Stunger's Organic Balcony: Growing Daughters Of Mulanje: Watering Via Root Aeration Chambers

I sure does making watering faster though, right? That's not the main benefit but no more watering slowly over the course of time. Literally takes as long as it does to pour your feed down the pipe.

So many benefits to growing with these things. :cool:
Cheers Azi, watering is definitely very straight forward and quick now!
Wowza! Big difference! Getting beefy over there!
Thanks Otter, I can see they're even bigger since overnight, they're in stretch mode!
Looks like they're handling the summer weather just fine so far. :thumb:
Cheers Shed, or rather they've just been a bit lucky so far, and long may that continue.
BBBB - Beautiful Big Bottomed Babes!
Thanks Tra, yep they're now putting on weight faster than a queue of eaters at Kentucky Fried!
Those girls are killin' it on that balcony, Stunger!

when the weather next permits, I want to give them all some training to reduce/control their height.
You'll have your work cut out for you, that's for sure...:thumb:
Those girls are killin' it on that balcony, Stunger!

You'll have your work cut out for you, that's for sure...:thumb:
Thanks Carcass, I have to make the most of it as I only get to do this once a year, so it's nice when the balcony plants share the same attitude!
Update - Mycos to the roots - topdressing for pest deterrent & nutrition - Supercropping to lower height

Greetings 420 Enthusiasts! Today I have to crack on and do some maintenance work on the girls. I need to bring down their heights to better align them with neighbourhood stealth restrictions. I have read the riot act to my girls but they don't listen, they just keep growing as if they don't care who sees them. So today is the day when they get...
  • Supercropping with the narrow nosed pliers which I have wrapped a bit of electrical tape around the jaws.
  • Mycos to the roots, I'll do that via the Root Aeration Chambers (very handy).
  • A half/half top dressing of veg & bloom nutrients
  • Top dressing of some Neem meal and Diatomaceous Earth as a pest deterrent
Overhead of the balcony lineup

Today's top dressing ingredients

Application of Mycos via the Root Aeration Chambers

I put about a teaspoons of Mycos into the Aeration Chamber downpipes, and then washed it down to the roots with a cup of water. I have no idea if this will be of any benefit, I am only doing this because I can, if my pots didn't have 'root aeration chambers' it wouldn't be possible to do without digging the plants out but with the root aeration chambers I can deliver the Mycos straight to the roots.

Top dressing application of nutrients

I gave the following;
  • Kelp pellets (2 tbsp for Mulanje Sherbert 30L pot, 3tbsp for Mulanje ME & Mulanje HP 50L pots)
  • Alfalfa ground meal (2 tbsp for Mulanje Sherbert 30L pot, 3tbsp for Mulanje ME & Mulanje HP 50L pots)
  • Herbi's 4-4-4 Veg (2 tbsp for Mulanje Sherbert 30L pot, 3tbsp for Mulanje ME & Mulanje HP 50L pots)
  • Herbi's 2-8-4 Bloom (2 tbsp for Mulanje Sherbert 30L pot, 3tbsp for Mulanje ME & Mulanje HP 50L pots)
Top dressing application for pest deterrent
  • Neem ground meal (2 tbsp for Mulanje Sherbert 30L pot, 3tbsp for Mulanje ME & Mulanje HP)
  • Diatomaceous Earth (1-2 tbsp) I also gave this for Silica as well as a pest deterrent.
A cup of coffee helps to get started :nomo:

Clearly the growing height and size of the plants can be seen here. With stretching only just started they need to come down a peg or down pronto.

After another round of supercropping has been carried out

That now gives me a little more breathing room (for all of about a week!). They should be looking a lot more comfortable once they recover in a day or two. I carried out all supercroppings with narrow nosed pliers, it was nice and easy with zero snap offs. I was mindful that rain is forecast later which isn't so good when the plants have fresh damage from supercropping but it just had to be done, so fingers crossed, they'll heal up ok.

That's the state of play today. The plants are still in veg mode and have a lot more growth to go before budset gets underway. The pace is starting to quicken now.
Thanks for swinging by. Wishing you and your garden's all the very best! :ganjamon:
You couldn't have done any better if you had hired GDB to sit on each and every one.
I started from the left most, which I used training wire to 'secure' my work. But by the time I got to the centre and on to the rightmost one, I didn't bother with training wire, just crush bend, crush bend, etc etc. So I really could have done with GDB or in fact anyone, to put a little weight on the canopy to help it 'set'. Actually I thought about @Lerugged and putting some trellis netting over top to help the supercropped branches set without them lifting up again. Hmmm... I still might.
Are these mailed annually to every resident in the area? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Of course not, that wouldn't be very stealthy! :rofl:
I checked out the pics before I did any reading, saw the "after super cropping" pic and thought the wind just beat the hell out of 'em..
Then I did the reading and found it wasn't the wind, It was Stunger that beat the hell out of em.!..did a great job of it too!😀

Beautiful plants, Stunger👍
I checked out the pics before I did any reading, saw the "after super cropping" pic and thought the wind just beat the hell out of 'em..
Then I did the reading and found it wasn't the wind, It was Stunger that beat the hell out of em.!..did a great job of it too!😀

Beautiful plants, Stunger👍
Thanks Carcass! All 3 of them are over 3.5 feet at their widest point and now after their 'beat up' they're back to 14 inches tall. With these constraints I feel like I am stuck in the junior play pit.
Outdoor scrog idea...I like it.

Thats some serious veg without stretch mate.....thinking they are your strongest girls as a bunch yet.

How many weeks before they go into flower you think?

Guessing it will be mid to late Feb....youll need a hedge trimmer before then!

Good problem to have mate, so much to love about such a strong start.
Outdoor scrog idea...I like it.

Thats some serious veg without stretch mate.....thinking they are your strongest girls as a bunch yet.

How many weeks before they go into flower you think?

Guessing it will be mid to late Feb....youll need a hedge trimmer before then!

Good problem to have mate, so much to love about such a strong start.
Thanks Deeve! You sum it up pretty well.
I must admit I am curious about your reserve air tank, er um, I mean "root aeration chamber". You wrote earlier about punching many small holes in them, and so it will be interesting after your harvest to dig them up and see how much root material has penetrated the chambers via the holes, presumably getting better access to oxygen. Are all three plants in the current grow equipped with a root aeration chamber? It might be nice to run a side-by-side, with and without the r.a.c., just to see what is gained.
I look forward to seeing how well you can tame these beasts Stunger!

You couldn't have done any better if you had hired GDB to sit on each and every one.
My butt is not for hire! :laugh:
I need to bring down their heights to better align them with neighbourhood stealth restrictions.
I'm thinking you'd be better off writing the association to let them know you are formerly seceding from the neighborhood! :Rasta:
Those plants are the most vibrant ever! Nice quash!
Thanks Otter!
I must admit I am curious about your reserve air tank, er um, I mean "root aeration chamber". You wrote earlier about punching many small holes in them, and so it will be interesting after your harvest to dig them up and see how much root material has penetrated the chambers via the holes, presumably getting better access to oxygen. Are all three plants in the current grow equipped with a root aeration chamber? It might be nice to run a side-by-side, with and without the r.a.c., just to see what is gained.
Cheers Emeraldo! Yes I could have easily run a side by side, but on deliberating about it I straight away felt having a 'leaking container of air' in the middle of the pot's soil would be of benefit so I just went all in.

These are the home made aeration chambers that are in each plant's pot.

And here's the aeration chamber being buried in the Mulanje ME's pot.
Update - a pictorial following yesterday's supercropping

Greetings 420 Enthusiasts! Today the plants look mostly recovered from the canopy lowering supercroppings I gave them yesterday. But aside from that, there is nothing to report other than I enjoy regularly checking on the balcony plants and this post is just sharing the love!

Thanks for dropping in, all the best wherever you are, and I hope you've got some nice bud to smoke on. :ganjamon:
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