Stunger's Organic Balcony: Growing Daughters Of Mulanje: Watering Via Root Aeration Chambers

Your plants are looking good, Stunger.

I'm interested in seeing your needle-nosed pliers and how you supercrop, please.

My Purple Satellite grew 10 inches in 10 days so super cropping may be in my future.
Hi HG, below is a pic of the pliers I use. The jaws are serrated so I have couple of wraps of electrical tape around them to soften the contact when the 'crush' is applied, altho they also work fine without it! Using the pliers over fingers I find they work very well, when a stem has become woody and hard the pliers can help when fingers are not enough and then snapping can be a consequence.

It was something I bought nearly 30 years ago and it was actually a rare useful purchase too
I had one almost identical for 30 years myself. One of the most useful tools I ever owned but lost it in my move 5 years ago. Made in Portland too and I’m very partial to Portland.
I had one almost identical for 30 years myself. One of the most useful tools I ever owned but lost it in my move 5 years ago. Made in Portland too and I’m very partial to Portland.
It's always a bugger to lose something you value.

To us on the far side of the world, Portland Oregon sounds a great place that is very liberal and pro cannabis, I am not sure of the reality but I was tickled when I saw that Leatherman was made there of all places.
Oooh a leatherman.

Very erotic, Stung ;)

Omg that tape tip is a game changer for me. I think I have weak fingers coz I find it hard to do that roll between your fingers bend thing. I have pliers but after the great separation of 2022, where I cut the branch like I was using scissors I haven’t used them.
Oooh a leatherman.

Very erotic, Stung ;)

Omg that tape tip is a game changer for me. I think I have weak fingers coz I find it hard to do that roll between your fingers bend thing. I have pliers but after the great separation of 2022, where I cut the branch like I was using scissors I haven’t used them.
Tra, I previously used my fingers for supercropping which always involved a lot more 'listening' to the sound and 'feel' of plant tissues under one's fingers. But now I much prefer the needle nosed pliers, because they are so much easier! And as you pointed out, when the fingers feel weak because the stem is hard, a stem break can result, but with the pliers it just safely crushes them appropriately before folding (and not breaking) is carried out.

In application; I just slowly apply a 'squeeze' with the pliers to the area of the stem I want to supercrop, and then I just feel for the resulting 'give' when the pressure is sufficient. I normally then move the pliers slightly up or down and apply a second squeeze until I again feel the 'give', then I usually gently gently fold the stem to where I want it. Occasionally, when I go to fold the stem it may feel like it needs a bit more of a crush to 'make the fold' so I redo the squeezing and refold. Easy peasy.
Update - checking on the vegging progress

Greetings 420 Enthusiasts! A short pictorial post before I have to carry out yet another round of supercropping to lower the canopies of these girls, otherwise I'm gonna have to flip them real soon. :laugh:

Thanks for dropping by. Wishing you and your gardens all the very best! :ganjamon:
Hi HG, below is a pic of the pliers I use. The jaws are serrated so I have couple of wraps of electrical tape around them to soften the contact when the 'crush' is applied, altho they also work fine without it! Using the pliers over fingers I find they work very well, when a stem has become woody and hard the pliers can help when fingers are not enough and then snapping can be a consequence.

Oyeah, ok. Fingers. Or pliers. I s'pose you could use teeth, too. Garlic press...
Tra, I previously used my fingers for supercropping which always involved a lot more 'listening' to the sound and 'feel' of plant tissues under one's fingers.
This is defs where I go wrong. I have got me EarPods in tunes blaring lol

But now I much prefer the needle nosed pliers, because they are so much easier! And as you pointed out, when the fingers feel weak because the stem is hard, a stem break can result, but with the pliers it just safely crushes them appropriately before folding (and not breaking) is carried out.

In application; I just slowly apply a 'squeeze' with the pliers to the area of the stem I want to supercrop, and then I just feel for the resulting 'give' when the pressure is sufficient. I normally then move the pliers slightly up or down and apply a second squeeze until I again feel the 'give', then I usually gently gently fold the stem to where I want it. Occasionally, when I go to fold the stem it may feel like it needs a bit more of a crush to 'make the fold' so I redo the squeezing and refold. Easy peasy.
Will do.

I actually have my own pliers. They have dainty red handles, and I love them. Unlike FatMax my stupid 167m long tape measure that weighs as much as a 7 year old child.
Hi Stunger any chance you can replace the herbs in the boxes in front of your plants some skinny bamboo types would hide them nicely.
looking a picture of health as usual, nature is a pain the way she makes you wait ha ha.
Thanks Tang! I've just carried out another supercrop to lower the canopies a bit, with a bit of luck I can keep them hidden.
Update - Before & after supercropping

Greetings 420 Enthusiasts! This afternoon I carried out another round of supercropping from which I have managed to lower their canopies about 20cm/8 inches. I also crushed a lot of stems than I didn't necessarily want to bend lower, but just 'soft' crushed them to slow them up a little as there are still several weeks of stretch ahead.

Before supercropping

After supercropping

Some measurements

I took a couple of measurements at this point. The Mulanje Sherbert which is in the smallest pot (30L/8gal) measures approximately 3.5 feet across her widest part and is about 14 inches tall from the pot rim. The other 2 plants, the Mulanje ME & Mulanje HP are in the larger pots (50L/13gal) and they both measure 4 feet across at their widest part and are about 16-17 inches tall from the pot rim. The balcony is 10 feet wide and the plants now fully touch each other and they reach to either end for the full 10 feet.

And finally from the side window..

Thanks for dropping in. I hope your own gardens are doing great and you've got some nice buds to enjoy! :ganjamon:
Wall to wall out there! Remember when you had a bit of breathing room?


Yeah, me neither! :)
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