Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

I was wondering who nominated me. So thanks for that! I totally would have voted for you, but I couldn't get shut out in the polls ha ha. But best of luck to ya, I may get it in the future. I'm still a young apprentice compared to the master growers on here. I'm picking stuff up and this harvest will be a baseline for us. I believe in always being able to do better.

But the sploooosh is from the TV show Archer. It's one of those one liners that is used all of the time in the show. But not to be graphic or inappropriate, I bet you could think of something that would fit with something as good looking as your girls. Lol
April 18th, Monday after a long travelling weekend. My bday celebrations take me way out of town and back. The girls have been fine without me poking and proding them all day. The pistils are in full bloom on the twins, an Leialoha is shaping up to be a super star. Let's check out the girls.

Ellabella day 70 +13 : 13.0 lbs @ Ph 6.1 - 71°f

This girl is going somewhere, her inner shoots are uncountable, I hope a lot of little shoots make through the canopy by the time strech6is over.

Winnie day 70 +13 : 6.4 lbs @ Ph 5.8 - 68°f

Pistils have commenced and are now in full bloom. She getting light /dry she'll need a feeding soon. I wond3r if I should flush her, I may do a double amount of water with a single feed dose next time.

Leialoha day 74 : 7.2 lbs @ Ph 5.9 - 67°f

She almost where I want her as it goes for foliage trimming. Her buds are developing very nicely.

Have a good day everyone, till next time...

KiG :green_heart:cheers

Hey snid could you hop over and give me some advice I'm not sure if she's getting ready to finish or what give me about a half hr to post pics
April 19th, I did some defoliation last night before bed, and Winnie got a feeding this morning. Not much to update on the general aspects. Let's get to some pics...

Ellabella day 70 + 14 : 11.8 lbs @ Ph 5.8 - 70°f


I've been trying to get more of the shoots through her canopy, the defoliation on her is progressing more slowly but still a dozen leaves today. There's so many... I never seems like I'm getting anywhere. Lol

Winnie day 70 +14 : 6.2 lbs(dry) @ Ph 5.7 - 72°f


I've defoliated most of the popcorn that won't become anything come harvest, and removed alot of fans. Still more to go, next defoliation due for day 21 of flower. I'll do the rest then, and she'll be good to finish. Full dose of bloom nutes in 2 litres of water this morning and she's perky already.

Leialoha day 75 : 5.6 lbs @ Ph 6.0 - 70°f

I'm going to give her a small diluted nute flush tonight, clean out all the build ups In the roots zone. I'll use 1/2 strength nutes in 6 litres (3 times the amount required to achieve initial run off )

That it for today's updates, thanks for being here with me on this.

KiG Everyone :green_heart:cheers

Come follow the link and be a part of :420: history
Noob question coming... Do you LST the way you do because it yields more for harvest? Is it any better than simply topping and some supercropping? just curious.
Flux training at its finest. It creates an even canopy, only large tops, and even spacing. Last month's plant of the month was done using this technique. Almost like it's the way to go. Just have to stay on top of the training and defoliating.
Already noticeable the vertical stretch in the last week or so. Those will be some big girls. And as queen said, "fat bottomed girls you make my rocking world go round." Looking good dude!
:amen: to that brother. Thanks the confidence, it's going to be a wild finish.
Noob question coming... Do you LST the way you do because it yields more for harvest? Is it any better than simply topping and some supercropping? just curious.
Flux training at its finest. It creates an even canopy, only large tops, and even spacing. Last month's plant of the month was done using this technique. Almost like it's the way to go. Just have to stay on top of the training and defoliating.
Thanks again Nismo, great description. Really it's about getting multiple Colas at the same level so that they grow in unison. A plant that is low stress trained only will produce nearly the same outcome as a topped one. Only difference is the amount of "sheparding"(guiding) you need to do. With topping and fluxing or mainlining you can create such symmetrical plants, whereas if u bend over a plant and guide it around the pot you'll have misshaped growth that will need extra attention to keep the growth level. For me topping is easier and more fun.
Happџ 420 ёvєяуЬоdу
Ran into an old friend and we got some volcano-smiley action going on. Maria in the vape bowl... Yippee

I got it Vlad, happy 420 to you comrade, and to everyone who loves the plant we grow, that shared their afternoon and harvest nugs with friends.

KiG :green_heart:Cheers
April 20th, long day... Super short update for you all. Spent the day with friends enjoying conversation and some good laughs. Back home in time to check on the girls and get an update in. Here we go...

Ellabella day 70 +15

Winnie day 70 +15

Leialoha day 76

I flushed Leialoha with some diluted nutes in about 8 litres of water. Staked the tallest two shoots on Winnie to keep them level.

Sorry for the late and lame update, till tomorrow...

KiG Everyone :green_heart:Cheers
what the deuce?!

a wild volcano has been spotted on your journal! So lucky

Plants are looking great comrade, but what's up with Leialoha, any ideas? She looks happier today

what the deuce?!

a wild volcano has been spotted on your journal! So lucky

Plants are looking great comrade, but what's up with Leialoha, any ideas? She looks happier today


Just a precautionary flushing with nutes to clear her out if she had any build ups. I don't want to risk a late flower incident like I had with my Nadine from my first journal. I want my little Leialoha to be even more than my Maria. I good for 3 Oz... I got one off Priscilla, one off Nadine and nearly 2 off of Maria. So this one is going to be even bigger... I hope. No worries comrade, they're fine... I'm just overly protective of my darling child. :)

KiG Vlad :green_heart:
April 21st, so since I had more time with the ladies today. I did some maintenance work around the lab. More or less OCD tinkering with my fans to get Better airflow and even temps. I also took some clones from Ellabella as part of her defoliation process. I've got 7 cuttings. I'm like 0 for 5 so far, but let's see what we get. 6 are in straight perlite and one in a Jiffy puck. Their tray is sitting in root boosted water. And it's in a humidity dome on a heat pad. I used rootmax Cloning gel. Let's see the ladies of the light.

Ellabella day 70 +16 : 10.4 lbs @ Ph 6.0 - 71°f

As I was saying, she's been clear cut of popcorn and fans within her structure. I'll be hands off from now until last couple weeks as far defoliation goes.

Winnie day 70 +16 : 9.4 @ Ph 6.2 - 67°f

There are two shoots that are rising above the others I've staked them down with tent pegs. Her flowers are snow white.

Leialoha day 77 : 9.2 lbs @ Ph 6.2 - 68°f

Shes set to bloom now, I've done my underbelly clearcut. Most fans are removed and she is flushed out... Ready, set, Grow! I'm looking forward to the next 2 weeks.

Thanks for being here everyone, sharing is caring.. Lol. I haven't heard that in a while. Carebear countdown :)

KiG Everyone :green_heart:cheers
April 21st, so since I had more time with the ladies today. I did some maintenance work around the lab. More or less OCD tinkering with my fans to get Better airflow and even temps. I also took some clones from Ellabella as part of her defoliation process. I've got 7 cuttings. I'm like 0 for 5 so far, but let's see what we get. 6 are in straight perlite and one in a Jiffy puck. Their tray is sitting in root boosted water. And it's in a humidity dome on a heat pad. I used rootmax Cloning gel. Let's see the ladies of the light.

Ellabella day 70 +16 : 10.4 lbs @ Ph 6.0 - 71°f

As I was saying, she's been clear cut of popcorn and fans within her structure. I'll be hands off from now until last couple weeks as far defoliation goes.

Winnie day 70 +16 : 9.4 @ Ph 6.2 - 67°f

There are two shoots that are rising above the others I've staked them down with tent pegs. Her flowers are snow white.

Leialoha day 77 : 9.2 lbs @ Ph 6.2 - 68°f

Shes set to bloom now, I've done my underbelly clearcut. Most fans are removed and she is flushed out... Ready, set, Grow! I'm looking forward to the next 2 weeks.

Thanks for being here everyone, sharing is caring.. Lol. I haven't heard that in a while. Carebear countdown :)

KiG Everyone :green_heart:cheers
Funshine bear was obviously the best.... don't really have to tell you this but nice f*cking plants as always dude. Wish I could see them in person and pick your noggin to learn the ways. You should pm me what part of Canada you in maybe I am localish. Would be bomb hehe.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using 420
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