting it.

Mrs.Widow highest point is now 13", but some of her center area mini-tops shot straight up like an inch+. IDK if this cause she's now doing her 'stretch' or if it's that one extra inch on the lights I added, that said those shoots aren't dense like trained ones toward the pot edges. Miss broken branch even added a little height though not as much as everyone else, wonder if that's cause I set her minor lst restraint free.

Miss Cane, eh.. she added some height both at the top and marginally at the center, but her outer branches feel like they're starting to dense-up. I swear I notice early calcium issues starting like on every leaf today kind of out of nowhere... but maybe it's just discoloration from all the spraying. Idk I may go a little crazy and throw a couple full tsp of lime on her topsoil before watering. She is roughly 11" at high points now.

Pots got weighed CC: 13lbs WW 12.8lbs. So they have to wait till at least tonight, probably more like tomorrow morning...or very very late tonight, doubt they can wait till tomorrow evening (ww anyway). That will have only been about 3 days though, but it has been dryer over all (even if not during lights out).

Dehumidifier pulled about small plastic cup out ~100-150ml in 12hr+ hours, RH was staying around mid 40's with it in the tent...maybe 3% less then without it? IDK if that's worth 100 watts. Outside room though I notice was staying 37-38, so I mean it was doing 'something'. I think I'll just flip my AC to dry mode though during lights out and try to remember to undo that every evening, kind of sucks though cause gonna make my whole outside room uncomfortable going <38%.

Pics... today btw these pics are again from around noon, don't mind the slight droop, apparently my girls like to start doing that ~2hr before full lights out and 1hr before side-lights-out.

Top Shot:

Haha can't even fit them both fully in the shots anymore.

Miss Cane:

Nothing really to say more about her today.

Mrs Widow:

If this the beginning of "the stretch", it's odd that CC who is a week ahead of her is not showing
similar yet.

Anyway I didn't do it this morning\afternoon, but since ww came up a bit I do need tonight to jack up all the lights again I guess maybe 1/2" to 1" to stay consistent. Poor Candy Cane getting jipped
on the light though..imho. Maybe I leave her side lights where they are and just do the rest.
Day 42 (Early Morning) - Storms are brewing in your ppms.

Temps were ok last 24 73-79 (the 79 was when I had the tent open for 3 hours watering). RH was 39-54%... so we got that going for us, though that 54% was cause I took the outer room down to 35% during lights out via the A\C. Probably way the +1f on the low temp because ac cooling was running less during lights out. During that time the dehumidifier pull about 100ml out..sigh, I can't wait to write that shitty review later today on amz.

The pot about midnight were weighed; CC: 12.4lbs , WW: 12.2lbs, so I watered and my exit water ph problems continue, and now we can add ppm issue to WW for that matter, more on that later though, let's get the usual out of the way.

Progress - Well heights about the same,CC: 11" and WW:13" though without rounding up. WW center tops are now about even with the side ones. CC eh.. idk what she's busy doing but it's not height growth.

Leaves: CC is showing more of what I was calling calcium deficiencies, basically everywhere. In addition she's picked up tiny circular brown spotting here and there. WW has this spotting as well, though less of it - for the moment, and I'm spotting some of the same calcium deficiencies here and there now in her as well, as I sadly figured I might a week ago. Clearly shit's all fucked up and nothing to date has solved whatever is going on.

During watering I removed a couple more dead leaves at very bottom, these were very small fkers near ground level sort of pointlessly growing out the main stem and getting far as I could tell zero light. I checked these dead leaves, or nearly dead for bugs, I didn't spot anything.

Let's do the pics.. these were about 6am, a few hours after watering adventure were completed.

Top shots:

The light shots are for me. BTW I did move them up 3/4's an inch last night after lights on as planned.

Miss Cane:

The larger white specs ain't bugs, it's random flakes of dolomite and\or d-earth particles.
So much wind there is no keeping everything off them. As for these brown spots
on everything. Probably really bad news relating to ph, my only hope is that's not
it but just spotting from maybe these flakes getting wet during foliage feeding earlier
in the week... yeah I know that's not it too, just lying to myself to feel better.
On the good news side crystal shine is starting to show up on the bud areas.
New Leaves are so tiny around them though, yet another sign of def\ph problems.

Yes you can see the leaf tips ever so slightly starting to burn... that kicked in after
feeding today... great lets add some more light nute burn to the problem set, even though I feed
ever so slightly less this time vs last time, go figure. lol

Mrs. Widow:

Yeah I see the tip burn, it was there before watering too, it's why she got marginally less feed than CC
and yet it still got worse, I know what that is, but didn't know it till watering was over. Anyway
you can see the spotting starting in on her like CC. on CC it's kind of everywhere, on WW not
so much yet - all that was there b4 watering.

Ok so...uggh (yeah I'm a little tired and dejected today) the watering log:

Candy Cane:
Water In
- Evaporated bubble tap 1 gallon.
- 45% of 'scheduled' flower nutes 6ml boost, 6ml bloom,1.2ml awesome blossums;1.3ml thrive-alive-red; 6ml sugardaddy; +5ml of magi-cal (exception to schedule that calls for 2.5ml).
- Prewater soil treatment - 1 full tablespoon of dolomite lime powder spread around and churned slightly into top inch of soil.
- Final ppms ~880; ph b4 adjust: 6.2 ph after adjust with ph-up: 6.6-6.7

Exit Water Samples (using both ph meters for every sample..or just about.)
Head: ppm 800; 6.12/6.2 ph; [tray]
Middle:ppm 790; 6.03/6.1 [cup]
Middle:ppm 720; 6.10/6.2[tray]
Middle: ppm 700; 6.2/6.11 [tray]
Tail: ppm 700; 6.2/6.11 [tray]
Tail: ppm 660; 6.13/6.2 [cup]
Very very Tail:650; 6.24;6.3 [tray]

Total exit ML - 800ml (~20%)

Water in 4 waves... 1000 slowly going around edge + wait 5m, 1000 + wait 5min,1000+ wait 5min; ~700 tail slowly around edges.

White Widow:
Water In
- Evaporated bubble tap 1 gallon.
- 40% of 'scheduled' flower nutes 6ml boost, 6ml bloom( hair less than 6ml),1.0ml awesome blossums;1.0ml thrive-alive-red; 6ml sugardaddy; +5ml of magi-cal (exception to schedule that calls for 2.5ml).
- Prewater soil treatment - 1 full tablespoon of dolomite lime powder spread around and churned slightly into top inch of soil.
- Final ppms ~800; ph b4 adjust: 6.25 ph after adjust with ph-up: 6.5-6.6

Water in 4 waves... 1000 slowly going around edge + wait 5m, 1000 + wait 5min,1000+ wait 5min; ~700 tail slowly around edges.

Exit Water Samples
Head: 650ppm; 6.22/6.3 ph [tray]
Middle: 840ppm; 6.12/ 6.2 [cup]
Middle: 880ppm; 6.19/6.3 [tray]
Middle: 950ppm; 6.21/6.20 [tray]
Middle: 1100ppm; 6.31/6.4 [tray]
Tail: 1100ppm; 5.97/6.0 [cup]
Very very Tail: 1100ppm; 6.34/6.4 [tray]

Total exit ML - 700ml (~18%)


Gotta be kidding me with the increasing ppms on WW right? lmao, if that doesn't spelll f l u s h, I don't know what does, put a gallon of ~800 in.. get most of the gallon out as ~1000? Problem was I wasn't prepared for that at the time, ie ready with 15 or even 10 gallons really.. so it'll have to either wait till tomorrow or the next watering. I honestly get the feeling it would be a bad idea to wait, but the flip side of me says what's done is done.

As for the universal low exit, I still don't know what's up with that. So this time you might notice I didn't use distilled, I did that because frankly I was wondering if there are not some 'trace elements' in the tap that I need. Second I did not add the dolomite to the water this time, because I wondered if it was throwing off my 'ph ing' of the solution - even though it shouldn't much in theory so I added a shit load to the soil directly, actually it's not shit load it's about 1/10th (2tbsp per 'gallon' of soil) of what I would have mixed in at day 0 - though more properly distributed then. I figure with what I've added in water so far we're probably up to 2/10ths and I was going to add another 1/10th (1tbsp) coat next watering too; both in attempts to help buffer ph, and deliver calcium. Thus far though it seems either I'm going to soft with it, or it's just not having an effect, I wanted to just dump like 5tbsp in each but my gut was screaming that would be over reaching in a bad way.

Was hilarious that the song Sara was playing when I first noticed WW raising ppms as things went on and was like... oh how this chorus is appropriate about storms brewing.

I swear every time I think I can relax with these things for a day or two 12\24hr go by and I got something to worry about again. uggh I need more coffee probably another thing or two to mention but that sums up the basics.
Re: First Timer - Soil - 600W LED - White Widow & Candy Cane Autos - 2x4x7 Tent

Don't worry Knighthawk, plants are still looking beautiful. I'm sure you will get it figured out. For everything that could possibly be wrong with them, they don't look too bad!

I hope so lol. Thanks though, needed that.
Re: First Timer - Soil - 600W LED - White Widow & Candy Cane Autos - 2x4x7 Tent

I hope so lol. Thanks though, needed that.
You'll be glad that you added the dolomite lime imo, I add same way at 2tbs per gallon of soil. I used it my last grow also and never had any ph problems and it also adds calcium and magnesium, gre stuff...️
Re: First Timer - Soil - 600W LED - White Widow & Candy Cane Autos - 2x4x7 Tent

You'll be glad that you added the dolomite lime imo, I add same way at 2tbs per gallon of soil. I used it my last grow also and never had any ph problems and it also adds calcium and magnesium, gre stuff...️

Yeah I have much more to add to get up to 2tbs per gallon of soil though.

I'm at about 2tbs total thus far, I figured it would be a bad idea to just throw 9 or 10 in there in one go all at once out of frustration, and it's like I can really get in there to till up the soil much. I sort of can for the first 1" or so with little stick at angles and such but beyond that access is pretty limited atm. So my plan\hope was to next time (if post watering didn't turn into a disaster this to added 1 or 2 more, and sort of just keep at over time probably stopping around when I can add it all up to around 8tsp (they are 5 gallon pots). My theory was with each water and tilling of the first inch or so it should at least somewhat make it's way down eventually.

Or.. does anyone thing should I just dump 6-8tbs more in the top soil next time and call it a day once and for all?
I was thinking slow and steady may eventually correct the problem slowly over time but maybe not, or maybe I don't have that kind of time.

BTW girls for what it's worth are looking pretty good tonight all things considered, WW for first time in weeks is slightly pointing her top leaves upward...ain't seen in that since like week 3 (usually even==good for her).

Widow first, Cane second tonight. /me crosses fingers they look the same in the morning regardless of any other problems.
Hey, knight, good work, these are looking good!
It looks to me like the buds are forming nicely. If you're starting to see trichs you'll have your loupe out soon.

Remember you're going to lose leaves as the stored energy and nutrients move from fan leaves to sweet bud. The plant doesn't need all those leaves. It gives me the worries every time, too.

I would go slow on adding too much dolomite lime too fast. If you overadjust, by the time you see results, if any, you may be tipping another parameter. I can't give any specific advice about your ppm etc because I don't use that methodology, since I've mostly grown outdoors. But to me it looks like your plants are cruising will make it just fine.
Thanks Boatshoe for all that info and advice, helpful indeed.

BTW Yeah I have 2 scopes, one 60x-100x standalone and one supposedly 40x-250x usb one that takes pics.

I can barely use either of them for leaves "on the plant" thus far as my hands are apparently too unsteady, though if I turn the fans all off, the usb one I can sometimes hold and inch or so off the plant and get a decent 40x or 60x type shot per 10 tries (though on screen I can see stuff pretty good), lol, don't know how people do it, maybe the 10$ loupe would have been the better option after all. That said works fantastic on leaves off the the plant or when I can actually get a steady support. I actually snapped a couple close ups on watering day but out of like 30 shots they all came out like crap even though I could see pretty good on screen (the act of hitting 'snapshot' screws me up). I'll keep trying with it though, maybe I can rig up something to help steady me or just yank them from tent went doing it to get better leverage\resting points when doing it.

Example of shitty pics from Miss Cane:

On the dolomite lime I'll stick with slow addition, maybe do 1tbsp more at next watering each and then maybe chill for a bit (3/10ths total) and see how that plays out for a week after that without adding more, or maybe just a pinch to the water like I had been doing in past, I know it's not an instant fix.
Re: First Timer - Soil - 600W LED - White Widow & Candy Cane Autos - 2x4x7 Tent

Yeah I have much more to add to get up to 2tbs per gallon of soil though.

I'm at about 2tbs total thus far, I figured it would be a bad idea to just throw 9 or 10 in there in one go all at once out of frustration, and it's like I can really get in there to till up the soil much. I sort of can for the first 1" or so with little stick at angles and such but beyond that access is pretty limited atm. So my plan\hope was to next time (if post watering didn't turn into a disaster this to added 1 or 2 more, and sort of just keep at over time probably stopping around when I can add it all up to around 8tsp (they are 5 gallon pots). My theory was with each water and tilling of the first inch or so it should at least somewhat make it's way down eventually.

Or.. does anyone thing should I just dump 6-8tbs more in the top soil next time and call it a day once and for all?
I was thinking slow and steady may eventually correct the problem slowly over time but maybe not, or maybe I don't have that kind of time.

BTW girls for what it's worth are looking pretty good tonight all things considered, WW for first time in weeks is slightly pointing her top leaves upward...ain't seen in that since like week 3 (usually even==good for her).

Widow first, Cane second tonight. /me crosses fingers they look the same in the morning regardless of any other problems.
You can just mix best you can and then just put the rest of lime one​ there and I put a this layer of soil over top of lime and just give good watering, as you water over a period of times it will soak it in and work fine, that how I done last grow cause I was already planted, this grow I mixed with my soil...️
I was a little scared to top dress with that much also on my last run, they was only 9 days old when I done it i done it as told by a member on here and im glad I did, my pH stayed in check and I never had any cal or mag problems the whole grow, I still added calmag every watering...️
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