Urmom's New Indoor Medical Garden

What a way to end Summer and head into Winter with those babies. I bet they had an amazingly sweet taste... Looks Delicious....

The summer crop was outstanding! Mostly a wonderful lemony vomit smell to it all! Many people smell it and are disgusted by how strong it smells...love those terps!
The taste is all lemon lime with some sandalwood/cedar on the exhale...wonderful stuff...all daytime meds though, nothing for nightime/insomnia, which I suffer with.
The winter tent has Cheese autos and a mango auto so hopefully they trend towards the relaxing effects for us. In the meantime I have to "overmedicate" in order to fall asleep...it is a bit wasteful to smoke a gram to my head every night but until the new harvest that's where we are...

Thanks for the kudos!
Believe me. I know what you mean. My GF wakes up at 2am each night having to take a puff or two,because the street sheet we purchase isn`t cured properly, and its from a commercial grower who couldn`t care one way or another abt the finished product.
For years, i made sure we had the correct strains,but, i stopped abt a year or more because of other things in my life. Its because of her, i`m doing it again, so, she gets the best organic grow and i know exactly where it comes from, and the love i put into it, so, we`re happy.. Nobody, ever said growing our meds is easy, it requires patience and lots of love....:)
Firstly i hope you are feeling better? a travelling blood clot is serious shit......

Nice garden. Is a 1000w lamp really enough light for all those plants or do you plan to add more?

i'll tag along and see how you get on.

As for commercial growers, well i myself am a commercial grower and i put most none commercial growers to shame.... Its down to the individual, there are just good growers and bad growers no matter what their end goal.
Believe me. I know what you mean. My GF wakes up at 2am each night having to take a puff or two,because the street sheet we purchase isn`t cured properly, and its from a commercial grower who couldn`t care one way or another abt the finished product.
For years, i made sure we had the correct strains,but, i stopped abt a year or more because of other things in my life. Its because of her, i`m doing it again, so, she gets the best organic grow and i know exactly where it comes from, and the love i put into it, so, we`re happy.. Nobody, ever said growing our meds is easy, it requires patience and lots of love....:)

Nicely done brother! We have to take care of our queens...
Firstly i hope you are feeling better? a travelling blood clot is serious shit......

Nice garden. Is a 1000w lamp really enough light for all those plants or do you plan to add more?

i'll tag along and see how you get on.

As for commercial growers, well i myself am a commercial grower and i put most none commercial growers to shame.... Its down to the individual, there are just good growers and bad growers no matter what their end goal.

I applaud you putting in extra time as a commercial grower...too many people are too interested in the bottom line...

Thanks for the complement on the garden! No, 1000w is not enough in there! What you can't see is the 400w supplemental ballast over the cheese autos...

I was in there last night and was a bit overwhelmed with how much leaf is in there! I just remind myself that those 4 automatics will be out in another 3-4 weeks hopefully...next time I will follow my grow mentors advice and start the autos 4 weeks early, allowing the photo girls to veg for the final month before flowering ...right now the autos are finishing under 12/12...I know it's not the best case but it is what it is...

Anyone have experience flowering/finishing autos under 12/12?
I will see what I can do about getting some pictures taken tomorrow evening...but I have some big news that I just had to share with all of you...

As you all know, I am growing out 3 Big Buddha Cheese Automatics...2 are very similar and I can say for sure they are what "Cheese" probably smells like. Or what I think it is supposed to smell like and that's all that matters right? I am very happy with those "twins" and I will run half of each plant as hash and keep the choicest nugs for long cure.

The other short, greener, stocky pheno is the new development. I was not too impressed with her for the last few weeks...she looks nice enough, has some frost developing but nothing great. Until tonight!!! I was moving the girls around, doing my final mini prune to the lower branches and small inner stuff I know will never get developed... I like to take this time to give them all a heavy petting and check structure, obscure/weird development, and really smell them and taste the small shoots as well (gotta load that EC system!). So anyway, this otherwise middle of the road plant has developed a crazy deep ROADKILL SKUNK aroma!!! It knocks you out! Straight ammonia and acrid funky nast! If you want to find that elusive gross out skunk, run a couple packs of Big Buddhas automatic cheese...holy smokes!

I am ordering a pack of regular cheese next round and will begin the mother hunt!

I had to share the big news! Hope everyone is doing good! Thanks for stopping by!
Super respect for you and all you have accomplished urmom sir. A true cultivator. Id love to take a trip east on the thru way and visit your farm! :;): :thumb: Keep on keepin on man
To use the kid's lexicon, OMG!!!
I checked the garden this morning after waking up super sick (at 4:20!) this morning... I have no idea what was wrong but it came out with force...that's all I'm going to say about that...
But the smell on that cheese auto this morning, somehow, got even grosser overnight...it is so rancid smelling I almost puked from the smell when I brushed against it...
Pretty excited!
So I finally remembered to put the memory card in the camera when I took pictures...I wish I had more time for updates but I am still crazy ill with headaches and all sorts of GI distress and coughing...every time I start to kick it, my daughter gives me the newest mutated strain and I get sick again...its been like 3 weeks now...

Anyway, enough bellyaching and on to the photoessay update of the week...enjoy and post questions/comments if you have any...
P.S. we are on growth day 37 and flower day 14 I think...pretty sure the light got flipped n Jan 23rd and they popped out of dirt on Christmas I think...so like 5 or 6 weeks of total age on them...the autos are pretty obvious in the pictures, they should finish up in the next month or so, hopefully the Cheese will be done by the end of February...and the rest of the jungle will finish between March 23rd and April 23rd...






So not good news here at the farm...the cat has some kind of infection and he looks like he is going downhill...going to the vet today...

I wake up this morning and my wife is on the couch with a migraine and a terrible stomach problem...

3 days ago (4 now...) I started feeling very sick and for the last few days I have been very ill. Back, neck, shoulders and hips in terrible pain, diarrhea, nauseated, dizzy...it is bad. I may go to the hospital today...I called the VA and they want me in the emergency room, they think I may have a blood cot traveling and that can be a problem...

Lastly, with all this sickness, I did not checked my garden 2 nights ago...I went in last night and the lights have been off for about 26 hours at least. It was like 60 degrees in the tent and the plants were drooping bad!
Turns out my power strip is blowing its fuse (old strip) and killed my lights and dehumidifier for just over a day. Plugged the lights into a hard line and am running the humidifier on the strip with a fan and thats it.

I am leaving it alone until tonight, hopefully the lights come on on schedule and I will take some photos if everything else works out for me...vet, wife, self...we are a mess over here...

Hope everyone else is doing better than us!

Ahh gees man your guys sound rough, I hope y all are feeling better and back on the mend!:thumb: I just found your journal and am enjoying the hell out of it, thanks for all the effort man, it's a gooder.:goodjob: I know how bad well water can be, I use to drill water wells for 16 yrs and seen some wild water! I recently had a grow where I only used RO water because our town water is horrible, but man did it get expensive at 3 bucks a jug... So I made it 3/4 of the way through before I said screw it, too expensive esp when flush time came around. I did look into using the water from my dehumidifier, tested it and it's perfect water. Someone brought up a possibility of lead contamination because of the old solder the used back in the day, but these days they don't use it in dehumidifyers or any other portable sources, so that's always a cool option. I was only grabbing about 3 gal a day from the dehumidifyer it JUST gave me enough water for 5 plants, using it and storing it conservatively. We are getting RO water here soon so that ll help a lot.
About your rapid growth issue, I heard of a technique where you fold the top 2 sets of leaves together and kind of "clamp" them together so they won't absorb light and allow the lower growth to bush up. This is only done for say 4 hour stints a day, I did go 6 once or twice and it was ok, then unfold em and let them freshen up and do it again the next day. This can be done for a week or so, or until you start to get the results you want. Hope this helps man, just chuck n iderrr s out there for ya:Namaste:
To use the kid's lexicon, OMG!!!
I checked the garden this morning after waking up super sick (at 4:20!) this morning... I have no idea what was wrong but it came out with force...that's all I'm going to say about that...
But the smell on that cheese auto this morning, somehow, got even grosser overnight...it is so rancid smelling I almost puked from the smell when I brushed against it...
Pretty excited!

Oh no your scaring me man, I ve got a Cheese on the grow in week 4 of flower and I m just starting to get a wiff of her pungent stench..... And you say it get worse!! Mind you there not auto s but still! The seed co. sent me Cheese as a replacement for White Widdow, as if they are even close in CBD s or THC, wasn't impressed but I m gonna do my best with it and save it for a friend fighting cancer as we speak.
Ahh gees man your guys sound rough, I hope y all are feeling better and back on the mend!:thumb: I just found your journal and am enjoying the hell out of it, thanks for all the effort man, it's a gooder.:goodjob: I know how bad well water can be, I use to drill water wells for 16 yrs and seen some wild water! I recently had a grow where I only used RO water because our town water is horrible, but man did it get expensive at 3 bucks a jug... So I made it 3/4 of the way through before I said screw it, too expensive esp when flush time came around. I did look into using the water from my dehumidifier, tested it and it's perfect water. Someone brought up a possibility of lead contamination because of the old solder the used back in the day, but these days they don't use it in dehumidifyers or any other portable sources, so that's always a cool option. I was only grabbing about 3 gal a day from the dehumidifyer it JUST gave me enough water for 5 plants, using it and storing it conservatively. We are getting RO water here soon so that ll help a lot.
About your rapid growth issue, I heard of a technique where you fold the top 2 sets of leaves together and kind of "clamp" them together so they won't absorb light and allow the lower growth to bush up. This is only done for say 4 hour stints a day, I did go 6 once or twice and it was ok, then unfold em and let them freshen up and do it again the next day. This can be done for a week or so, or until you start to get the results you want. Hope this helps man, just chuck n iderrr s out there for ya:Namaste:

Thanks for the thoughts...we had to put our cat to sleep on my birthday...:green_heart: he was a good boy and will be missed...

as for the water issue...yes it is expensive but I found it for 0.79c a gallon and I am buying a RO filter with the next cashfall... The summer is no problem, we grow in the soil and supplement with collected rainwater...we get about 500 gallons every 2 hours of steady rain.

I was thinking about a supplemental T5 setup for the side of the tent...to help with lighting as they are approaching the top of my gorilla tent...and they are in flower so I don't want to eph with the leaves or stress them too much...
Thanks for the thoughts...we had to put our cat to sleep on my birthday...:green_heart: he was a good boy and will be missed...

as for the water issue...yes it is expensive but I found it for 0.79c a gallon and I am buying a RO filter with the next cashfall... The summer is no problem, we grow in the soil and supplement with collected rainwater...we get about 500 gallons every 2 hours of steady rain.

I was thinking about a supplemental T5 setup for the side of the tent...to help with lighting as they are approaching the top of my gorilla tent...and they are in flower so I don't want to eph with the leaves or stress them too much...

Dude NO! Aww now I feel absolutly terrible for y all, if I was there man I d be feeding you so much food, smoke and booze to help with your loss!:love: I am truely sorry for your loss, I know fur babies hold a special spot in anyone's hart and by the sounds of it you and the little women had nothing but love for him!:rip::sorry:

I think your on to something with those t5 s for supplemental light, I kinda did the same thing with my first grow but it was just cuz I had em laying around ( they were crap, the ones I had) They were those small self contained 24" ers that you just plug in, no ballast. By the sound s of it 2 footers would work nicely for ya, like one on each wall..... :thumb:
Oh no your scaring me man, I ve got a Cheese on the grow in week 4 of flower and I m just starting to get a wiff of her pungent stench..... And you say it get worse!! Mind you there not auto s but still! The seed co. sent me Cheese as a replacement for White Widdow, as if they are even close in CBD s or THC, wasn't impressed but I m gonna do my best with it and save it for a friend fighting cancer as we speak.

My cheese autos are only at week 6 or 7 I think right now...and the stench is getting worse every day...I hope yours is just as unpleasant! :cough:
So a quick update for those of you following along...and remember, there will be a test at the end...or the middle...or the beginning...maybe you missed it...

I was just down in the garden last night and admiring the trichome production on my girls...and I have to say something here...I am growing out several seed company's gear and have been sampling and growing a wide variety of seeds for several years...
Right now wee are running some House of the Great Gardener "Rene", Big Buddha "Cheese Automatic", Green House Seeds "Super Lemon Haze" and a "Sweet Mango Automatic" from them as well, and a CH9 "Superhaze".

The overall growth during the first month was pretty good overall. The SLH showed 2 distinct phenos from the start; 2 of them are short, broad leaf, super stinky with short internode length and a traditional hindu kush shape with strong long bottom branches. The other one is all sorts of tall and lanky with huge internode gaps (almost 8-10 inches in some places...), thin leaf and a wide open structure you could easily pass of as a Mexican or Thai equatorial variety.
The Rene is performing pretty evenly, one of them is in a 10 gal and the other in a 5 gal so the big pot is a bigger plant but smell, structure etc seem pretty similar.
The Automatic Cheese showed 2 phenos and one of them is expressing much different than the other 2. It is short, chunky and very dark emerald green with a basic christmas tree shape. The other 2 looked like twins for the first couple weeks then as they flowered, things changed...one is staying all green and looks like a picture of old school Jamaican, with the tall main stem, a few lower branches that are well developed and then a huge gap until the crown. Super resin production and lots of open room on this girl. The other "twin" is turning a neat yellow/orange color and the flowers are rally starting to stack up and get fat, while the other one stays nice and neat with little compact buds at each node as opposed to crazy swelling...this one also has a "flat-stem" and I have had increased yield on those plants generally...
The other Auto is the Sweet Mango auto from GHS...she wouldn't really flower with the Cheese sutos while on 24/0, 20/4, or 18/6...she started to flower very weakly when we dropped to 16/8 and finally swung into full flower at 12/12...so much for an autoflower!

So that is what my little rant/update is about...crap gear from Greenhouse Seeds...The SLH has huge, thick stems and tiny little bud sites that are significantly smaller than anything else in the tent and the auto seeds wouldn't even flower until we went to 12/12. I am pretty disappointed with this because I had high hopes for that Super lemon haze. I mean, it may turn out to be fire and the best smoke in the tent but it is going to have to be exceptional to grow it again...I have 3 more SLH seeds so I guess I will grow them out but I may just pass them along as a gift...the only problem is I don't want to gift someone some seeds that I feel are inferior...thoughts from the peanut gallery?
I seem to have the first of two pheno for my short bushy SLH. Bud sites are plentiful and size is ok. However, she is by far the smallest of the four.

bud sites seem to be plentiful, just slow compared to everything else...I will not be ordering from GHS again...
It might just be that they have longer flowering times, and will start packing on some weight towards the end. I hope so anyway.
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