God's First Grow - COB & LED - Cuvee, Jack Skellington - SCROG

Temps been running a bit high the past week lights on, 84-86, assume it's because I lowered my light

Plants started clawing a bit, seem less moist to the touch so I decided to move my lights back up to 36", see if it'll help at all

Fed them this morning, either gonna feed them one more time or begin to flush them, and will probably switch lights over on Monday to 12/12

Re: First Grow - Indoors - LED - Cuvee, Jack Skellington, Mystery - SCROG

Looking for some help/advice on PH levels if someone can assist
First off what is the actual PH of my medium? Is it the run off, or the run off + the difference?

So ph'd my water to 5.8, run off = 6.9, is my PH therefore 6.9 or 6.9+1.1 = 8.0?

Been concerned about my high PH for a few weeks now, haven't added anything to soil yet but I did water them with PH 3.8 water a couple days ago and my run off was still 6.2, so really wanna get a grip on understanding this and getting it under control, trying to get it at 5.8

Any advice help would be much appreciated ..

Came over for a look after our strain chat. Best way to test soil pH is via slurry test. Equal amts. of soil & neutral water, let sit for 20-30 min. then check pH & TDS. Runoff is unreliable....captures salts from bottom of pot. :Namaste:
Re: God's First Grow- COB & LED - Cuvee, Jack Skellington - SCROG

So relocated my whole tent to another spot in hopes of being able to get better performance from my exhaust
However in doing so I dropped a bunch of stuff on one of my Cuvees, squished the plant and broke a big stem in half, not the major one luckily
Should I rip that branch off or let it be in hopes it heals itself?
Will post pics later

Paper 1st aid tape is excellent for repairs. Expands as stem grows.

Surprised I haven't killed them yet tbh, 1st grow has been an awesome learning experience so far, made a lot of mistakes, but have learned a ton from them.

Nutes has been a bit crazy, switched them mid veg, started introducing root stimulator etc... There was times(when using the root stimulator) ppm was up to about 2700 when they were only 1 or 2 weeks into veg lol.... So yeah, shocked they aren't worse

I'd been using CalMag + my nutes for recent feedings, today I decided to cut out the CalMag(because of what you listed), would that help in reducing N enough? I use tap water, ph is 8.0-8.2, ppm is about 220. I added CalMag for no real reason at all honestly lol, I'd seen it was good for grows with LED, but because my water ppm is naturally so high really don't think I need it.

And Sensi Star will be added to the list for sure ;)
So temps are much better now, dropped back down to the 76-78 range, raising that light helped a ton, and the plants look much happier for it .

Will take your advice on the nutes and drop them down a bit, I feed them every Mon, Wed, Fri about 2 gal, previously it was fertilome 20-20-20 5ml/gal + CalMag 5ml/gal

Moving forward I'll cut the fertilome to 2.5ml/gal. On Friday I'm going to start flushing them in prep of switching to 12/12 on Monday. I'll flush on Fri+Mon then Wed I'll start them on the fertilome 9-58-8 half dose for flowering.

When flushing them 2 questions, 1) Should I be flushing them with ph 7 water or ph 5.8? 2) Should I include CalMag in the flush?

Here they are this morning looking all happy .

I'll also start defoliating pretty soon, don't want to wait too far into flower to be plucking leaves
Went ahead and ordered my seeds for my next grow.

Pyramid Seeds - Tutanchamon x6 Fem
Next Gen - Rom Haze x10 Reg
Connossieur Gen - SSSDH x11 Reg

Freebies were;
World of Seeds - Landrace Afghan Kush + Landrace Kilimanjaro
TH Seeds - Sage N Sour + Heavy duty fruity
Delicious Seeds - Sugar Black Rose

2 reg seeds of each, so 10 freebies. Hopefully they can here safe and in time ;)
Decided to do some defoliating, may have gotten a bit carried away ...

This is from 2/3 plants

They look a bit sad now, but I'm sure they'll bounce back in no time!

I decided I'll give them an additional week in veg before I switch to 12/12, should give them plenty of time to heal up and all those new bud sites some time to grow .
Really hard to tell from the pics but I took a lot of leaves off, they're a bit slouchy but look 100x better then I thought they would

Fucked up and topped a bud site, oh well shit happens, with a week to veg still, plus growth in flower stage hopefully it'll be enough time to recover and produce still .

Fed them all CalMag + 1/2 nutes, so hopefully they'll be perked right up tonight .
Couldn't upload pics from phone earlier for some reason so here we go.

This is them this morning after their sleep but before their feed, they look somewhat sad after that heavy defoliate(even know you couldn't really tell from pics)




Here they are a couple hours after their feed, looking much happier!




And here's the underneath, starting to look tidier, will continue to defoliate little by little to clean it up during the final week of veg.



The best part was the smell on my hands, very sweet sickly/sour smell, t'was glorious ;)
I think I was scared to defoliate cause I didn't know what to pick away lol.... Now that I know, I'll be making it an ongoing thing, will make it so much easier

1 of the things that attracted me to this line of nutes is apparently there's 0 salts in it so should never have to flush cause of salt build up... however I was running the GH trio, so do plan on flushing before I switch to 12/12

Sage N Sour will actually probably replace SSSDH for my next grow, SSSDH has an extremely long flower time compared to Rom Haze and Tutan, try to keep the mixes with similar flower times, so SSSDH will probably wait till my grow after and I'll get some strains to go with it that have longer flowering times
Hi God. Still pissed that you kicked me out of heaven, but I'll follow your grow anyway

Hmm...IDK know about no salts when see numbers like 20-20-20 & 0-58-9? But you know best. Am organic so used to way lower numbers. SSSDH doesn't take much longer than SnS....60-70 days usually. :Namaste:

That's not too bad then, SB had them listed as 10-12 weeks wheres as Rom haze and Tutan were 60-65

And no I def don't know best lol, could be completely off with no salts, it was just one of the main points that made me switch from flora series to this, can't really find much info on it right now though
Re: God's First Grow- COB & LED - Cuvee, Jack Skellington - SCROG

Duct tape God - It's truly miraculous shit

If its just a branch it's not a big deal, you could try holding it together, it might still grow
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