Unprepared First Timer

Catching this on the tail end, shame about the light leak, but I wouldn't sweat it as you got the harvest which is a lot farther than a lot of people get their first time.

I followed you so I can catch your next grow. I've got a feeling you're going to be a rising star here!

Good luck!
I just had a moment of realization, and I have a question for y'all...

Light leaks.

More specifically, how much light is needed to cause herms? I was sitting here talking with my wife, and she told me she needed to go start a load of laundry. The thought slammed me in the face so hard I about got a nose bleed.

My passive air intake window is faced towards the wall where there are no lights. But what if light from the other side of the tent was still getting in? My brother has a bedroom down there, so sometimes he turns the light on to see, and my wife does laundry in the basement and will turn the main light on multiple times a day.

I got inside the tent, crouching under the hanging hermaphroditic results of my grow, and had her zip me up inside it. I. Could. See. My. Feet... And the rest of the bottom of the tent. It wasn't a crazy amount of light. Enough for me to see, so I'd imagine enough for the plants to respond while in flower.

I've been blaming the seeds this whole time, when in actuality I'm probably just a noob who overlooked something basic. :rofl: :rofl::rofl:

Live and Learn.

How much light during the dark period is needed to cause a herm?
So after reading your post the other day I got all paranoid all over again and guess friggin what!!!!!! I did not take into account for when I increased the exhaust pressure that it would cause some separation at the seams and the part of the tent that’s against the wall had the entire line of the zipper lit up!! Not like super crazy but I could see the thin line of light from the LED on the wall I of course tucked a bunch of sheets around all the sides but upon looking the girls over really really closely today one small branch on the back left Deadhead OG had grown a couple male parts!! And the couple of sacs had opened!! I looked them all over again and haven’t seen anything else but the damage has been done o_O I cut the branch off but don’t feel bad man this is the second one for me! WTH
Catching this on the tail end, shame about the light leak, but I wouldn't sweat it as you got the harvest which is a lot farther than a lot of people get their first time.

I followed you so I can catch your next grow. I've got a feeling you're going to be a rising star here!

Good luck!
Thanks. :D I'ma become 420Mag famous!

So after reading your post the other day I got all paranoid all over again and guess friggin what!!!!!! I did not take into account for when I increased the exhaust pressure that it would cause some separation at the seams and the part of the tent that’s against the wall had the entire line of the zipper lit up!! Not like super crazy but I could see the thin line of light from the LED on the wall I of course tucked a bunch of sheets around all the sides but upon looking the girls over really really closely today one small branch on the back left Deadhead OG had grown a couple male parts!! And the couple of sacs had opened!! I looked them all over again and haven’t seen anything else but the damage has been done o_O I cut the branch off but don’t feel bad man this is the second one for me! WTH

Oh no!!! At least you went and got it figured out for future grows. That's rough though. You can blame me. :rofl: My herms are contagious.
Thanks. :D I'ma become 420Mag famous!

Oh no!!! At least you went and got it figured out for future grows. That's rough though. You can blame me. :rofl: My herms are contagious.
:rofl: :rofl: Omg I was so bummed out but you just made me truly laugh out loud!! But yeah that tent will be a veg tent only and I will save the money for a better quality one for sure!!
:rofl: :rofl: Omg I was so bummed out but you just made me truly laugh out loud!! But yeah that tent will be a veg tent only and I will save the money for a better quality one for sure!!

I'm glad that I could at least lift you up a little bit. That's what this community is all about to me. That and all of the sweet grow tips and journals.

Out of curiosity, what brand of tent do you have right now?
I'm glad that I could at least lift you up a little bit. That's what this community is all about to me. That and all of the sweet grow tips and journals.

Out of curiosity, what brand of tent do you have right now?
It’s a tent I got off of Wish not sure of the brand. But it’s all I could afford at that time.
I’m also thinking about all the seedy weed at the dispensaries and I’m thinking that the seeds that I bought originally at a dispensary may have been weak genetics. I have been doing a lot of reading about hermies and from what I am gathering and I could be wrong but from everything I have read some strains are more prone to Hermie and unstable genetics are prone to Hermie from even the slightest light leak.
It’s a tent I got off of Wish not sure of the brand. But it’s all I could afford at that time.
I’m also thinking about all the seedy weed at the dispensaries and I’m thinking that the seeds that I bought originally at a dispensary may have been weak genetics. I have been doing a lot of reading about hermies and from what I am gathering and I could be wrong but from everything I have read some strains are more prone to Hermie and unstable genetics are prone to Hermie from even the slightest light leak.
Nice. I got a Vivosun because I watched some YouTube grows to get an idea of what I needed and a couple of them used that brand. It works well enough. Although I'm going to be upgrading to at least a 5x5. Ideally I'd get a 4x8 or something along those lines. I'm legally allowed to have 12 plants, so I want to work up to a full limit eventually. Perhaps a perpetual, time will tell.

That's why I was quick to blame the seeds. Unknown origin, unknown if they were hermed seeds to begin with. And they still could have very well been. I've learned from reading is good genetics are vital to a good end product.
Nice. I got a Vivosun because I watched some YouTube grows to get an idea of what I needed and a couple of them used that brand. It works well enough. Although I'm going to be upgrading to at least a 5x5. Ideally I'd get a 4x8 or something along those lines. I'm legally allowed to have 12 plants, so I want to work up to a full limit eventually. Perhaps a perpetual, time will tell.

That's why I was quick to blame the seeds. Unknown origin, unknown if they were hermed seeds to begin with. And they still could have very well been. I've learned from reading is good genetics are vital to a good end product.
Yep you said it! I’ll be glad to be done with this group for sure. I’m only gonna go with well known legit genetics from now on tired of playing with these non child support paying hermies. I can have 12 as well and have really wanted to do my max too and will definitely be going with a better tent when I flower this next group of babies I sprouted. I was looking at some of the mars hydro tents and they seem pretty reasonable with some saving for the larger ones, I’ll have to do some digging around and worst case scenario maybe just rig some kind of light-blocking reInforcement in the inside that I can put down when the light go out (at least until I finish this run). Was yours something unzipped or open? Or was it a leak at the seams?
Yep you said it! I’ll be glad to be done with this group for sure. I’m only gonna go with well known legit genetics from now on tired of playing with these non child support paying hermies. I can have 12 as well and have really wanted to do my max too and will definitely be going with a better tent when I flower this next group of babies I sprouted. I was looking at some of the mars hydro tents and they seem pretty reasonable with some saving for the larger ones, I’ll have to do some digging around and worst case scenario maybe just rig some kind of light-blocking reInforcement in the inside that I can put down when the light go out (at least until I finish this run). Was yours something unzipped or open? Or was it a leak at the seams?
I was looking at them as well. Being a sponsor and all. And no, nothing with the zippers or seams. This was all my fault. The little passive air window on the bottom of the tent was left open for fresh air, and it's just a little screen. So it's 100% on me. I just never really thought about it. I'll either build a little light baffle, or close it up and use ducting with a light baffle/screen on it. I'm also moving the tent to the other side of the basement, as it's just kinda slapped in the middle of of the basement floor at the moment.
I was looking at them as well. Being a sponsor and all. And no, nothing with the zippers or seams. This was all my fault. The little passive air window on the bottom of the tent was left open for fresh air, and it's just a little screen. So it's 100% on me. I just never really thought about it. I'll either build a little light baffle, or close it up and use ducting with a light baffle/screen on it. I'm also moving the tent to the other side of the basement, as it's just kinda slapped in the middle of of the basement floor at the moment.
Dang! But good to know at least that the seams and zipper areas are good! Mine just couldn’t hold up to the negative pressure I don’t guess :confused: lessons learned I reckon uggh
Dang! But good to know at least that the seams and zipper areas are good! Mine just couldn’t hold up to the negative pressure I don’t guess :confused: lessons learned I reckon uggh
For sure, live and learn has been my motto lately. :thumb:
I just had a moment of realization, and I have a question for y'all...

Light leaks.

More specifically, how much light is needed to cause herms? I was sitting here talking with my wife, and she told me she needed to go start a load of laundry. The thought slammed me in the face so hard I about got a nose bleed.

My passive air intake window is faced towards the wall where there are no lights. But what if light from the other side of the tent was still getting in? My brother has a bedroom down there, so sometimes he turns the light on to see, and my wife does laundry in the basement and will turn the main light on multiple times a day.

I got inside the tent, crouching under the hanging hermaphroditic results of my grow, and had her zip me up inside it. I. Could. See. My. Feet... And the rest of the bottom of the tent. It wasn't a crazy amount of light. Enough for me to see, so I'd imagine enough for the plants to respond while in flower.

I've been blaming the seeds this whole time, when in actuality I'm probably just a noob who overlooked something basic. :rofl: :rofl::rofl:

Live and Learn.

How much light during the dark period is needed to cause a herm?

Don't you shut the vents during lights out?
I Hermi a plant once that way, I think.
I put the vent covers over my outside light switch so I don't forget to shut them now.
It's easy to forget just once and then all the troubles start.
The ladies are still drying. I'm supposed to wait for them to give a small snap like feeling/sound right? As of yesterday they are still just kinda folding?
Regardless, I trimmed a branch of my brothers plant for funzies. Here's a budshot off it.
The ladies are still drying. I'm supposed to wait for them to give a small snap like feeling/sound right? As of yesterday they are still just kinda folding?
Regardless, I trimmed a branch of my brothers plant for funzies. Here's a budshot off it.

:bravo: great job, TB.
Sorry I haven't been around, I came close to kicking the bucket.
Ended up with some kind of flu type virus and four days in the hospital and a big bill if I didn't have insurance.
So what's next?
Are you starting a new grow yet?
:bravo: great job, TB.
Sorry I haven't been around, I came close to kicking the bucket.
Ended up with some kind of flu type virus and four days in the hospital and a big bill if I didn't have insurance.
So what's next?
Are you starting a new grow yet?

I'm just glad you are feeling better, I saw you go MIA on your thread for a minute.
The Garden of Green: Monster Pebbles is in my signature, but none of the seeds got past cracking open. And they have been in the soil for over a week now. I'm not sure what the plan is now to be honest. I don't have the cash flow to spend on new seeds. I have some left over from the ones this ran came from. I'm thinking about asking around to see if anyone has clones or something. Even if it's just one, I can grow it out and take clones from it to make a run.

I've been In a funk and not wanting to do anything as of late. (depression sucks) with the seeds not germinating it's only made it worse. I've been drawing again, and that's the only thing I've been able to focus on because I just get lost in it.
I'm just glad you are feeling better, I saw you go MIA on your thread for a minute.
The Garden of Green: Monster Pebbles is in my signature, but none of the seeds got past cracking open. And they have been in the soil for over a week now. I'm not sure what the plan is now to be honest. I don't have the cash flow to spend on new seeds. I have some left over from the ones this ran came from. I'm thinking about asking around to see if anyone has clones or something. Even if it's just one, I can grow it out and take clones from it to make a run.

I've been In a funk and not wanting to do anything as of late. (depression sucks) with the seeds not germinating it's only made it worse. I've been drawing again, and that's the only thing I've been able to focus on because I just get lost in it.


Dang John welcome back from the horsepistol. Glad to hear your doing better.
Thanks TB and Turbo, the IV's sucks at the Horsepistal.

Hey TB, what company did you get you seeds from.
Dude, depression sucks and you need to get away from it.
Please just put some bag seed in some soil until you work this problem out with your seed vendor.
I'm glad you're drawing to keep you depression down.
Don't let yourself get overloaded with depression.
Stay strong TB, thing's her a way of working themselves out.
Thanks TB and Turbo, the IV's sucks at the Horsepistal.

Hey TB, what company did you get you seeds from.
Dude, depression sucks and you need to get away from it.
Please just put some bag seed in some soil until you work this problem out with your seed vendor.
I'm glad you're drawing to keep you depression down.
Don't let yourself get overloaded with depression.
Stay strong TB, thing's her a way of working themselves out.

I can imagine.

They were the ones won from a giveaway hosted by George. I'm not going to pester him over seeds that were free for me.

I'm working on getting away from it, it usually only lasts a week or so and goes away for a while. :thumb:

I actually dropped a couple of my bagseed into the soil I was trying to germinate the other seeds in, just to see if it was my soil that stopped them from popping. I'm not sure why it would have, but I had to check.
I've got something lined up now for the next grow thanks to a generous individual. So kudos to them. :headbanger::headbanger::headbanger:
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