The 4x4 Grow Tent Club

Hello my fellow 4x4 growers✌️
Here to join the club, if I may?
I'm in the process of setting up a perpetual grow with 4x4 tents. Recently a friend of a friend, after trying some of my flower., asked me if I would be their designated medical grower. I happily accepted .. Initially I will only have one patient, although another person is thinking of switching me to their designated grower as well ., which allows me to have 6 plants in flower at any given time(with one patient). I have 2 4x4s already with a third on the way and a fourth to follow shortly thereafter. My plan is to have one tent for veg and three for flower. Each with a 600w LED, possibly adding a second to each of the flowering tents later, bringing them up to 1200w LED per tent(eventually.). I want to try and switch a batch to flower every 4wks. Which would, hopefully, allow me to harvest about once a month after the cycle gets going (roughly). I've only been growing for a little over a year now, and although I seem to be producing nice quality nugs, I feel like I am still lacking a bit of experience. I'm hoping that all of you fine growers hereabouts, likely with far more experience than I, might be able to offer some suggestions as to how I might best maximize my yield in a 4x4 tent. I know that yields can differ greatly just between strains. I am open to strain suggestions, though I'm mostly looking for thoughts on training techniques that would allow me to maximize the yield of any given strain. So far I have only grown in soil and will continue using soil for now. I'm using an organic soil, from a local forest products company, in fabric pots...

Organic soil:
Peat Moss, Coir Pith, Pumice, BarnYard Compost, Perlite, Sharp sand, Fish Bone Meal, Organic Limestone, Feather Meal, Alfalfa & Kelp Meal, Wetting Agent, Worm Castings, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Bat Guano & Dried Poultry Manure.

With a 2-4" layer of organic "super soil" (from the same company), in the bottom of each pot...

Organic "Super" soil:
Black Bark Dust, Pumice, Peat Moss, Perlite (fines), Garden Compost, Dark Fines Forest Humus, Agrarian Compost, Forest Slash Bio-Char, Coir Pith, Azomite (Volcanic Rock Dust), Fish Bone Meal, Feather Meal, Organic Calcium Sulfate, Organic Limestone, Alfalfa Meal, Dried Poultry Manure, Kelp Meal, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Humic Acid, Bat Guano, Worm Castings.

Here's what I was kind of thinking of doing... Having 2 plants per tent, topping at the 4th or 5th node and letting them stretch a bit(in the Veg tent), then LST/Supercrop all the branches down under a "scrog" screen made to fit the tent(in the Flower tent). Let everything stretch up a bit, maybe tuck once then switch to flower, depending on how full the screen is. Not certain, but from what I've been reading this seems like it can produce a pretty good yield. To get a little practice with the "scrog" method, Im currently running a mini one in my 2x2x3 tent with a 300w LED...
When I first put the screen in:
Where it's at now:

Partly for practice, partly for fun, and partly because I needed something to do with a Darkstar Kush clone I came across.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this . I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on my plan, and I appreciate any advice or suggestions you may have.
Thank you!

What you think and what you feel and what manifests is always a match.. Every single time, no exceptions.
A week with no reply...

Well, I guess it's not much of a club if there's no one around.

Take care now, bye bye then!

If your dominant intent is to feel joy while you are doing your work, your triad of intentions - freedom, growth and joy - will come quickly and easily into alignment. See your 'career' as one of creating a joyful life experience.
.KGBs Multi-Strain Manifold!!. -

420magazine mobile app
Intersting thread.

I´m gonna put a 1000w HPS in 4x4 tent but I haven´t bought the tent yet, where online do you get the best deals on them?
Unless you know you can control the heat, I would go with a600w HPS or 630w chm. 1000w is to much heat to manage in my situation.

400w my

I think you need a bit more lite, my 400W was not enough lite for my 4x4, completely filling the tent with plants. IMHO I did not have great success with the 400W in a full 4x4 tent.

I think you were right above telling "playmaker" he should use a 600W HPS or 630W CMH, you should follow your own advice.

Just saying,

I think you need a bit more lite, my 400W was not enough lite for my 4x4, completely filling the tent with plants. IMHO I did not have great success with the 400W in a full 4x4 tent.

I think you were right above telling "playmaker" he should use a 600W HPS or 630W CMH, you should follow your own advice.

Just saying,


In my experience, 400w MH with this hood is enough to veg healthy plants in this 4x4. Even so, I happened to throw a LED in there for some extra light after topping/ before flower. Keep in mind, these plants aren't quite a foot tall yet.


I have bigger lights if needed, right now I'm using this tent to test new genetics.
What a burst of growth I have going. Transplanted on the 17th from solos to one gallon plastic pots, then on the 24th from the one gallon plastic to the three gallon Smart Pots. Did a heavy deep watering 30 to 40% runoff the day of transplant on the 24th, then yesterday, three days between waterings and got about 30%+ runoff. Three days is a bit too much time between waterings but want to get a good root system established, and if there is one thing I have learned is to not overwater as it tend to make for a weak root system.

The 17th after transplant into the 1 gallon plastic pots.

The 22nd

The 24th, 7 days after last transplant.

The 26th

The 28th

At the rate they are growing the plan is to give them 7 to 10 days then flip to 12/12. Had thought about using a screen but have decided to just stake the plants.

I have a question about humidity, I have low humidity in my 4x4 tent and I have a humidifier going all the time and can't break 35% humidity. Is there a product I can buy that will raise the humidity to at least 60 percent? I'm in the second week of flower
I have a question about humidity, I have low humidity in my 4x4 tent and I have a humidifier going all the time and can't break 35% humidity. Is there a product I can buy that will raise the humidity to at least 60 percent? I'm in the second week of flower

Some of us could only dream of having humidity that low.. My suggestion would be to try putting the humidifier out side the tent. Air moves really fast through your tents ventilation so raising the ambient humidty of your entire grow room should help. Same goes will cooling..
I have a question about humidity, I have low humidity in my 4x4 tent and I have a humidifier going all the time and can't break 35% humidity. Is there a product I can buy that will raise the humidity to at least 60 percent? I'm in the second week of flower

I'm a new grower so somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 30-35% humidity what we want during flowering? I kept my humidity around 60% during veg and then let it slowly drop down when preflowers appeared.

Regardless, it sounds like you need a bigger humidifier and/or to slow your exhaust fan down.

My 4x4 Galaxy grow tent.
Our 4x4x6.5 Vivosun grow tent (love it!)
600w digital dimmable ballast
Air cooled hooded HID light
6" inline fan for exhaust
6" carbon filter
8" intake fan from window using hard ducting

We have a DIY DWC setup that was just started 3 Feb. we ended up moving the air pumps outside the tent, added black tubing and removed the water pump from the reservoir. We added an ice probe to the reservoir and it's helped us teach water temps better and keep them below 72. We have 2 6" oscillating fans for circulating the air inside. Everything else is on a timer.









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Thx! We've tweaked it a bit since those pics were taken. We still want to change some things for the next grow too. But it's mostly all inside stuff.

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I'm just getting into the indoor game. Been outdoors for years, but trailcams are everywhere, and the kids are grown now so moved indoors. Just purchased a 4×4 and a Mars II 1200 and all the fixings. Gonna get it together this weekend. Seeds are getting as we speak.
Hey growers,

I am a new comer to the growing community. Going to be starting my first garden here in about a month. It is going to be a simple LED light set up. Going to be growing in soil for my first couple runs but eventually plan to start a hydroponic garden.

I want to run four Guerrilla Glue plants, each occupying a square foot of the room with the use of topping and supercropping. I will also be using the screen of green technique or scrog.

The only thing that I can not seem to make up my mind is on the most important part of any grow room.
The light. I am trying to find a light that can adequately fill the tent with light for under $700. If you have any information or links with information please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you all.

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