Sierra Cowboy 5 Variety Outdoor Soil 2019

No problem at all! I didn't think you would actually do it, but I wanted to throw it out there as an option. In the meantime, just keep in mind that the bottom of the pot is probably very wet and may be for quite a while, so try to imagine watering a plant that's only in a 1 gallon pot. It won't take much to get the top wet and there's no reason to give it enough water to get all the way through. Eventually the roots will grow into the damp soil and begin to suck out that water.

I'm not sure I agree with BeezLuiz above about watering to runoff at this stage. He has much bigger plants in cloth pots, so there's a difference between what you have going on and what he does.
That my friend is advice that I will employ, Thank you. I really like the visualizing a gallon pot idea, I am all in on solid logic. I did notice that the soil in the bottom is very wet, when I stick my finger in the drain it's almost mud so keeping the roots from finding that too soon is my goal.
That is some great advice! I didn’t want to be the person to tell you to move them in smaller pots. For a couple reasons, 1 you had a rough go with them to begin with so putting that stress on you probably wouldn’t have been good at that time. 2 they were already in the pots and at your experience level I didn’t know the possibility of means of doing so. Intheshed has great pointers though, your going to be battling water over/under issues for some time now. It’s absolutely up to you what you choose to do, your in complete control we can only suggest and help you along your journey. If you leave them in the pots (you should do this anyways regardless of the size of pot) is elevate them by sticking them on something to allow air flow reach the bottom holes on your pots, it should help to dry out the bottom soil faster.
Thanks Back. I do place value on the advice from all my new acquaintances and look forward to producing a great crop with the tips and advice that they bring. As stated in an earlier post I have never felt so supported by the members of a forum than I do here. One only has to look as far as the signatures of the people responding to my journal to know that they come to offer assistance from a position of knowledge and experience. I will do all I can to ensure that their time and brain power isn't wasted on me and my girls. The pots that I am using have drain and I have them elevated utilizing 2x4s at this point. I went out first thing this morning and checked on the girls, they are wide awake, limbs stretching upwards and are looking better than they have looked since the adoption. Going forward, day 7 !
I went out first thing this morning and checked on the girls, they are wide awake, limbs stretching upwards and are looking better than they have looked since the adoption.
Great news! Your plants will typically let you know when they are happy or not. :thumb: Also as a side note, we love pictures here, so don't be afraid to post pics of your girls. Pictures help us to better see what you are seeing, and some of the folks here are pretty sharp at seeing stuff you may have missed (or dismissed as not important). :)
Wish and you shall receive, Here are my baby girls. Now you will notice I am not taking those night time glamour shots, nope my girls are beautiful out in the full sunlight in all their natural, without their colas hanging out so shamelessly I might add.
Well look at me with a "well known member" moniker under my green S ,whoo! whoo! I just hope I am thinking about the definition of " member" correctly, could be the jokes on me.;)
Plants are looking good. You've got some quality people giving advice.
Have to agree with that assessment. This community is a great place to be because of the people here. Very active place, yet very friendly.
They're looking happy and healthy....Now you just feed and water them, and watch the magic happen...
An update, I came home from work this morning and our girls were asking for water, the good part of that is I understood at once. Right now they are all out in the back dancing in the slight breeze that' blowing thru and enjoying the bright sunlight. One other note they are growing like weeds, I would guess about 2 inches over the past three days, :yahoo:
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