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Hello new member here, wish there was a forum to go to 40 years ago like this, back then had to rely on trial and error , even now always something new to learn. Running godfather and Chiquita banana, running into some yellowing of lower fan under 300w led full spec , thought maybe running the light at 80% during veg was to much so cut to 50% and plants responded but in 3 week of flower and happening again, did raise to 70% after a week of 12/12 , any thoughts ? Thanks
hi @Budzy, probably needed more nitrogen before going into flower or too thick canopy. I wouldn't worry too much if it's just the lowers
are you feeding calmag ? with leds you need more
Started looking at run off but not sure how accurate that is , or ph from runoff , putting 6.4 In and 5.3 comes out and ec runoff came out 550 and 1500 went in, the low ec would indicate low nutes but worry about over feeding , harder to recover from over feed
:welcome: Pics will help us to help you. Too much light would usually affect the leaves closest to the light. Could be a number of things if it's lower leaves. Full plant pictures under normal/white lighting are very helpful.
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Budzy

It can be difficult solving a growing issue without have some images to assess.
Do you have any images of your current grow?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Hello new member here, wish there was a forum to go to 40 years ago like this, back then had to rely on trial and error , even now always something new to learn. Running godfather and Chiquita banana, running into some yellowing of lower fan under 300w led full spec , thought maybe running the light at 80% during veg was to much so cut to 50% and plants responded but in 3 week of flower and happening again, did raise to 70% after a week of 12/12 , any thoughts ? Thanks
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome:
Hope everything is going well.
Do you have any pics of your garden?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
:welcome: Pics will help us to help you. Too much light would usually affect the leaves closest to the light. Could be a number of things if it's lower leaves. Full plant pictures under normal/white lighting are very helpful.
Last one is godfather ! Almost ready🤣



@Budzy , welcome aboard.
Often when a plant is going into its latter phase of flower, it will rob nut's from the lower fan leaves since they will no longer be needed and give that food to the flowers.
I think your plants look good, maybe a little thick in the canopy.
Take care and glad you have joined.
Oh yes I remember now, just seemed a little soon only three weeks in from lights down I was on a once a week feed but went about ten days with plain water i between , I always let 20% run out even with plain water to keep salt low so maybe I these smaller pots I wound up flushing them, just fed them a normal feed , should see some color back in 2 or 3 days?
So anyone have the 411 on dimming led, have read both sides , dim during veg and 100% to flower, Or 100% veg and flower,
The lux app on your phone, photone app for your phone or buy a light meter

As a guide, Mars Hydro suggests: The ideal PPFD for the seedling stage is 100-200 µMol/m2/S
200-500 µMol/m2/S for the vegetative stage
and 500-600 µMol/m2/S for the flowering and fruiting stage.

maybe somebody else.. I just go by how the plants do
keep it on 100% raise & lower as needed
Hello new member here, wish there was a forum to go to 40 years ago like this, back then had to rely on trial and error , even now always something new to learn. Running godfather and Chiquita banana, running into some yellowing of lower fan under 300w led full spec , thought maybe running the light at 80% during veg was to much so cut to 50% and plants responded but in 3 week of flower and happening again, did raise to 70% after a week of 12/12 , any thoughts ? Thanks
Could just be as simple as calmag man pictures would really help 😊
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