Icemud's Organic SCROG! Grow 3.0

Awesome Grow they look so happy and healthy... Hey when you said to bubble my Nutrient solution to keep it fresh What should I put it in? like can i just feed the tube through the top of the gallon jug and let it bubble like that until i need it? How long will it last that way?
Awesome Grow they look so happy and healthy... Hey when you said to bubble my Nutrient solution to keep it fresh What should I put it in? like can i just feed the tube through the top of the gallon jug and let it bubble like that until i need it? How long will it last that way?

Hey Critik! thanks for the compliments and for stopping by my journal!

As far as your plants that are needing help, I have already posted all of the information you need to get them back to health. Check page 1 of your thread for the link on what to use, how to make, and everything you need to know about compost tea...and if not, we have an excellent search feature here at 420.

.... Please do not dump any more nutrients on them!!! NO NUTES for 2-3 weeks... Get bigger pots, mix your soil, transplant your plants immediatly, and feed them compost tea, NO NUTES!

In new soil you should be able to give them only compost tea for a good 3 weeks, possibly more... Soil IS nutrients for the plants, so adding more will not make them grow faster, but will cause your leaves to get thrashed up like you are seeing... I feel like the clone police saying "DRop the bottle of nutrients!!!" lol

I hope this helps ya out, I took a lot of time to write those posts in your thread, I suggest you go back and read them again, because all the instructions and information are there for you... and if not, google is a wonderful thing :)
Hey everyone.... I have something very serious to share, that jeopardizes all of our online freedoms!!! I mean really serious...

Please take a moment to check out this thread I started on CISPA, and take action immediately if you enjoy your privacy!!!

This bill allows the government and private companies to access any and all of our personal information on the internet....what sites we visit, what we search for, what and who we email...and more...Including our very own grow journals and photos.... and guess what... it also removes any "due process" so there are no courts, lawyers or jury to defend you...and no restrictions on where your information goes or what is done with it... PLEASE, go to the link and at least read it...and if you feel strongly about something...sign a petition, repost the links on your social media sites, write your local government officials....

Also...just a note... so far the media is reporting that President Obama will veto this bill...guess what...he said the same thing about the NDAA and signed it right under our noses on New Years Eve, and remember what he told us about leaving medical marijuana states alone??? another lie.... please don't be foolish and believe this hype anymore... see it for what it is and make a stand!!

Thank you everyone for reading and listening to my rant...but this is important.... blessings and may freedom be with you!!

and remember this...

The book "A Brave New World" was written to be fiction, not our instructions for our future!!!!

Thank you for listening!
Yea believe me I read everything and have been paying attention. I just don't want to make a mistake as far as bubbling wrong. I definitely understood the compost tea and feeding with it. I got all that down. Don't think I was not listening I took notes in a notebook. I was just talking about when I do get past all this and when it comes time to feed with nutrients again I was concerned on How long I should bubble it that is all. I thought I could bubble the solution forever until it is gone. But Idk I know you said bubble the Tea till its 6.4 and feed. And once the bubbles are gone it would not be good anymore. Who knows maybe you meant not to use nutrients and to use tea. Did not quite understand when you said Cost way less then bottles of un needed nutrients. But believe me all your info its really appreciated me and my girl are soaking it in. Or what we understood so far about the tea and and all the steps to take untill the 3 weeks are up.

Yea believe me I read everything and have been paying attention. I just don't want to make a mistake as far as bubbling wrong. I definitely understood the compost tea and feeding with it. I got all that down. Don't think I was not listening I took notes in a notebook. I was just talking about when I do get past all this and when it comes time to feed with nutrients again I was concerned on How long I should bubble it that is all. I thought I could bubble the solution forever until it is gone. But Idk I know you said bubble the Tea till its 6.4 and feed. And once the bubbles are gone it would not be good anymore. Who knows maybe you meant not to use nutrients and to use tea. Did not quite understand when you said Cost way less then bottles of un needed nutrients. But believe me all your info its really appreciated me and my girl are soaking it in. Or what we understood so far about the tea and and all the steps to take untill the 3 weeks are up.


You want to bubble it for at least 24 48 hours or somewhere in between... The ways that I look to tell if my tea is ready is this...

1st. I look to see if there is a good layer of bubbles across the top of the 5 gallon bucket. You want a mucky looking froth...almost looks like when you first pour a rootbeer float! lol

2nd. I give it a smell.... If the tea smells sweet or earthy then your tea is good. If you smell the tea and it smells like rotten garbage or spoiled, then do NOT use it, just dump it out and make another one..

3rd... This is not really necessary to do with compost tea's, but I like to monitor mine anyways to know where its at...When I monitor the PH of my compost tea when first mixed, usually it is sitting somewhere between 4.5ph and 5.5PH which is just too low to add comfortably to the soil...(mine is low because I use humic and fulvic acids along with other non nutrient additives) After around 24 hours I will check the PH again, by this time you should see that your ph has come up quite a bit...when you get into the PH6-7 range, your microlife will be the most active and this is the best time I have found to use the tea.... NOW let me say this... With compost tea, it is NOT Necessary to check PH, but is a useful tool when knowing when your tea is bioactivly ready, But is not necessary with compost tea...If you are adding organic nutrient liquids to your compost tea (later in your cycle)...that is when I would pay closer attention to PH because a lot of organic nutrients are bottled at very low PH ranges...

What I meant about the cost.... Compost tea is very cheep to make... for under 25$ you could buy an airpump, airstone, a 5 gallon bucket, molasses and a paint strainer and that's all you need for compost tea...Cheaper than a bottle or 2 of most nutrients and you will have way better results as well.....

To make the compost take your bucket...fill it with water...drop in the airstone and plug in the pump.... Now you have bubbling water with nothing in it.... You take the paint strainer/nylon, fill it up with a good amount of worm casings and soil (just the soil you used in your pots) and toss this soil "teabag" into your bubbling water bucket... Add 1 Tablespoon of molasses and leave the bucket to bubble for 24 hours.... next...use the 3 steps above to determine if your tea is ready...the more frothy bubbles on top the better..and make sure it smells like sweet soil or earth...not garbage...

When your tea is ready.... feed it to your plants... make enough to soak the pots until you get a good amount of runoff, this helps flush any salts that have built up, as well as makes sure that you have saturated all of your soil...

Also... this compost tea makes an excellent foliar spray.... if you have a spray bottle laying around... fill up 1/3 of it with compost tea, and fill the rest up with distilled water or R/O water... no city water (chlorine) Spray your ladies about 5-10 minutes before your lights come on, or 5-10 minutes before the lights go off...

Doing this your plants will grow very fast, you should have no problems with your plants, and they should be of very good quality :)
Day 34 VEG

Hey everyone.... today is day 34 of veg for the girls and there looking amazing!!! I ran out and got the Indonesian Bat Guano that I needed for my mineralized bloom mixture and found the other ingredient for my High Brix Garden that I was missing... Hydrolized Fish... :) I found the correct one with a 2-4-0 ratio, I wanted to stay away from the high N ones which it seems there are quite a few out there. I also wanted only fish, not a blend which it seems like most of the high N ones are as well. I lucked out in finding it at the local garden store...

Well tomorrow will be the day that I am going to mix up the soil and transplant the girls. I finished washing all the run-off dishes that were still dirty so now everything is clean and ready for the girls :) I also am going to see how tall the girls are and may possibly install the V-Scrog screen tomorrow as well.

I am still trying to figure out the positions of the girls in the v-scrog... for those who haven't seen it, the middle section of the scrog screen is flat (enough for 2 plants) and on each side the screen raises up at a 45 degree angle. So usually my stretchy OG kushes go on the sides because they branch less but grow taller, and usually my more bushy strains go to the middle...Last grow the Holy grail OG was perfect in the middle and yielded very well (over 1/4lb per plant) but I also had issues with both of them going hermie on me in the final stages of flowering.. now a clone was given to a very very experienced grower buddy of mine in Norcal...from the same mother that mine was from...and his hermied too... So I have a feeling that this Lineage has a hermie trait, so It makes me very worried about placing it in the middle this time.

I know for sure that my Silverback OG will be tall and lanky so it will go to one side...

I read that the sour bubble doesn't stretch much in flower so I am thinking this one might be a great candidate for the middle..

my 2 platinum bubba's also are supposed to be more bushy than lanky, so they would be excellent candidates for the middle, however, I would like to put one on each side of my tent, to see the effects of one under primarily 600w HPS and the other primarily under the 400w CMH.

The Holy grail I already know does well in the middle, so I may put her there again, and just watch for any banannas...but unsure at this time...

The blackberry kush has me stumped... she seems very lanky, but super thick stems so I have a feeling that she will stretch a lot in flower, but I cant seem to find much info on her.. IF anyone has grown blackberry kush before and would like to let me know the grow style of her, I would much appreciate it :) I think that the blackberry may be good for the taller sides, but really not sure either....I may want to give her the center which gets the best dual lighting and best scrog effect due to the flat screen, but she really hasn't responded to LST like the others, so she may get stuck in the sides...



I'm also mixing up my compost tea tonight...
4 gallons of R/O D/I water
nylon filled with my veg mix supersoil (has a good amount of N and P)(2 guanos, worm cas, humus, FFof/HpyFrg,greensand)
1 TBSP molasses
10ml Liquid Carboload
2 TBSP Hydrolized Fish 2-4-0
30ml Humic Acid

I am also going to topdress the newly potted plants before watering with
1.2 shotglasses calcium Carbonate
1 shotglass soft rock phosphate
.4 shotglass gypsum
1-shotglass of lava sand

Alright...on to the photos!!!

Here are the 2 products I picked up today to finish up my High Brix list of goodies!!!


Here are some shots of the FIM's that I did a few day's ago




Here are full view photos


Blackberry Kush

Platinum Bubba

Silverback OG

Holy Grail OG

Platinum Bubba

Sour Bubble
looking fantastic!!! You know I been doing a little research You think I could add a little bit of BIoroot And some other products but I am also scared of putting too much stuff and making it hot like is that possible? If i add bio root molasses bat guano and a ton of other stuff. How would I determine If it is to hot for my babies or if I need to dilute it before watering?

THnx again Man Hope This grow brings lots of goodies for you.
looking fantastic!!! You know I been doing a little research You think I could add a little bit of BIoroot And some other products but I am also scared of putting too much stuff and making it hot like is that possible? If i add bio root molasses bat guano and a ton of other stuff. How would I determine If it is to hot for my babies or if I need to dilute it before watering?

THnx again Man Hope This grow brings lots of goodies for you.

Here is some helpful links for you...enjoy:)

AACT (actively aerated compost tea)

If all else fails...
click on this link and type in "compost tea" You will find those answers your looking for...
Advanced Search - 420 Magazine™
Hey everyone....whew...long day today... but a very very good one...long story short I have not had a job in almost 2 years...and today not only had a very successful interview doing what I!! and also another interview for next week for a very lucrative firm..Wish me luck... I need it!!! lol good vibes have been flowing lately in my life and I couldn't be more thankful!!

Well about the girls... well spend most of my afternoon getting my soil and additives together, mixed my soil, and repotted all of my ladies into there new home... #4 size Smartpots!! The girls all had outgrown there smaller 2-3 gallon pots and the roots were not rootbound, but starting to circle so I caught them just at the right time. I did not do any root scoring because none of the girls roots were that bad yet, so I figured with them it would be better to leave them. My compost tea wasn't quite ready to feed the girls after transplant but the roots were really healthy white so I think they will be fine until tomorrow when the mix is ready. No sign's of leaf droop or transplant stress either.

Here was my final soil mixture...had to use more Happy Frog than Ocean forest because I didn't want to run out and buy a new bag.

Base Soil
2 1/4 pots Happy Frog
1 Pot Ocean Forest
1/2 pot perlite
3/4 pot worm casings
3/4 pot humus


2.2 cups Calcium Carbonate
2 cups of soft rock phosphate
1.3 gypsum
1 cup myco maximum
1 cup greensand
1 cup lava sand
1 1/2 cups Indonesian Bat guano .5-12-.2
1/4 cup peruvian seabird guano


Well I decided to hold off on the V-scrog screen. The girls aren't quite tall enough to start training them yet, and when the screen is installed, I am not able to lower the lights as much. So I will most likely install it within the next week depending on how fast they take off.

Well...on to the photo's

Mixing the soil




The ladies before the transplant, as the MH is turning on :)


Some of the plants during tranplanting...




The girls enjoying some dual spectrum lighting in there new homes :)



Gorgeous grow! Nice soil mix too. Don't you just love the color of those leaves? You're gonna have some exquisite buds's gonna be epic.

Wow that feels amazing hearing that from you Doc!!! Very much appreciate the kind words and for all the help and knowledge that you have provided!!! Yeah the leaves are amazing... in natural light there almost a blue spruce a dark blue/green, and the new growth and newer stems are neon/bright yellow/green....its truely amazing :) Now that there in the large air pruning pots...with total remineralized soil... I think these girls are going to be amazing :) I probably will give a 2nd try to testing the brix levels of each plant near the end of the week, just to see where there at already... :) Really appreciate you stopping by!!!
Today is day 35 and 1/2 for my I decided to shoot some photo's during there 1 hr light cycle, which breaks up the 12 hr dark for the Gas Lamp Routine. I mainly wanted to see how the girls were taking on in there new pots. They all look pretty good but a few of them seem to be a little saggy. Not sure if its because of the soil being really dry or because of transplant shock, but I decided to give them 1/2 of my compost tea that has been bubbling. I want the moisture to really soak into the new smartpots soil and not run down the sides.

When the lights come back on in a few hours I will give them the rest of their feeding which they are pretty ready for :)

Here are the photo's during the 1 hr light cycle..







Day 36 Veg....

Day 36 veg.....

I just gave the girls the rest of there compost/poop tea. Wow, I never knew how horrible deodorized hydrolized fish smells... yuck...If it stinks that much, I know its going to be good for the plants. My girls this morning looked a little wilted but after giving them some water this morning and upon checking them later, all of them have perked up quite a bit and look normal :)

I am going to give them a day or 2 to get used to there new pots and then start tying them down again with LST. They have to grow about another 4-6" tall to reach where my Scrog screen will fit so I figure why not bush them out a little more. I am in no rush to get to flowering and I am hoping to reach at least .7 grams per watt this grow...last 2 grows were around .59 so if I can hit .7 or higher I know I have improved my training :) I also am really excited to try these High Brix buds, after seeing the smoke reports that Docbud has written...I'm already drooling looking at these girls, and they haven't even gotten into flowering

I decided to add another CO2 sheet to the tent, now that they have plenty of foliage and are receiving more dual spectrum lighting, I figured they could use the boost.

Here are the photo's for today. :)

Full Tent Views



Platinum Bubba

Sour Bubble

Platinum Bubba

Holy Grail OG

Blackberry Kush

Silverback OG
hey man. how its goes, GREAT AS FAR AS I CAN SEE! DAMN MAN
great set up. nice n clean, beautiful plants.
well done thus far brotha :Namaste:

Thanks Deege!!! I am really really impressed with how this High Brix far just amazing :) I appreciate you stopping by!!
I checked on the girls today and on my platinum bubba on the left side of my tent I noticed that some of my leaves, (maybe about 4-5) of them had some white round spots on the top of the leaves. With a closer look with my 30x lupe, it seems that I have PM!!!! well i guess you can never have a grow that goes absolutely perfect, but I guess that would take the fun out of it

Well I think that this PM might be due to a few things... the humidity near the ocean where I live has been really high lately, over 50% so usually my tent has been sitting between 52-60% which is not extremely high, but higher than I would like it. I also have been giving foliar sprays as the light's have been going out, so I have read that this is not the best time to do foliar's, and that may be the cause as well.

So from what I have read PM seems to be a pain in the butt when trying to get rid of it, but I am going to do my best to get rid of it quickly. I read that there are quite a few things that work for PM, so I am going to try organic/natural means first and move into the big dogs if they don't. First I mixed up a 1L spray of R/O water and added around 100ml of milk for a 10:1 ratio. I have read that too much milk will add to the problem, but around a 10:1 ratio it will stop the PM. I also read that Neem oil is effective in prevention of PM spreading so I added about 15-20ml to the spray bottle. I raised my lights as high as they would go and sprayed the crap out of my girls...making sure to hit the topsides and undersides of the leaves. When I was reading about PM it says that usually it will start on the lower or outer leaves, sometimes on the undersides and then spread to the rest of the plant. I wanted to make sure the plant was completely coated to ensure that all the PM got some of the neem/milk/water spray.

After the leave's were wet and there was less chance of spores spreading, I pulled off all the leaves that I visually could see that were infected which was only about 4 total leaves. I am going to keep a close eye on the girls and hope that this works. If they do get worse my next step is to apply potassium silicate(I have advanced nutrients Rhino Skin) or potassium bicarbonate (I'm pretty sure that this is one of the main ingredients in PHup)to the leaves. This I was reading is another good way to get rid of PM so that will be my 2nd line of defense if needed. If all else fails then I will move into using something like SNS or Sulfur, but I am hoping since I caught it early enough I wont need to.

Other than that the ladies look amazing and seem to have really started another growth spurt after the transplant. I will get some more photo's tonight or tomorrow uploaded.
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