Iwltfum's Recirculating Coco GH Journal - Harlequin - Blackwater OG - China Jack

You of course sweat and get a lot wetter at 100F on the gulf coast where the RH is 90+% and you'll sweat just as much at 100F in the desert at 20% but you'll dry so fast that you barely get wet and cool much better too as the drying sweat carries away your body heat. That's why most people like a dry heat better than moist heat. Same thing with plants. The more moisture in the air the harder it is to get rid of theirs.

Drawing up water and nutes, processing everything and getting rid of excess water and waste, O2, is how the plant grows and slowing that cycle slows growth. Not enough fresh air coming into the room to replace the CO2 and growth slows or even stops. Not enough food, light etc and growth is retarded. All links in the growth cycle and the weakest link is the limiting factor in the growth reaction. The bottleneck as it were.

Dialing in your room and all those links is how to get the max out of your plants.

I don't care what they look like if they put out awesome bud I'd grow 'em!

One of my plants does that a bit too. Seems like on leaves that aren't the closest to the light too which is a bit weird.

I've had a few funky plants over the years. A triploid. 3 fans at each node. Didn't get 50% more tho. lol

Twice had males go reverse hermie and start putting out female flowers. Dispatched with extreme prejudice!

One that looked like a bunch of romaine lettuce. Tiny little buds with little buzz.

Oh. I had a seed that grew out two tails but the plant looked like the others.

Believe it or NOT!


Wow it sounds like you've certainly seen your share of genetic issues. Dialing in my room is a process that's always going on based on the season. I completely change the way my rooms move air in the winter compared to the summer. I actually use my vented lights as my houses main source of heat in the winter. But no matter how it's set up, there is always air coming in - one way or another. That's definitely important.
Yesterday, we had one of the worst hail storms that I've ever seen here. It was about an hour long and it dumped a good couple of inches of hail in that time. This morning there were still patches of hail on the ground. I was able to get most of my plants covered up (veggies, ect) because I had a plan for them, but I still haven't come up with a good hail plan for the coco pile plants so I kind of just watched them get beat up pretty bad yesterday with out being able to do a single thing about it. The blackwater got the worst of it since it's the least protected by the surrounding trees, but all three of them have some amount of damage. My sunflowers really got it the worst actually. They are completely shredded and petalless.

Here's the BWOG (all those shredded leaves on the ground!):

Here's to hoping they make a nice comeback!
Wow. They're pretty shot up looking. Bummer

Judging by how the sun flowers looked this morning (basically just stalks sticking out of the ground), I think the herb actually made out pretty good. But your right, they do look very beat up, although it's better than what they looked like right after the storm. This is the second time they've been beaten up by the hail. I need to figure out how to protect them from it.
Bad luck man!

Won't hardly faze them. Cannabis is one tough plant. A few battle scars just shows character and they will make up for the damage in no time.

You must have pissed off, (insert deity of choice), pretty bad to get nailed like that. Toss a little extra in the collection plate on Sunday. :)

Things should go smooth now.


You must have pissed off, (insert deity of choice), pretty bad to get nailed like that.


haha yeah. I was thinking maybe I have some kind of gypsy curse on me or something. So many things going wrong recently. On top of it all: I found spider mites in my bloom room and powdery mildew on the peas a couple days ago. I better sacrifice my blemish free parsley plant or something. I've just been taking it step by step though. Spraying when and where I need to. I've been through some rough patches like this before. Usually it's right about this time of year, if it happens. It's the heat combined with the late summer/early fall hatch of insects.

Plus my area is infamous for damaging hail storms around this time of year. I'm stupid not to have a hail plan for those plants.
We had some wicked lightning not long before dark tonight and a good soak but no hail. Had a few good hailstorms up here too and lots of nasty blizzards to boot.

Got my grow journal started finally. (nudge-nudge, wink-wink) :)

Spent all day yesterday trying to get my unlocked!

Feels better to know I wasn't the only one!

Was there some trick to it pigeons? I sent an email to support, but I feel like gmail has blocked all emails from @420magazine.com or something. I don't know how to get the address unblocked if it is.
Yea I'm on my phone so I can't send a link. But if you go to my journal on the last page. I made a comment with a link in it to retrieve your shit

I read through that yesterday. I sent an email to support@420magazine.com yesterday from the email address linked to my account, but I haven't received a response yet and I haven't received any emails from 420magazine at all in like 24 hrs, but I was getting 10 or 20 a day before. There isn't any support for gmail so there's literally no way to even know if they blocked the domain. I'm about done with this. For being a gardener, I don't have alot of patience when it comes to all this noise.
No kidding. It's super annoying. I take it that at some point my gmail is going to expire and my 420 account will lapse without it? I signed up using a gmail account which I haven't used since. Tried to sign into that account and I can't. Lots of fun computer time but no luck. So maybe it's just a matter of time till I am weaselcracker2 or something like that....
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