Second Grow - Michigan Medical Marijuana - 2009

Looking very good, Im sure you will get the power kush nice and health, great start and looking forward to seeing them all grown up. + rep
THey are lookin nice so far, hopefully that power kush snaps outta her lingering and gets in gear.... keep it up... +rep if i can

Dez97candycl, Thanks bud, glad to have ya stop in. The power kush is still showing new growth, but not growing like the others. It must be a genetic thing as the 2nd clone is struggling as well. Thanks for the reps bud, and for stopping by.
Hi GM,
That video is very cool it lets people right in and you can explain things,as always your grow is looking great,except 1 little fella is struggling I think you said on vid.but I think they all look very healthy.:goodjob::surf:
Hi GM,
That video is very cool it lets people right in and you can explain things,as always your grow is looking great,except 1 little fella is struggling I think you said on vid.but I think they all look very healthy.:goodjob::surf:

Spike, glad ya liked the vid bro. Yaa, the power kush clone is struggling to go anywhere. I think I will need to flush in a day or so, and take it from there.:thanks: bud, always glad to see ya drop in.
Like the great Ted Nugent:rocker: (Michigan Resident) Sings "Dog Eat Dog" :adore:GMT1975A you are TOP DOG! By the way me being part of the Hospitality Team I send all Michigan Growers and Caregivers that come aboard to see to your Work. You have much to teach and show! Your Journal(s) Really help get the new members hooked! :thanks: :roorrip: :peace:
:nicethread:HOOOWWWEEE! you gots some nice looking clones, that lil power kush will be a good smoke, with your new ph pen and a little love n care no problems.:smokin:

Siscokid, we have determined that it was not a ph problem, it was a lack of magnesium. So we have corrected it and hope they clear up soon. The Power Kush is showing signs of new growth, just very slowly though. Thanks again for stoppin in bro, always good to see ya.:thanks:
Like the great Ted Nugent:rocker: (Michigan Resident) Sings "Dog Eat Dog" :adore:GMT1975A you are TOP DOG! By the way me being part of the Hospitality Team I send all Michigan Growers and Caregivers that come aboard to see to your Work. You have much to teach and show! Your Journal(s) Really help get the new member hooked! :thanks: :roorrip: :peace:

The Weed, I have met the man a couple of times over the years. That was a very nice thing to say bro, we appreciate it very much. We are by no means pros at this, and have to give most of the credit to the fine folks here who have helped us so much. ^420 :thanks:
The Weed, I have met the man a couple of times over the years. That was a very nice thing to say bro, we appreciate it very much. We are by no means pros at this, and have to give most of the credit to the fine folks here who have helped us so much. ^420 :thanks:

Hey GMT:grinjoint:

Not only are you a great grower, your Humble too.:grinjoint:
Very nice looking start. Plants are looking nice and healthy as always. Its very nice to see the vid, almost like I am there. Great job again. + rep
Excellent update. The quality of the vid. is great! did you get a new camera? Good to see the Power Kush getting better. TC and see ya round.

Siscokid, nope..same camera, dont think I did anything different except get in a little closer. Maybe it was post processing changes. Yes, I am glad she is starting to show signs of new growth, now lets hope she doesn't hermie from the stress. Thanks again for stoppin in bro, always good to hear from ya.
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