UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GSC

Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

That's kinda my problem. Considering more lights this fall but can't make up my mind which ones. Strongly thinking about a couple of the M2 1600s, but the Sun Series interests me too

I need another light about as much as I need another hole in my head. But you can bet the farm that more lights are on the horizon.....
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Barney's Farm has a solid reputation. This stuff you read about bad germination rates for seeds from certain breeder is mostly BS. The low germination rates that you often read about on these web forums are usually caused by the gardener, not the seed itself.

That's cool to hear from an experienced grower... I generally take everything I read on forums with a grain of salt until I see evidence.. But there are more than a few complaints of this nature... I bought the seeds anyway cos I was thinking the same as you: most of the problems gardeners encounter are probably self-induced. I guess Barneys wouldn't be so popular if their seeds were un-growable! In my 6-8 times germinating over the years(mostly old bush-weed bagseed and a few autos in the last few months as experiments), I've had 100% success. Only 1 of the 4 auto seeds has survived; 1 other died in the weather (put out too early), the other 2 badly stunted from me transplanting carelessly (didn't know at the time). They both technically grew to full term but were only 3 inches tall with a dry weight of about 2 grams.. My last one is almost finished after over 11 weeks but looks good. Lots of experiments on this auto; defols, LST... Should get a good half oz at least... Bit of practice for a real go....
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Barney's Farm has a solid reputation. This stuff you read about bad germination rates for seeds from certain breeder is mostly BS. The low germination rates that you often read about on these web forums are usually caused by the gardener, not the seed itself.

That's what I've been saying all along! Ive grown and or am growing Vanilla Kush, Pineapple Chunk (in flower atm), and Cookies Kush (in veg atm). No Issues with germination, Hermy tendencies, etc, lucky maybe but I just put them in a paper towel, and transplant to a plug. Not hard, 100% success rate so far. Might I mention also that the Vanilla Kush I just harvested is turning out to the be the best smoke that ive grown so far as far as high, medical properties, uniformity, taste and aroma. Its easy to mess things up just find a simple method, stick to it, and refine it.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Hell yeah I actually like the look of most of the BF strains... I know pro marketing photographers help, but the Vanilla Kush bud photos especially look awesome!! Vanilla Kush is probably on my next seed list also for that reason alone!! I also use paper towel; last two seeds tried soaking in water first with a drop of seaweed liquid..read somewhere that seeds like seaweed.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I place them in a paper towel then place the towel into a small sandwich size zip-lock bag. I ex-fill all air and then blow it up, you know the breath of life. After that I place it on the exhaust vent on my computer out of light. In 24 to 48 hours we're in business. Too easy just don't let the paper towel dry out.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

That's it.. I don't even bother with the bag. Just the towel and water in the dark. Last one I did was in a cool area under my house in winter! Makes you wonder how people screw it up... !
I mean, it's a seed. It's only reason for existence is to sprout and grow. Seems like you'd have to TRY to screw it up....
Iv'e sown straight to soil in summer... It's what they do!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I've always used the seed folded between a damp paper towel method myself. I also do as Addonexus and place the paper towel on top of something warm (not hot) such as a cable TV box, refrigerator, etc.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't always get 100% to crack. Sometimes there is the odd seed that will just sit there and do nothing but I'd say on average my germination rates over the years have been @ 90% or better.

If you guys are getting 100% germination rates this means two things. Your germination method is sound and you've been lucky so far. :)

By the way, the Vanilla Kush, LSD, and LA Chocolat were all purchased as single seeds.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

"I'll be the first to admit that I don't always get 100% to crack. Sometimes there is the odd seed that will just sit there and do nothing but I'd say on average my germination rates over the years have been @ 90% or better.

If you guys are getting 100% germination rates this means two things. Your germination method is sound and you've been lucky so far."

In my case must a fair bit of luck!! Bound get a few eventually that don't pop... 10 from 10 sounds good to me, but some of you guys must've popped 100s of seeds. If my average after a few years is 90%, I'll still be happy!!!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

As I said brother, you guys are doing something right. Just keep doing what you're doing. :goodjob:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Hey there 420 friends. There's been a bit of excitement in the Ganja Grove this week. Unfortunately it's not the good kind of excitement but rather nervous excitement of the worse kind.

Anyone remember these 2 teenagers?


These were the young clones that were put outside in the shade to die when culling the herd before I had to go out of town a couple of months ago.
Well when I returned home a month later instead of being dried up and dead they were well into flower.
I had put them in quarantine for about a week watching out for hitch hikers or pest and after showing no signs of pest they were moved into the Grove under the LED's with the current batch of girls that had just been moved in themselves.
After about 3 or 4 days I noticed a couple of suspect leaves and ended up finding some spider mites and white flies on these 2 clones. As soon as I noticed this out they went and were put in the burn pile out back. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, those two clones are no longer with us. :high-five:

Yes, by moving plants that had been outdoors into my flower tent I had broken one of the golden rules of indoor growing even though I knew the dangers of doing this.
Yes, I have been correctly accused of disobeying rules and being hard headed at times.
And yes, it was becoming clear to me that this was not going to be the last of those little buggers. They were gonna' be back. The only question was when and how many of them I would have to fight off later. I was gonna have to pay the price for this mistake!

The current girls were just beginning week 2 of flower. I inspected them really good and was not able to find any signs of mites or white flies.
Since they were only about 2 weeks into flower I decided to give them a neem / insecticidal soap douche even though I would normally not apply neem once pistils begin to show. I applied neem twice, 3 days apart then did nothing else after this. The plan was to let em' ride.

Since that time I've been on the lookout for signs of these little invaders but never did see any signs of either mites or white flies again until Monday.
Yes, they are back and the Ganja Grove has become a battlefield ever since.
It's Game On and UncleCannabis is determined to win this war!!

On Monday afternoon I removed the girls from the Grove and trimmed off leaves that were damaged or infested and cleaned my tent with a bleach solution. After moving the girls back into the Grove and just before lights out I followed up with a 1/2 strength neem / insecticidal soap application making sure to get a good drench to the underside of the leaves. While applying the neem solution the LED's were turned off and a CFL was turned on.

I then followed up with another 1/2 dose of neem / insecticidal soap application again this evening before lights out and intend to repeat again on Friday then last planned application will be on Monday.


I've had some mild leaf burn and spotting from the LED's as a result of the first application so I will plan to give them a wash down with straight tap water tomorrow at normal lights on time then let them dry off for a couple of hours under the CFL and wind from my circulating fan before turning the LED's back on.
Hopefully this will minimize leaf and bud burn.

After the final neem application on Monday I will not spray these girls again. I'll be watching them like a hawk afterwards but if I'm unable to win this war these girls will be introduced to the burn pile. I won't allow those pesky little critters to get the best of me or infect my babies that are just next door in my veg tent.

To be continued....
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

That's unfortunate I did the same thing a while back. I took an outside plant and put it in my tent with the intention of nursing it back to life. Then came the spider mites. So disappointing I lost a few plants to them as they were at the end of flowering and I could not spray. But here we are and they are gone, your ladies are looking lovely btw a lot of growth.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I forgot to mention that I've also lowered temps to the limits of the capabilities of my AC unit. I also give them a very light water misting on Tuesday evening just before lights out to increase humidity throughout the night. I do understand the mold risk but I also know that mites hate high humidity. :)
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Well crap! I'm pulling for you Uncle Cannabis. That's a painful lesson to learn. Big hug. :hug:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Lesson learned.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Well crap! I'm pulling for you Uncle Cannabis. That's a painful lesson to learn. Big hug. :hug:

Crap is right. I walked into a forbidden pasture and have come out with shit all over my boots. But since I knew better I guess I deserve it. LOL!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

No one deserves it, but points for taking full responsibility and learning that lesson. Life is a risky business. It's more interesting if you take some chances. Ouch! Nonetheless.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Life would be so boring if rules were never broken.
There's never a boring moment in UncleCannabis' world. LOL!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

No worries Celt, I may sacrifice a bit of yield due to the late neem application but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get this sorted out and end up with a decent harvest anyway.

By the way, your girls are looking mighty sexy these days. Congratulations my friend. You are an inspiration to all first time gardeners.

For those of you who may be riding shotgun on this journal I encourage you to take a peek at TheCelt's current grow journal. This is his first ever attempt at growing anything and his girls are looking fabulous!!
TheCelt's journal is a very good example of what can be achieved by doing your homework and getting yourself educated upfront before embarking on your first gardening attempt.
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