Guyz vs Galz Grow Off

Sending Love and healing to you and your Mom as well Rob. :circle-of-love:

So, I'm heading out again, but real quick here.

Might be best to just post them without the canva format, like we would post in a normal journal style? Then the SEO (search engine optimization) would find them. The canva format is an individual image, and doesn't reference the actual photo with strain name, and information of the strain, breeder etc. , so if someone were searching for that strain, breeder etc. SEO would not find it.
We certainly want to keep traffic routed to the site whenever possible. I see this site pop up on my searches on google often now.

I hope that is correct?
Just so you all know, these images look really great 😍, however they will result in zero SEO results for your journals in regards to the strain names, history, etc. If you want your journals to be highly ranked in Google, it might be best to leave them with text or at least duplicate the data somehow. It's your call, just letting you know. More ranking equals more traffic and more followers, for the record. Happy growing everyone! :cheer:

Sending you and your mom lots of love and positive healing energy through the universe @Lady Cannafan :love:

My mom is having troubles too, you ladies are far from alone :Namaste:
These images are Jpegs and will upload via the normal gallery method. It is at that point that one will tag the images. This is no different from uploading a plain photograph. The tags will be there and so will the SEO. There will only be one journal for this competition. These images should pose no problem for SEO or followers. It is an attempt to get the introduction to this journal in a standard format.
Google algorithms have become super clever and they will figure out if you’re duplicating content from other sites. But to determine you’re being naughty, they have to find significant coincidences of text, in similar contexts and/or similar order.

The Internet is huge, so the possibilities of finding a couple of very similar or identical phrases in two or more sites are constantly growing. This type of content is not what Google is looking for.

If you include structured data, Google can display your images in certain rich results, including a prominent badge in Google Images, which give users relevant information about your page and can drive better targeted traffic to your site.

Google extracts information about the subject matter of the image from the content of the page, including captions and image titles. Wherever possible, make sure images are placed near relevant text and on pages that are relevant to the image subject matter.

Likewise, the filename can give Google very light clues about the subject matter of the image. When possible, use filenames that are short, but descriptive. For example, my-new-black-kitten.jpg is better than IMG00023.JPG. Avoid using generic filenames like image1.jpg, pic.gif, 1.jpg when possible. If your site has thousands of images, you might want to consider automating the naming of the images. If you localize your images, remember to also translate the filenames, keeping in mind the URL encoding guidelines if you're using non-latin or special characters.
These images are Jpegs and will upload via the normal gallery method. It is at that point that one will tag the images. This is no different from uploading a plain photograph. The tags will be there and so will the SEO. There will only be one journal for this competition. These images should pose no problem for SEO or followers. It is an attempt to get the introduction to this journal in a standard format.
What I'm trying to say is if you use an image instead of text, you will not receive Search Engine Optimization for the thousand words compiled into the image with a few tags. You will only get SEO for the tags, not all of the text compiled into the image. It's up to you, I'm just letting you know. This is the main reason why we don't do it in our hosted journals.
Google algorithms have become super clever and they will figure out if you’re duplicating content from other sites. But to determine you’re being naughty, they have to find significant coincidences of text, in similar contexts and/or similar order.

The Internet is huge, so the possibilities of finding a couple of very similar or identical phrases in two or more sites are constantly growing. This type of content is not what Google is looking for.
If you include structured data, Google can display your images in certain rich results, including a prominent badge in Google Images, which give users relevant information about your page and can drive better targeted traffic to your site.
Google extracts information about the subject matter of the image from the content of the page, including captions and image titles. Wherever possible, make sure images are placed near relevant text and on pages that are relevant to the image subject matter.

Likewise, the filename can give Google very light clues about the subject matter of the image. When possible, use filenames that are short, but descriptive. For example, my-new-black-kitten.jpg is better than IMG00023.JPG. Avoid using generic filenames like image1.jpg, pic.gif, 1.jpg when possible. If your site has thousands of images, you might want to consider automating the naming of the images. If you localize your images, remember to also translate the filenames, keeping in mind the URL encoding guidelines if you're using non-latin or special characters.

That's a good point about the duplicate content, I'd suggest editing it a bit throughout the text to make it more unique.

GREAT point about changing the filenames and adding titles/tags for each image uploaded.
What I'm trying to say is if you use an image instead of text, you will not receive Search Engine Optimization for the thousand words compiled into the image with a few tags. You will only get SEO for the tags, not all of the text compiled into the image. It's up to you, I'm just letting you know. This is the main reason why we don't do it in our hosted journals.
Is this not enough?

Carmen Ray

Seedbank: @Sweet Seeds and @SeedsMan
Strain: Orange Mandarin XL Auto and Blueberry Auto
Medium: Revitalized used living organic soil
Indoor: It will not be possible to control the temperature and humidity of the grow space, so I try not to worry too much about that.
Lights: 2 x @ViparSpectra XS 1500 Pro LEDs

Strain Info:
(insert infographic here and tag it for SEO)
with a credit to the seedbank for plagiarizing their site info! Isn't everyone just copy pasting off the seedbanks' websites?

I don't know what you want. Sorry.
Maybe stick to the basics with tags such as seed Bank, strain, lights, etc and then just have a link going to each seed strains page if anyone wants to see and/or read about it?!
Original Pictures are great, duplicates or generic picture names items get filtered out. I think

Words are where it's at, descriptions, content, updates, etc.

That's what gets pulled in a search.

When I type in particular words it will pull this items into the search engine. But if it's a canva picture, it won't recognize that data. It will skip it.
It's new to me also. Just trying to figure it all out. If you want to do the canva pictures to keep it clean for the start of journal. For the main post, and then have all the descriptive text in the next post for the strains supplier seed bank etc That would allow a clean looking start, then all the meat for SEO to pull In searches.
It's new to me also. Just trying to figure it all out. If you want to do the canva pictures to keep it clean for the start of journal. For the main post, and then have all the descriptive text in the next post for the strains supplier seed bank etc That would allow a clean looking start, then all the meat for SEO to pull In searches.
That's an option for sure.
Is this not enough?

Carmen Ray

Seedbank: @Sweet Seeds and @SeedsMan
Strain: Orange Mandarin XL Auto and Blueberry Auto
Medium: Revitalized used living organic soil
Indoor: It will not be possible to control the temperature and humidity of the grow space, so I try not to worry too much about that.
Lights: 2 x @ViparSpectra XS 1500 Pro LEDs

Strain Info:
(insert infographic here and tag it for SEO)
with a credit to the seedbank for plagiarizing their site info! Isn't everyone just copy pasting off the seedbanks' websites?

I don't know what you want. Sorry.
This looks like a way to do it. Get all that text, then the infographic tagged for SEO.
Yes, we are copy pasting info from the sponsors sites.
Honestly doesn't matter to me.... The initial page is going to be hella long with each individual description 📜📜📜📜📜📜...... but will have more text for search purposes so that's good for all parties involved.

So it'll be six individual strain descriptions to start, with another strain update/addition midway through for the auto guyz (myself) and galz (Carmen?).
The link to the seed strains would also benefit not only for strain specifics but would act as a link for purchase if a follower was really interested in trying one out.....idk.... Food for thought 🤔🤷‍♂️
Honestly doesn't matter to me.... The initial page is going to be hella long with each individual description 📜📜📜📜📜📜...... but will have more text for search purposes so that's good for all parties involved.

So it'll be six individual strain descriptions to start, with another strain update/addition midway through for the auto guyz (myself) and galz (Carmen?).
Yeah, we had discussed that a while back. But, it shouldn't be a problem for anyone following. They will just scroll to where they want to be.
I vote Let's keep it simple, handle it like any other journal, then posting the info from each member after the introduction post? Unless there is some problem I am not seeing....

Intro post can include who is growing and some basic info. The following posts will give all the details from individuals.
If June first is too soon to start, speak up ya'll. I'm not sure where everyone is at with what they have going currently.
If someone has already dropped beans on or before June 1st, that shouldn't be any problem at all.

I'm going to be MIA the next couple of days, other than a quick check-in answer if needed.

This fun grow has lots of Mama's and Pappa's, so everyone's input is appreciated.
I'd suggest that once you are all set to start growing, you start a new thread, because the first 357 comments in this thread aren't actually about the grow so you've diluted your unique content before you've even started
You can then give it a title that better reflects the content
Just my tuppence [£neg]
If June first is too soon to start, speak up ya'll. I'm not sure where everyone is at with what they have going currently.
If someone has already dropped beans on or before June 1st, that shouldn't be any problem at all.

I'm going to be MIA the next couple of days, other than a quick check-in answer if needed.

This fun grow has lots of Mama's and Pappa's, so everyone's input is appreciated.
I open for anything. I know there is ALOT going on everywhere!

Banana Jealously - 8 to 10 weeks flower per website.

Planned for 10 weeks, myself.

Purple Ghost Candy - 70 to 84 days flower per website.

Planned for 9-10 weeks.

So if everything is timed appropriately, I should be harvesting mid July.

But I have no problem stuffing something in between.
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