PeeJay's Prudent Home-Brewed Organic Soil - Outdoor Out of Sight Deck Grow

Reg, the microbes in the soil must break the Ca down in order for it to be available to plants. This is not easy to do in containers unless you add microbes into the soil, biota, not only fungi. It's hard to move calcium in soil. If you mixed the shell powder with the soil at preparation time, maybe then they'd be more readily available. I would still be using a calcium supplement if it were me. Eggshells are good, but you need a lot of them in order to make a big difference.

If wrong, I'm sure PJ will correct me. :) I welcome that, too.
Here is a video about making your own water soluble calcium. This guys videos have ton of information about making your own fertilizers using Korean natural farming techniques. The information is great, but it takes him a long time to say things... You'll see what I mean if you watch.
I didn't know that. So you're telling me I'm getting no calcium benefits from the crushed eggshells in my two Fire Escape girls' soil, even though they were crushed to nearly dust?

It just takes time. You are getting some slowly. Check out the video for more info. I was commenting from memory of watching this many months ago..
How deep do u normally "scratch" in top dressings?

If you are asking in general, for outside in the ground I will scratch as deep as 4 inches, but usually only 2. I containers, there is a different style root mass which is pretty close to the surface, especially if you are pot bound. In that case, I'd scratch it in deep enough to not disturb any roots. Sometimes under lights if not done right, I can see where a root ball would not get very large, so in that case, the roots would not be close to the pot surface.

Make sense? Or were you just asking BAR how deep he scratched his eggshell in? If that, OOPs. I gave you much more than you wanted!

Brooklyn, I used the crushed eggshells along with dried crushed cannabis & willow leaves when I prepared the two pots of soil for the Fire Escape girls.
Now that you have me thinking; 0n the first batch which was for Pepé Le Pew (Skunk), I didn't grind them that well. It was before I read Conradino's post about creating a dust with the eggshells. He hadn't mention that part when he first brought it up.
Could that be part of the reason KERALA X SKUNK #1 (Regular) has outgrown Pepé Le Pew (Skunk) "which is feminized" by leaps & bounds?
PJ, there's no way I can watch a video like that at work. Though they really don't mind us fooling around online, it's like an unwritten rule:
No movie watching & whatnot.
It's the type of thing where if one of the big boys from upstairs happens to come down to our floor my supervisor's butt is covered. I'll try to see it later.
It's hard to say, Reggie. I think different plants perform differently. People who can get the same function from a plant over and over are very adept at it and it takes a long time with experience and the ability to recognize things as they arise. I am fairly certain this is one of the main reasons the fertilizer companies who "specialize" in cannabis have such success. Now I'm not talking about people like Growology because they do not market to Mr. Natural cartoon characters with fancy, extravagant logos and labels. The present their product like an adult, marketed toward adults. I appreciate that.

So, that said, each plant really is its own entity until your growing skills are so in tune that you can spot a problem the second it comes and remedy it. Do give yourself a break, though. This is a very specific specialty in the industry of growing and people who do this in the nursery industry are very experienced. Keep on keepin' on. You are looking fine to my eye. I think a bag of dolomitic lime is bout 5 dollars at Home Depo and that will last you a lifetime...just sayin.
It's hard to say, Reggie. I think different plants perform differently. People who can get the same function from a plant over and over are very adept at it and it takes a long time with experience and the ability to recognize things as they arise. I am fairly certain this is one of the main reasons the fertilizer companies who "specialize" in cannabis have such success. Now I'm not talking about people like Growology because they do not market to Mr. Natural cartoon characters with fancy, extravagant logos and labels. The present their product like an adult, marketed toward adults. I appreciate that.

So, that said, each plant really is its own entity until your growing skills are so in tune that you can spot a problem the second it comes and remedy it. Do give yourself a break, though. This is a very specific specialty in the industry of growing and people who do this in the nursery industry are very experienced. Keep on keepin' on. You are looking fine to my eye. I think a bag of dolomitic lime is bout 5 dollars at Home Depo and that will last you a lifetime...just sayin.

Thank you for the Dolomite information.:passitleft::green_heart:
I love the read, the info, the people & I love the way you teach, great job PeeJay. Thank you.
Thanks 60cal. What a nice complement to receive while sipping my morning coffee. Sets the tone for a nice holiday.

The worst of the dry weather is over. Two nights ago it spit a few drops of rain. One night ago we got a brief shower. Last night there was a full on thunderstorm! No more drastic low humidity for the plants.:party:
Yeah happy Independence Day PeeJay,
I got a little rain yesterday as well, although once again it missed my yard. Ill be happy when the full on monsoons start and I get rain every afternoon. But shoot, I don't wanna wish summer past too fast. Short enuf as is.

Tonite I get to watch fireworks from a camp high up on BLM property, with a panoramic view that will include 2 fireworks shows, fun.
Great plan, Corgie. I'm up at Mom's place. It was fun watching the big anvils build over the mountains on the way up yesterday. Going to BBQ with friends tonight. Might have to convince them to night hike to high ground for some long distace fireworks viewing...
What is bio available? Do you mean can microbes ingest? Not very adequately, which is why Ca travels very slowly in soils.
Would you know how slow is slowy? I'm working on a little acidic puzzle that I'd like to solve. If I grind up eggshells finely or buy the bag of lime, how long would it take to reduce the acid of the soil? My apologies if you did say a time table. I know PeeJay gave me a ratio of lime to old dirt for recycling purposes. That's not my current puzzle, though.

Thank you for your time, GardenFaerie. Nice car, by the way. Meant to tell you.
Yo PeeJay, I'm trying to catch up now. As I understand you're growing 2 plants and they're White Panthers :) I like the name by the way, I hope I'm gonna see MC5 strain in the future :)

To chime in about quick and effective, but organic way to raise PH of soil. The best is wood ash in my opinion. You mix it with water and PHdown it if it went through the roof. Adds potassium, calcium and small amount of phosporus to the mix. Also silica if the plant burnt contained it in a significant amount.

Let's pass a :joint: everybody!
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