UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GSC

Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Keep on doing whatever it is that you're doing my man. You're doing it right my friend.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Damn UncleCannabis what are you like? lol. I had Spidermites and used SMC successfully although luckily for me it was in veg not in flower. I reckon you'll pull these babies back to a quality flower and it was like they were never there :) Damn you for being a pro grower that would miss all my mistakes but then find your own :rofl: Bad luck with that though mate, sending some good karma and my internet secateurs to help, all the best :thumb:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Not a big deal Kriaze. This is just a hill for a mountain climber. :grinjoint:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Good Morning :420: Friends and Happy Cloning Day...uhum....I mean Happy Friday!! :grinjoint:

As some of you may know, I've been trying to slow veg the youngsters so that they don't get too big while the big girls next door are hogging up the bloom room.
Now that the baby girls have all established healthy root systems it seems as though they have been adapting to my constant bombardment of low light and topping and are beginning to thumb their noses at me. After all the care and attention that I give them they just don't seem to wanna' cooperate lately. Can you believe the nerve of these girls?

For those who may reference the lunar phase to plan your gardening activities you would know that because we are in a waxing moon phase it is said that now is a good time to plant above ground crops, prune to promote new vigorous growth, apply fertilizers, etc.

I don't know how much effect the lunar phases has on cuttings but it gave me a good excuse to crank up the old homemade bubble cloner and gave the youngsters a good pruning.
That'll show these youngsters whose boss....and I'll get some new babies too boot!!

My Homemade Bubble Cloner
Open top plastic container (about 3 gallon size)
Aquarium type air pump. Double outlet type so 2 air stones are used.
I used a piece of packing foam that my Mars Sun-Series LED's were packed with for the part where the cuttings are placed.
The foam piece was then taped to a piece of foam insulation that is cut to fit the container to prevent light leaking into the container.
Holes were drilled in the foam to allow the stems to fit through. I also cut slots in the foam to allow ease of removal once roots are born.

I'm using a single 18watt florescent on an 18/6 schedule.


5 LSD and 3 LA Chocolat

We should see roots within about 10 to 14 days.

Until next time, have a great day and happy gardening!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Gotta ask... Why the clipped leaves? Just to keep the footprint uniform?
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

G'morning Santb,
By clipping the leaves it reduces the amount of water transpiration (water loss) through the leaf. It's just something that I always do when going straight into soil.
I may be wrong but I don't really think that it matters much when using a bubble cloner since the stems are exposed to water. It does help for space saving though. :)

I'm a newbie to this bubble cloning thing so maybe someone else could chime in with their thoughts on the subject.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I'm with you UncleC

I do the same with clones even when going into a humidity dome. My understanding is not only what you have mentioned but also allows the clone to put more energy into forming roots rather than trying to support the leaves.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I've also heard that it had some type of hormonal effect but I think just being sliced and diced and separated from their mom's is enough to stop any push for top growth until some roots are formed.
I can vouch for the fact that it does make a world of difference regarding survival rates when putting fresh cuttings straight into soil.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

That's cool.. Seen it done and always wondered...
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I'm all caught up and have enjoyed it all... except the pest issue. That was bummer. Your girls are absolutely beautiful and those carved panels make my heart race a bit! I will now head over to The Celt's, at your suggestion. I'm sure I will like that journal as well! :circle-of-love:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Thanks for stopping by Medi and checking out the girls. I think they miss you. :)

I hope you enjoy what you find over at Celt's place. He's knocking em' out of the ballpark over there. :kiss:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

A Bath Before Bedtime

Flashback to many moons ago:
Back in the day when I grew a few girls outdoors the odor those girls would put off during bloom was something else, especially after a rain. You could smell them from over 100 yards away or more and if a rain storm had just passed you could multiply the distance by 2 to 4 depending on wind direction. Yeah..those 12'-14' sativas usually reeked big time.

Present day:
My assumption that these new hybrid Mary Jane varieties are not as pungent as the herbs that I used to grow back in the day have been shattered.
Now that I've been spraying these girls and getting em' all wet and slippery while they are in bloom the odor escaping into my home is OFF THE CHART!!! These girlz REALLY REEK when wet!!

Pics Before Bedtime

G'night GirlZ
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

What are you spraying them with, pray tell?
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Very sweet indeed :love:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

What are you spraying them with, pray tell?

My girls went and caught the critters while I wasn't looking. Spider mites and white flies.
I noticed a few of each earlier this week while doing a leaf inspection so I've been giving the girlz 1/2 strength neem & insecticidal soap treatments in an attempt to try to get rid of the critters before they go and start thinking that they are welcome in the Grove.

I hate to stereotype even when it comes to insects but ya' know how these little bastards are. If you let just one or two of em' in next thing you know they set up camp and try to take over the neighborhood. That's not going to happen at UncleCannabis' Farm!! Hell no!!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Give 'em an inch and they'll think they're a ruler! :rofl::rofl:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

* sigh * Some days, huh? Stay vigilant, as I know you will. We're pulling for you.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Give 'em an inch and they'll think they're a ruler! :rofl::rofl:

Damn straight!!
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