GR's 5 Plant Vertical Grow Winter 19/20

After this morning's final irrigation cycle I made a 2.5 gallon mix of nutes and Great White and hand watered the ladies giving them their weekly dose of Great White. Next rez fill I will take what is remaining in the rez and add RO and a touch of Calimagic to bring the ppm down to around 400 ppm and do a mini flush.
Refilled the tub with 21 gallons of nute mix today, 825 ppm, starting ppm of RO water was 105, so about 720 ppm going to plants w/the extra Cal/Mag in the RO water.
A little higher than I would normally do at this time, but not overly.
I can't wait till day 21 prune, these ladies are thick and heavy and in need of a trim. I will be doing the major trim at that time, removing back growth, fans and anything that will not get proper light.
Going to be backing of the nutes, down to around 550 to 600 ppm, with a good flush, when I trim at that time. I believe that problems I have had at around week 5 of flower is due to not reducing nute rates after the 21 day trim and the amount of nute is too much for the amount of leaf on the plants, causing some lockout. After I see the ladies are doing ok from the trim I will begin increasing the nutes.

Any thought on this guys?
I believe that problems I have had at around week 5 of flower is due to not reducing nute rates after the 21 day trim and the amount of nute is too much for the amount of leaf on the plants, causing some lockout. After I see the ladies are doing ok from the trim I will begin increasing the nutes.

Any thought on this guys?

I think you’re right on the money. I tend to have the same problems around week 5-6. Mine tends to be from pushing too much EC when I switch to my full flower nutes. Plus I don’t really veg for long. I’m betting you won’t hit the lockout this run.
I think you’re right on the money. I tend to have the same problems around week 5-6. Mine tends to be from pushing too much EC when I switch to my full flower nutes. Plus I don’t really veg for long. I’m betting you won’t hit the lockout this run.

Thanks GT,

I say I am going to do this every grow but when it comes time to do the 21 day trim, I always want to push them for fast recovery. I am sorry it happens to you but glad I am not the only one. :)

So do you do the 21 and 42 day trims? I truly believe that is where the problem occurs, going from heavy foliage to very little foliage and continuing with the same rate or increasing nutes is a no no. I really don't know but I will after I complete this 21st day trim. I know I will not stop the trimming, as I have seen the results of not doing a trim compared to doing it.
We'll see how it goes!
I try to do a good defol by day 21 and then let them go. I don’t normally do another heavy one after that, but I only do a few plants at a time. I do a lot of “tucking.”

I think you’re right about the lockout though. Not sure if you’ve seen this chart, but it has helped me in the past. It’s a no-brainer for a grower like you though.

If you're pushing for recovery, then consider biodynamics. Germinating, pruning, fertilizing, watering and everything else can be planned to have an optimal return, waste less fertilizers and stronger plants.
A coworker is developing an internet connected watering system with lunar gardening integrated but I can't talk much about it, otherwise the banhammer will fall on me because they will think I'm promoting an (((unauthorized))) product.

Check these links if you haven't and try to plan your next grow by the moon phase.

If you're pushing for recovery, then consider biodynamics. Germinating, pruning, fertilizing, watering and everything else can be planned to have an optimal return, waste less fertilizers and stronger plants.
A coworker is developing an internet connected watering system with lunar gardening integrated but I can't talk much about it, otherwise the banhammer will fall on me because they will think I'm promoting an (((unauthorized))) product.

Check these links if you haven't and try to plan your next grow by the moon phase.

Some cool reads fuck im baked lol:passitleft: :nerd-with-glasses:
If you're pushing for recovery, then consider biodynamics. Germinating, pruning, fertilizing, watering and everything else can be planned to have an optimal return, waste less fertilizers and stronger plants.
A coworker is developing an internet connected watering system with lunar gardening integrated but I can't talk much about it, otherwise the banhammer will fall on me because they will think I'm promoting an (((unauthorized))) product.

Check these links if you haven't and try to plan your next grow by the moon phase.

Interesting, will read up on this for the future.
Looking at the given periods for this grow is 180 off, so have to go with what I have got.
This morning I pulled the ladies from the tent, removed a couple of fans and put the nets on them. Would not normally do this till about the 5th to 6th week, but damn they are stretching an need to keep them away from the lamps, had a few burned leaves when I pull them today.
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Group Shot 1/12/20 Ladies have grown about 10 to 12 inches in the past 4 days
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Got um in a line, note how the netting holds the plants back.
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Look down from the top of the tent.
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After installing the netting today 1/12
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The grow is playing well with each other.

Pleased with the ladies, maybe miss start of flower by a few days but all is good if they don't explode over the next 11 days. If that happens I will just have pull the ol' Super Crop gig.
Whiskey and Cheese go well together on a winter night.

13 days into flower and it has happened again, over stretching. Eight inches above the upper lamp.

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But tomorrow, day 13 of 12/12 I will pull them, rearrange them on their screens and do a bit of Super Cropping as needed.
I can’t wait to see how this plays out!

:thumb: :nomo:

Thanks NH

Will count bud sites tomorrow when I pull them from the ol' 4x4 for their 14 day inspection and glamor shots.
They are looking at least as full as my past vertical grows, stretch is unfucking real. Bud sites will tell the tell!
Update: Day 14 of 12/12

Everything is looking good, the stretch is continuing, did a bit of LST and Super Cropping today. Removed some of the fans, removed the nets and refastened the plants to the screen. After reinstalling the nets, moved the branches around to begin filling the nets. I removed the fans to open up the bud sites and get ready for next week's 21 day trim. I am hoping that splitting the trim may help prevent the problem I have had during other grows, a sort of a lockout at around the 5th week of flower. I will be lowering the EC and doing a flush with a low EC/pH'ed solution when I do the 21 day trim. By doing this flush at that time I believe it will allow the plants to recover without higher EC to damage the new growth. This leading to the 5th week of flower and the addition of P/K.
Here are the ladies: The Triple Cheese's
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Triple Cheese number 4, removed the net to trim and reinstall the net.
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Side view with the net removed, you can see why the nets are needed, these plants stretch directly toward the lamps.
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Put the net back on and tucked into the net.
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All tied back and headed back into the tent.
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Ayahuasca Purple
No forward view but here is the thick side view.
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And the net installed
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This is how much room that was created by using the net.
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Tying the plants back and using the screen sort of makes the canopy fairly dense but when I do the 21 day trim it should all be good.

These are on the Ayahuasca Purple, can see why I will be Super Cropping these tops.
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Going to add two more water cycles water cycle, reduce each run time on the four middle times but keep the first and last times the same to get the extra DTW and help prevent nutrient buildup.
9;10 pm - 2 minutes
11:30 pm - 1 minute
2 am - 1 minute
4 am - 1 minute
6 am - 1 minute
8:10 am - 2 minutes
This will give me 30 seconds more solution than before adding the extra times. Will be watching this and may cut the three middle times some if I am getting too much runoff.

Damn brother, you're getting your freak on!
I'm rooting for you!

Thanks BZ, they are looking good and happy. Got a little bit more Super Cropping to do but want to have it all done by day 21 trim.
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