Multi-Strain Grow With 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Part 3

Re: Multi-strain grow with 1000w ballast from JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

This 1000w JD Lighting ballast hasn't missed a lick, zero problems for 54 days straight. The only real test left is longevity and I don't see it having any problems with that. Even when I ran it for 7 days testing the 75% setting and lowered the hood by 6" it still rocked along like it was at 100%

Amazingly enough it is all just for ME! Sickening isn't it? LOL


More like a Dream come true !!! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Multi-strain grow with 1000w ballast from JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

I haven't grown out any of my own crosses in awhile so figured it was time to roll the dice again. These seeds will be joined by a special group of seeds from Delicious Seed's arriving this week. Delicious Seed's is helping me along on my search for "Holy Grails" of Cannabis with some Critical Kali Mist, Sugar Black Rose, Caramello, and Critical Sensi Star. The Critical Sensi Star and Caramelo are both the freebies that the Single Seed Centre seed bank are offereing for April freebies so if you got those freebies you can see what they might do for you here.

I picked up a used 3x3x7 tent locally for $50 and it will run my 600w HPS in a cool tube dimmed to 50% or 75%. This tent will be the home of my Delicious Seed's "Holy Grail" search. My 4x4 will still be pumping the 1000w JD Lighting Ballast for my other strains, but will start to limit the number of plants to 4 plants from the current 8 plant rotation. So my plans at this point are 4 monsters under the 1000w and 4 medium sized Delicious Seed's under the 600w dimmed. I guess the 3x3 tent will become the testing grounds to see if new strains are worthy of the 1000w :).

Four 5th Element seeds have cracked and are in the seedling chamber which is just an old school Phototron repowered with a 90w UFO LED. The original 240w PL floro bulbs still work perfect but cause way too much heat in the little thing. 5th Element is my cross of TGA's 3rd Dimension and a Blue Widow, was an accidental cross but a good one. Last run I found 3 different phenos but now looking for the Sativa pheno again.


Re: Multi-strain grow with 1000w ballast from JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

Today is day 59 using the 1000w JD-Lighting ballast and I couldn't be happier with it. I figured a 60 day trial running it horizontal would suffice for testing it out. I will be harvesting 2 plants later this week which will make room for me to use the 1000w vertical in my cooltube, so we shall see what it can do in that. Had thought about running it bare bulb and just put it on the light mover 18" above the canopy, would get some serious coverage but haven't made up my mind yet.



One of the two CSSH coming down later this week which makes room to go vertical

C99 Pineapple pheno. I have 2 other C99 seeds sprouted so I can try and find the Grapefruit pheno, I want to see which is better before making it a permanent mother.
Re: Multi-strain grow with 1000w ballast from JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

Well today is day 60 using the JD-Lighting ballast and I guess we can consider this ballast review complete. Personally if I ever need any other ballasts I will be using a JD-Lighting ballast, no need to fix what isn't broken. The ballast is solid, runs as cool as my old 600w dimmable, and have had zero problems with it. Pure power, ability to dim the ballast as needed, and a great support staff that takes care of their customers and questions immediately. I also like the fact that they are here on the 420mag personally and are a contributing sponsor. I haven't seen one any issues from any of the JD-Lighting users, can't say that about other ballast out there, or that I have used.

In final I would give JD-Lighting 5 stars for equipment, customer service, and a great attitude. Good attitudes are sometimes hard to find in companies but are greatly appreciated from the users of the product. The 1000w ballast will be a permanant resident in my grow, like I said no reason to fix what isn't broken.

Thanks JD-Lighting for my biggest harvest, and the largest most solid buds I have ever grown, even with my normal strains they produced more. My body, mind, and lungs appreciate it!

This journal will continue as normal, I just wanted to give props to JD-Lighting
Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

Thank you for your review, please let us know if we can be assistance of any kind in your future project :thumb:

Thank you for the demo ballast and I will be contacting you soon, I have been tinkering with a new idea I want to try out.

1000w Critical SSH bud at day 46

Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

You never fail to amaze me with each & every update

:bravo: My hat is off to you brotha

That bud looks so good! Couple snips and it will look ready to smoke :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks man, I just see myself as the guy that feeds them :morenutes:and enjoy sharing my info. The equipment and genetics should get all the credit.

The CSSH will be done in a couple of days but I am leaving one of the two plants to run a few days more than my normal 25% amber trichs I pull at with my other strains. Delicious Seed's told me to try it at around 40% amber so I will wait a few days to harvest one. I already know after a 3 week cure that the CSSH will rip your head off and reeks like no other I have grown, so growing her to 40% should be interesting.
Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

wow that last set of bud shots is on point!!! shit makes my mouth water, Seriously!!
Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

dude. those are some primo bugs. plant of the month?/ nug of the month?

Thanks, and she has already been entered in the POTM contest for May
Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

It is so damn hard to not grab my trimmers and start harvesting.

CSSH day 47



Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

Yes that is day 47 and hard as a rock! I count from the flip, I start counting the day after I put them in the flower tent. They already have pistils before going in. It was at 10% ambers on day 42 and, about 20% ambers now. Serious cash cropper pheno, primo buds with a quickness.
Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

Wow that amazes me even more, I thought for sure you counted from pistils (not pre-flowers Lol I should of been clearer)! Do you know if that is a common pheno? They advertise 70% sativa with 9-10 weeks. I would be very interested in purchasing some of those beans If I could get your pheno in a single 5 or 10 pack!

That plant looks delicious! :thumb:

Do you ever make any concentrates or edibles?
Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

Wow that amazes me even more, I thought for sure you counted from pistils (not pre-flowers Lol I should of been clearer)! Do you know if that is a common pheno? They advertise 70% sativa with 9-10 weeks. I would be very interested in purchasing some of those beans If I could get your pheno in a single 5 or 10 pack!

That plant looks delicious! :thumb:

Do you ever make any concentrates or edibles?

It is a first time pheno, guess it hasn't been seen before. Delicious Seed's was shocked too. It has pure long sativa leaves with a massive indica bud growth without the indica hit while smoking, barely noticable body high all in the head just like the regular SSH.

I make plenty of medibles, if you look in my gallery there are brownies, cakes, cookies, and even some jacked up rice krispy treats ;)
Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

A few new additions to the BatCave. Just like all past strains I have done these will be veggged until pre-flower then flowered naturally with no training or topping for their first run. Two clones will be taken from the bottoms of each the day before they are flowered just in case I like them. It is hard to beat what I already have for moms but I enjoy trying to find those "Holy Grails", especially the rare phenos.

Barney's Farm Critical Kush and Nirvanna's Swiss Cheese sprouted this morning

Delicious Seed's Sugar Black Rose seedling
Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

Female Seed's BubbleGummer day 34



Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

Delicious Seed's Sugar Black Rose day 10 from seed


Veg/mom tent. Mom's just got super-cropped
Re: Multi-Strain Grow with 1000W Ballast From JD-Lighting - Perpetual Pt.3

Sugar Black Rose day 14 from seed and just upped to a 2gal rose pot

Critical Kush on the left Swiss Cheese on the right
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