1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL & LED Grow Tent

Also considering to put a layer of perlite on top of my soil to reflect some light on plants bottom growth, also would work agains pests who like to live and lays eggs in soil, just in case :)
From wikipedia:
Focus: The solid package of the LED can be designed to focus its light. Incandescent and fluorescent sources often require an external reflector to collect light and direct it in a usable manner. For larger LED packages total internal reflection (TIR) lenses are often used to the same effect

So, does this mean even white paint isn't really necessary? I'm just curious now, My closet is already painted flat white :)
So after the whole LED and closet discussion this morning, I went in my room and holy hell it stunk! Kandy is laying the smell on pretty strong. My scrubber doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot. I have it just blowing out into my room. So I decided to arrange the closet now and vent the air into my attic. I hope it dissipates better up there so my neighbors don't smell it!

I have kandy's taste in my mouth, and it is not too pleasant lol.

I really hate to disturb such a great tent grow right now. Hopefully I didn't muck anything up. I sure hope this helps with the smell. Stay tuned for more updates.
Some pics of my setup now....





Hope you all are having a great day!
The only problem I foresee with venting into your attic is that cannabis like all plants is Photorespiration. which means when they are performing photosynthesis they take in water from there roots and CO2 from there leave they will breath out that water and oxygen from there leaves which will cause mould in your attic if it doesn't vent quickly enough
The only problem I foresee with venting into your attic is that cannabis like all plants is Photorespiration. which means when they are performing photosynthesis they take in water from there roots and CO2 from there leave they will breath out that water and oxygen from there leaves which will cause mould in your attic if it doesn't vent quickly enough

That's a good point, I will keep an eye on it.

I just went outside, and I swear I am smelling it. It can't be though. I think her smell is all over me.... I can't believe how much she stinks for such a little girl. She doesn't even have buds yet!
That's a good point, I will keep an eye on it.

I just went outside, and I swear I am smelling it. It can't be though. I think her smell is all over me.... I can't believe how much she stinks for such a little girl. She doesn't even have buds yet!

I wish we had smell a vision
Just bought a new carbon filter and fan from Amazon. The crappy one I got, I found a bunch of people who claim it doesn't remove smells for them either. Live and learn. Hope the house doesn't get too stinky before the new one arrives.
What one did you order?

The VenTech IF4CF412. Lots of good reviews. I might run my current filter and fan in the room to take out some, and then use the new one to vent to the attic. The smell is getting serious in my room.... I never would've thought being she is still smallish.
So I ended up moving the filter to the floor, It's sitting right next to stinky. Seems to have helped the smelly house. Not sure what the attic is going to smell like.
I am going to add a soffit vent to the closet door to allow better air intake. It will be needed when I add the second filter and fan to the room.

I'll update with pics later today, Last I checked the girls are looking great. Kandy is starting her bud sites all over the place, and Bubba is getting FAT. :)
Have you looked into getting some Ona gel? I've got a pot ready, at the minute my plants are stinking but it's more a veggy smell at the minute, until you get close :yummy: . I too may have to invest in a better fan and filter and i like the idea of having it still run outside of the grow room :thumb:

I think you need to keep the Ona gel a little distance from your grow room as it's that powerful!
Have you looked into getting some Ona gel?

Not yet. I am sure the new filter will work. I have the old one working now, practically sitting on top of the girls. But it doesn't clean the smell going into the attic, Just helping to remove it from my room right now. :)
Does this still count as a "stealth" grow? LOL


Added an air intake to help with the negative pressure that will be built up in the room......
Day 27 Update:
I think I have the smell under control now. Kandy has started stretching and her node spacing is increasing. She is in flower now.
Bubba, still isn't growing staggered nodes, but she must be on her 7 or 8th node now, Her last leaves were 9 point. She is as tall as Kandy, but maybe a bit bushier.


Bubba Day 27:




Kandy Day 27




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