Supergroomer - Back & Smaller Than Ever

Well I got my heat issues under control. Put a hole in the ceiling and venting to the attic. Tent now at 84. Right where I want it.

3 of my 4 seeds pooped. Here are the first 3 in the new tent. :peace:

Yea man glad you are back at it. I would lose it now if I couldn't have mine going. They will be above ground in no time! The amount of light in there should make them explode with growth!

That is exactly what I am hoping for. I could put 1 of my 400s in the tent and I would do great for that space. I am hoping that by using the 900 I will get the maximum from my small space. I am hoping 3-4 oz from each plant, but we will see. :peace:
Did I make page 1? YES! :slide:

Just yesterday I thought "I bet supergroomer' going to start a new grow soon." Sometimes it's downright scary when that happens, but in this case that pause was overwhelmed by euphoria that you're up and running again.

I have this dream that we'll someday be free enough internationally to grow what we want and give it away willy-nilly to patients in need, so they don't have to scrape and scrimp to stay medicated. I'll be growing for my first patient when I start up after my holiday vacation. Actually, I'm growing for him now, because he'll need meds while I'm gone so he has the pick of the tent before I leave town. I'm thinking my Afghani for sleep meds and possibly a mix of Cardinal and Jamaican Dream for days.

Taking the grow beyond myself is my way of thanking the Universe for helping me grow. It's a compulsion to grow and it's so easy to do well. How can we not share? The Universal Law of Attraction suggests this will increase our yields. :battingeyelashes: :love:

You realize this gives you more light per square foot than Graytail has? Have you seen his latest update? It went up last night. This will be interesting.

And so it begins. :battingeyelashes:
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