New to Site - 14 Strains Under 2000 Watts in a 5x10 Tent

No you do not want to just run MH. You need some red and only do othis on plants you need to control. Some do not need this help and some do. It is all about knowing your plants. The more you grow them the more you will know what they like to do and you can adjust the environment to get the grow you want.
Update: 2 months of veg! Or so, I think I started these girls like the first week of june. Im really excited to see them fill out and im almost ready to flower! I decided to take the stunted tahoe og kush out of the tent and put it in my other 5x5 tent under a flourocent light until i decided what to do with it. This made room for my grape dream. I also raised some of the shorter strain pots so they can start filling out the screen.


Tahoe Og kush that was really short is now right up on the netting


Grape Dream scrog training


mendicino purps taking up some room


Group Pics


Everything looks good so far too me, getting the smaller plants up higher to the netting was my only worry but now that i have that worked out I just need to prevent over stretching. But I think with how good my ventilation is that my girls could get pretty damn close to the reflector. I put my hand 6-8 inches under the 1k lights and its not hot at all, just warm. Going to try out COFinest's method, using bloom nutrients for the last 7 days of veg. If I'm not mistaken, he uses the Techna Flora nute line too so ill have to see for myself. Ive also worked out a good system ventilation/ac wise for keeping my temps at 78-79 degrees 24/7 for first 2 weeks of flower to reduce stretch as recommended.

Question I have: From looking at the pictures, how much longer should I let them fill out the netting in vegetative growth? Ive heard 3/4 of the screen should be filled before flower.
:thanks: Feel free to pull up a chair, the parties just getting started!

I believe what you are referring to is called supper cropping, or maybe LSTing? Although LST is more tying over branches. Someone else feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

This is how Low Stress Training is done to shape a plant how you wish.

Switched to 12/12 last night so today is the first day of flower. It crept up on me and I kinda ran out of veg time, and wasn't able to feed bloom nutrients 7 days before I switched. I watered with bloom nutes before I changed the lights last night though. 2/3 strength Techna Flora bloom schedule + 1tsp of Mad Farmers Mother of all blooms per 5 gal (Which should help jump start the flowering process)
PPM: 995
The screen is about 80% full


Question: Instead of flushing every other feeding or so this grow, I would like to experiment with a microbial tea. Ive heard of compost teas and something called a heizenburg tea. Ill do some more reseaching of my own(a good source would be nice), but was wondering what you 420guys like to use?
Update: Cloning for grow #4

My check list:
rockwool cubes
propogation tray
humidity dome
thrive alive b1 red - 2 tsp per gallon, add to water that is used to initially soak rockwool
cloning gel
ph'd water to 5.5-5.8
thrive alive b1 green - foliar spray after cutting and transplant to reduce shock

I decided to take 6x xj-13, 6x The black '84, 6x Cinex, 1x white russian, 3x Tahoe Og kush, 2x Mendocino Purps, 1x The white

Made my 45 cut right below 5th node from the top. Cut off 5th node, cleaned it up(took off female pistels) then applied cloning gel before transplant. It really wasnt that hard, unless none of them end up making it, then it might get hard. Hopefully being on day 2 flower wont affect my results.






Soaking rockwool in ph'd water with 2 tsp thrive alive b1 red - PH: 5.7 PPM:150

Xj-13 cuttings waiting to be dipped in clone gel and transplanted

Also added a t8 fixture with 2x 4 ft. 40w 5600k bulbs

Looking good Keegan420, your going to have a jungle in your tent. I also like the way you showed your cloning steps, I wish more people would show their steps.
I've been waiting to move before I start my first grow, I can't wait, I will let you know sir. Keep up the great work.
Update: Day 7 flower. Pictures are from yesterday, day 6

Last watering was 2/3 strength + moab. Ppm:1050. The netting is about 95% filled out now, I'm actually really surprised with how this has turned out so far :wood: Im really liking using the bloom booster in the first week of flower. I think it really boosted a lot of my plants without stretching them out with bad node spacing. Also, some close up pics of the clones, and my dog basking in the hps lights



Update: Day 12 flower

My tent has been exploding! A couple days ago I decided to start letting them grow vertically since my canopy is 99% filled. They've probably stretched a good 6 inches since then and still have room for them to stretch another foot or so. I stopped feeding them the bloom booster last feeding and gave them a nutrient feeding. ppm: 1280.

Ive noticed this grow that each plant is drinking a lot more water than previous grows. I don't mean that I'm watering larger amounts of water to them each time, but they need to be water more frequently. Especially in the beginning of flower compared to last grow, I was watering the same amount of water per plant, but I only had to water every 5-6 days. Now I'm watering every 3 days. Is this because I potentially have big healthy roots? Or is my soil mixture more airy and allowing the soil to dry out faster?




I'm liking this grow!

>>Now I'm watering every 3 days. Is this because I potentially have big healthy roots? Or is my soil mixture more airy and allowing the soil to dry out faster?

Combination of things will cause faster uptake of water:

lighter media
more light
healthier plant
lower humidity
higher temp

Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Looking great. I would move the scrog up 4"
I'm liking this grow!

>>Now I'm watering every 3 days. Is this because I potentially have big healthy roots? Or is my soil mixture more airy and allowing the soil to dry out faster?

Combination of things will cause faster uptake of water:

lighter media
more light
healthier plant
lower humidity
higher temp

Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Looking great. I would move the scrog up 4"

Thank man, Im thinking its a mixture of lighter medium and my plants being healthier. Also possibly the veg time because i believe the root system is much larger than my previous grows. But i won't know that forsure till i harvest. Temps are actually lower than before, humidity is the same, and lighting is the same. I think I've found my answer. :thanks:
And for the scrog, I unfortunately have no way of increasing the vertical height of the screen..
Looking great, but those line-y pictures are throwing me off! Add the pop flash (the attached flash) to your photos it should turn out much better! To do this go into settings and turn off "automatic flash" and put to "on" :)
Im not sure what you mean by pop flash, but i always take my pics with the flash on. That doesn't seem to help with the lines though. I usually have to turn off one of the lights to take pictures, or catch them right when the lights are warming up.
Update: Day 14
Final stretch should be coming to an end here soon. I think I might have initiated flowering prematurely by about 5-7 days. If they were 5-10 inches taller I would be money but i don't think thats gonna happen. I also lollipopped all of the low branches that weren't receiving light underneath the screen. That worked for me last time, I saw a definite yield increase from my first grow because the buds were denser. Plus with a scrog, virtually zero light penetrates the canopy, so it just seems like a waste of the plants energy to grow those lower buds. So far no sign of nutrient burn. Everything is looking healthy!:cheesygrinsmiley:

Right side of tent

Left side of tent

Cloning & flower room update:

So I've been a little worried about my clones, didn't know if they were gonna pull through because they didnt seem to be growing. Its been 14 days since I took them and I haven't tried looking at the roots yet because i didn't want to accidentally pull the clone out of the rock wool on accident. After figuring out how to carefully remove the cube out of the tray, I got my first look and there are some pretty solid looking white roots forming on all of the clones. In fact, I successfully cloned 25/25 on my first try! :yahoo: Cant complain with those numbers. That means I'm saving another 250-300$ each grow that would be spent on buying clones from the market at 15-20$ a piece!



Question I have about cloning. When should i transplant into a solo cup? My understanding is that I could transplant now, but waiting till the roots are just a bit bigger would be optimal. Also, should I take the humidity dome off now that roots have formed? Im still misting with water a couple times a day.

Flowering tent pics: Day 16




I do have a concern with one of my flowering plants though, my cherry pie is showing signs of a possible hermaphrodite. Ive never seen this before in person so i will share it with the community to confirm that it is a hermie, and also to help some beginners who may be watching.


I believe this was due to extreme environmental stress experienced in vegetative growth. I was hospitalized a while back and wasn't able to tend to my grow.. During my last grow, its end of week 9 flower and I'm stuck in a hospital bed stressing the fuck out because I've got 18 plants that were ready to harvest. I totally forgot about my veg tent and the little guys in there went without water for probably 8-9 days and in a heat wave so temps were in the high 80s. Almost all of them survived, but it definitely took its toll on some of them, apparently the cherry pie wasn't able to fully recover. Can I just remove the what look like pollen sacks? Or should i toss the entire plant or move her outside or something?
Looking good Keegan :) You can pot up your clones whenever you're ready my friend, congrats on 25 out of 25 :bravo::goodjob:
You are correct with the hermie, I've managed to save them in the past by pulling off the ball sacks. It's a big job & you need to me extra thorough, if you can do it twice a day then do it twice a day coz the last thing you want is one of those popping & pollinating your entire crop. You just need to weigh up if it's worth the risk.
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