1st DWC Grow

Update on the girls
Hi Mcnasty.:ciao:
Subscribed. Your plants are looking nice man, great growth.
How much are you feeding the plants? from the bottle directions? do you have a PPM meter? what are your PPM's? Either way keep up the good work your plants look nice and healthy.
Good luck with the rest of your grow. ;
Thanks I am using recipe for success I use around 3 gallons of water in my res. My strength of nutes I use is kinda by the directions like one says 8 ml per gallon I use 16 ml for my 3 gallons I plain on going full strength soon. I do not have a ppm yet that's a reason I'm not going full strength to. I was thinking about trying a cheapo one have you tried one? And I'll post pics poll 2 times a week at least
Thanks I am using recipe for success I use around 3 gallons of water in my res. My strength of nutes I use is kinda by the directions like one says 8 ml per gallon I use 16 ml for my 3 gallons I plain on going full strength soon. I do not have a ppm yet that's a reason I'm not going full strength to. I was thinking about trying a cheapo one have you tried one? And I'll post pics poll 2 times a week at least

Hi McN.
Yes I have PPM meter and would really suggest you get one also, especially in DWC grow. The are only 20$ off ebay or amazon etc..
Your plants are looking very healthy so your not over feeding, which is good. I wouldn't suggest you go to full strength ever. I use 1/3 strength and my plants are fine. Your using 2/3 and plants are looking great so I would keep it at the 2/3 strength unless you notice some deficiencies.

Because the roots are dangling in the nutrient solution, and the nutes are so readily available you don't need a lot. If the plants want nutes they will take what they need from the water/nutes solution. In my opinion "less is more" in DWC grows.;)
i purchased the same bucket, and elbow/grommet but sadly it was too big for my grow cab. interested to see how yours does.the only difference is i use "hydro-rocks" they are like hydroton but with more of a random jagged shape than spherical which helps the roots climb through better. all to the good luck though, hope yours is a good one.
Because the roots are dangling in the nutrient solution, and the nutes are so readily available you don't need a lot. If the plants want nutes they will take what they need from the water/nutes solution. In my opinion "less is more: in DWC grows.;)
i second that one, i learned the hard way from nute burn and lockup, and always top off your container with water only because if you ad nutes to an already concentrated solution youll burn it for sure.
I use a dwc as well. I think we are about at the same spot. about a month. First if you want to add the tube drainage on your bucket you must attach the hose to the elbow before you insert it into the grommet so you dont damage the grommet when you try and jam the hose on ( they tend to be very tight). I have done this but I dont recommend it because if something happens over night and you leak out your plant can die. It has its perks but I dont think they outweigh the potential consenquence. I like that you switched to t5's I use floros as well. I like the journal. very similar to mine. :reading420magazine:
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