Gorilla Seeds Blueberry Twist 6 Week Flower Let's Find Out

Tbh mate i have never tried any of those. (so i might get the same results from somthing cheaper than £35 a bottle uk)
I never used boost at all just a/b and calmag right to harvest.
I just seem to get healthy looking ladies right to harvest using it.
Not many times since i started with there boost (shogun) i get much yellowing
At first it tricked me and i left a few grows to long as they looked so good.
Im defo one of those if its not broken just try and make it easier type of men.
I'm with you, most of my grows are done with just CaMg A/B PK, but I do try stuff mainly out of curiosity
Big Bud is handy for a PK Fe & S boost
Coming along nicely mate - think we all knew 6 weeks was click bait lol
Do you not use any Big Bud/Bud Candy type stuff Skunksta?
Bit more pokey than Boost
I didn’t!

I legit thought it was a possibility.

Very smart marketing there Skunk!

I didn’t!

I legit thought it was a possibility.

Very smart marketing there Skunk!

The breeder Trala 6/7 weeks it had on the webby
Now the web site says 7-10 weeks.
When i won them back 3 month ago it was 6-7 weeks.
Of there webby after there ninja edit.

Try Blueberry Twist Once & You'll Never Settle for Anything Less!​

Trust us, my friend - You have never tasted a Blueberry like this! These 100% feminized seeds painstakingly crafted by Advanced Female Seeds are devilishly good with concentrated fruit flavours that somehow sucked the heart, the soul & the very essence from this incredibly popular fruit.

Blueberry Twist is a heavily frosted masterpiece that can finish in as little as 6 short weeks if you're in a hurry or prefer brighter flavours, but she'll reward you for your efforts & patience if you let her go just a bit longer with slightly larger yields & a more refined effect. Trust us - you won't be sorry either way!

Try Blueberry Twist Seeds today or regret it forever!

  • Blueberry Twist Can Finish In As Little As 6 Short Weeks!
  • Extreme Frost, Extra Dank, Maximum Crystalization
  • Rich & Smooth with Full-Bodied Fruit Flavour - Yum!

Both the yield and the effect have been vastly improved compared to older Blues with massive volumes & epic power that'll rock your socks, knock your knees & cross your eyes. She's so good, we stamped this baby not once but twice with the Gorilla Seal of Approval! Ready to get Blueberry Twist-ed?

Stacking really well! Is there nitrogen in your calmag that you think made them too green?
Not sure mate tbh i know it does not list N as an ingredient.
Just naturally occurring ingredients or so they say.
I think what ever is in it kinda replaces the need for so much mag.
I use 1ml to L unless i see a problem the feed chart calls for 0.5 all the grow.
I have dropped it back down.The other lady has no signs of the problem tbh and feeds from the same bucket.
Btw thanks for the input i will grab a pic you might be able to to help spot something else.
Changed the bucket today also its been about 10 days since i changed it.
As said no issues on the other lady.
But on some of the larger fans.
Pics update ;)




So with all the love some other company is getting.
From me also i thought it was about time to show @Mars Hydro some also.
So these ladies have been under my FCE3000 with one of @Mars Hydro 4inch ducting fans.
I have been growing under this and the FC3000 for a few years now.
I have nothing but good things to say the lights have been faultless from day one.
I own a few lights which would cover this space.BUT i choose to still use the FCE3000.
And if not for an offer i would still be using them both and would be happy doing so.
The even spread bar lights give is great and the FC/FCE models do a fantastic job at that.
The price point / wattage is what makes them one of the best in the range on the market.
I still see the odd post about @Mars Hydro being poor due to some ones review online about
how it broke out the box its burnt out etc etc.I would say after owning a few user error is the main cause.
Pulled power sockets over loaded home electrical circuits etc. Rant over here are the ladies and even after
all issues they have had under this light i expect at least 5/6 oz a plant of good bud.
Few oz of popcorn.

Ps. Pic for shed. ;)










Ye only upper mate i know i should not.
BUT when one lady in fine and is closer to the light i never thought lights.
But diff strains i guess.
Upper fans? Ca need from the lights? Nothing noshing the underside?

Love the frosted edges though!
Ye I took a leaf will scope. But looks like
Light burn to me. Nothing on lower growth.
Just the tops. Will watch see if it spreads lower.
The back the white dot ish you might think are bugs.
is the back side of the marks nothing moving
Thanks god. ;)

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