Sunshine On A Brainy Day — PS Dwarf Star Lights Up My Life

Morning . I keep reading about these "self watering pots" could you explain that to me please? Watering my girls is the most demanding part of all my grows especially now with a new tent I'll be running 12 at a time and moving each on to the bathtub to water is a b*~ch

I will post some pics to explain sometime this week. Very interesting topic and DIY. .
G2HM, you are an inspiration to many. Can't believe it took me so long to find myself here. Your first post bought tear to my eye. I keep horses also, we currently have 6 on 5 acres land. Little buggers ate my outdoor crop last year.
Best of luck for the future. :love:

Thank you humbly MR Amazin. Your presence is rewarding. Horses eat everything don't they. I had to pull my hair out of his mouth yesterday. But it's hard to resist horse . kisses. Crosses fingers for future.
*Self-Watering Method by G2HM (Special for Ohioboy)

You guys know how much I looove the self-watering method. I had the idea of reproducing my old self-watering pots into rectangle 3 gallon containers to max my space.

I scouted out well produced file storage containers (plastic) because their handles are super reinforced when I lift these ladies. Now I bought file storage containers because you need a lid where the container can sit in, but be supported by criss-crossed ridges. See picture. The container should not sit flat on the lid because you don’t want the container to actually sit too long in the water. Stagnate water is no Bueno. As you can see in this lid, there are supporting side ridges that are very sturdy.


So I bought storage solution containers with lids and soldered holes and appropriate slits into the bottom of the container to insert microfibre fabric strips that I use for maximum absorbancy and mold free. I cover the clear containers with black material to protect the roots.


These microfibre clothes are cheap but are super absorbant. Regular material doesn’t work, it must be special for water absorbtion. Then I place the lid under the container, upside down, where I can pour water in and have it absorbed by the strip and up to the roots near the inside bottom of the container.-


The only way you can make this work for growing green, is that you must wait for your plant to drink up all the water/feeding that you poured into the lid FIRST before you can feed her again. The only way self-watering works is if you let the plant show you that it’s hungry is through an empty lid. “May I have some more Sire.”


After I have melted in all the holes plenty enough to cover the entire bottom of the container; you place the microfibre strip through the middle of the container you want to put it on an incline so I used a small lid as a place holder for the strip. Because, you want the water to be absorbed by the strip and up to the early roots and consecutive root building thereafter.


The concept is to avoid bugs, avoid over-watering, avoid bad habits and so on. Feeding plants from the bottom allows the plant to be the leader and direct me when the lid under the container is empty, then I just carefully keep refilling as I watch the clones succeed.


WHY self-watering containers?

*I can leave my house for the 2-3 days and I know my plants won’t dry out.

*My brain doesn’t know when to stop watering. So I created this system in order to water 1 litre from the bottom and 1 litre top watering method. For some reason, my brain doesn’t understand details. I need a routine and fail-safe ideas to make this logic practical.

*When you drench you can use the run-off water caught in the lid for self-watering method and reuse all those nutrients.

*You don’t overfeed because the plant is running the show.

*No lifting pots every day, only if you have to flush. But the handles on these file containers are Schwarzenegger tested and approved…lol.

*Avoid bugs, overwatering, underwatering, distribute nutes uniformly, maximize space with rectangle containers.

*You get to use a soldering iron and that is mucho fun.

*I’m happy to report that my CBD clones are enjoying their self-watering digs.


I apologize in advance if I don't make sense. My brain is fuzzy and it's hard to explain the madness of my methods.
*Self-Watering Method by G2HM (Special for Ohioboy)

You guys know how much I looove the self-watering method. I had the idea of reproducing my old self-watering pots into rectangle 3 gallon containers to max my space.

I scouted out well produced file storage containers (plastic) because their handles are super reinforced when I lift these ladies. Now I bought file storage containers because you need a lid where the container can sit in, but be supported by criss-crossed ridges. See picture. The container should not sit flat on the lid because you don't want the container to actually sit too long in the water. Stagnate water is no Bueno. As you can see in this lid, there are supporting side ridges that are very sturdy.


So I bought storage solution containers with lids and soldered holes and appropriate slits into the bottom of the container to insert microfibre fabric strips that I use for maximum absorbancy and mold free. I cover the clear containers with black material to protect the roots.


These microfibre clothes are cheap but are super absorbant. Regular material doesn't work, it must be special for water absorbtion. Then I place the lid under the container, upside down, where I can pour water in and have it absorbed by the strip and up to the roots near the inside bottom of the container.-


The only way you can make this work for growing green, is that you must wait for your plant to drink up all the water/feeding that you poured into the lid FIRST before you can feed her again. The only way self-watering works is if you let the plant show you that it's hungry is through an empty lid. "May I have some more Sire."


After I have melted in all the holes plenty enough to cover the entire bottom of the container; you place the microfibre strip through the middle of the container you want to put it on an incline so I used a small lid as a place holder for the strip. Because, you want the water to be absorbed by the strip and up to the early roots and consecutive root building thereafter.


The concept is to avoid bugs, avoid over-watering, avoid bad habits and so on. Feeding plants from the bottom allows the plant to be the leader and direct me when the lid under the container is empty, then I just carefully keep refilling as I watch the clones succeed.


WHY self-watering containers?

*I can leave my house for the 2-3 days and I know my plants won't dry out.

*My brain doesn't know when to stop watering. So I created this system in order to water 1 litre from the bottom and 1 litre top watering method. For some reason, my brain doesn't understand details. I need a routine and fail-safe ideas to make this logic practical.

*When you drench you can use the run-off water caught in the lid for self-watering method and reuse all those nutrients.

*You don't overfeed because the plant is running the show.

*No lifting pots every day, only if you have to flush. But the handles on these file containers are Schwarzenegger tested and

*Avoid bugs, overwatering, underwatering, distribute nutes uniformly, maximize space with rectangle containers.

*You get to use a soldering iron and that is mucho fun.

*I'm happy to report that my CBD clones are enjoying their self-watering digs.


I apologize in advance if I don't make sense. My brain is fuzzy and it's hard to explain the madness of my methods.
No horsing around. . You are the MacGyver of DIY self watering pots..
Damn woman you're the bomb...what a great idea and thinking outside the box. AND it doesn't hurt that its verrry inexpensive.:circle-of-love::goodjob::bravo: Bellisimo!

Hahahaha yes outside the box. ;)

Oh yes that's a huge benefit I forgot to mention. Very inexpensive, easy to clean and customizable to your space.

Thanks SHRuuM! ;)
Upon further re- reading of your great intro and subsequent well wishes, it seems I've not subscribed yet my dear. Great looking light you've got there now, it will make a world of difference. I'm very happy to see your progress with your green thumb but most of all the brain training. I'll try and keep up as best I can, good luck G2heal... It's a whole new chapter :Namaste:

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Horse people have a certain glow around them. Hard to put your finger on but you can tell.
I couldn't resist .

Therapy with animals and cultivating our own medicine. I know the days you spend on the ranch is rewarding and stimulating. In the end peaceful yet taxing. Wishing these moments never end.
This is from our newest members to our rescue.
As seen through her eyes/ears. She likes to stand between my legs.


HI, .


Ever in my neck of the woods. You and family are more than welcome for good therapy and medicine.
You saw my encouraging response in "cutting clones after flowering".
Thank you, I do plan on a journal. Some plans have changed. So, for now I document all. Help who I can. Adore and befriend a few in the process.
Peace be with you .
I couldn't resist .

Therapy with animals and cultivating our own medicine. I know the days you spend on the ranch is rewarding and stimulating. In the end peaceful yet taxing. Wishing these moments never end.
This is from our newest members to our rescue.
As seen through her eyes/ears. She likes to stand between my legs.


HI, .


Ever in my neck of the woods. You and family are more than welcome for good therapy and medicine.
You saw my encouraging response in "cutting clones after flowering".
Thank you, I do plan on a journal. Some plans have changed. So, for now I document all. Help who I can. Adore and befriend a few in the process.
Peace be with you .

That brought tears to my eyes. I am in love with your furry family. How truly special to experience kindness from strangers. Totally humbled by your sentiment. I just, love animals and growing. That's all I wanna spend my precious time. Such a kind person you are. With great respect and honoured to make your acquaintance. ❤️❤️❤️..
Wow G2HM! Your self watering system is extremely impressive. You should be very proud of yourself Coming up with something as innovative as that. Only words that keep coming back to my mind... Wow.... make that WOWEEEE!

So happy you have a place for your tree. I love nature and find it very relaxing. I go down to the forest by the water to play guitar every week in the summer time if u can. Nothing like watching something grow. Especially when it will live for 100+ years. Lovin it G2HM! Keep it up!:green_heart:



Smoke green and prosper!
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