1st Hydro - LED Grow With Crop King White Widow From Seed

I think once you start running pumps, sprayers, chillers anything of those sort then you have to start watching what kind of nutes you use
for me with the nutes I use I wouldn't cause theres all sorts of particles of stuff in there
between the 2 part and stuff like liquid kharma lots of stuff floating in my res lotta organic
if your not using organic and theres no particles then there isn't too much of an issue that I would see
if theres any at all
Update: 6 Days as sprouts;
Both seedlings are still looking healthy. Both have their second set of leaves coming in. Neither plant has grown taller. Not worried as I have seen pics of other WW grows and they seem to stay pretty low in the beginning. I am hoping that their growth rate will pick up as their leaf count gets higher. :) I do not want to veg them for 2 months. But I also don't want them to get too far ahead of the seeds that I just popped. I placed 5 of the "Puff Puff Passout" seeds and one of the "Tutankhamon" in water. All 6 sank to the bottom and have started popping. So that is a very hopeful sign. I will again be using the paper towel between plates method of growing them until they are large enough for the cubes. They should be in their pots Friday or Saturday. So that is when I will do a res change and connect up the 4 other pots. That will give me a total of 8 plants (2 WW, 1 Tutankhamon, and 5 PPP). So I am pretty excited to see what they do and how they will taste come harvest time. :)
Both PPP and Tut are indica dominate hybrids. Both are supposed to be pretty extreme THC levels. However Tutankhamon supposedly had a 33% THC level at the 2011 Spainabis Cup. The seed bank that made them are Spanish so maybe that swayed the competition. ;) I do not know but I am interested to see what happens.
Just for curiosity, has anyone else gotten seeds from Europe and if so, can you trust anything they say about their genetics? Anyway it is late and I will post some pics tomorrow. Thanks again for everyone that is reading this and especially to those that are helping me so much. Thanks. :)
Thanks Cronic. I do not see any particulates in there except the damn hydroton that was to small to stay in the net pots. I used a large strainer when I washed that stuff (unbelievable the amount of dust that came off of them! Glad I did that outside!). However, a few small ones still wound up in my net pots. They found their way into my submersible pump and I had to clean them out as well as check my tubbing. That was a messy PITA! But hey if it was easy everyone would be doing it. :)
For submersible pumps like my little nute pump for my chiller I cut a piece of plastic mosquito screen to fit over the slots and hot-glued it all around the edge to keep the roots out and any other crud like pieces of hydroton.

I probably said it before but you are a prime candidate for pH perfect nutes. You have a big investment already in that gear and they would take away half your problems. Forget about pH altogether and concentrate on everything else. Once you get some grows under your belt and all stocked up on buds and confidence then switch over to organic hydro or whatever you want.

After a grow or two, learn to clone and keep a couple moms of your favorite strains. Femmed plants can be moms too.

It hurts to see all the grief you're going through to get the show on the road and I feel your pain. I wanna come over and get you up and running. :)

For seeds I think any that they have for sponsors here should be good. I've never ordered seeds but walked into a store in Vancouver, BC and paid cash for a pack of autos.


I wish you were in my hood as well. I could use the advice. It is going to be alright. I will have the chiller installed tonight. I wanted to go with the pH perfect AN line. But had trouble when ordering it off of Amazon. So I just picked up Canna and that is how I am here. I will definitely be putting screens on my submersible pumps. The thing with the hydroton is it is a bunch of new stuff. After a few months all the little crap will be gone. It really is not a big deal. Just takes a bit of time to check the lines and buckets then fish them out with the fish net. :)
Speaking of time sinks, that is part of the reason for doing this. I grow flowers, herbs, and spices in pots outside. I love it, but it is a really small grow. I wanted more interaction with the growing process and this is it. I wanted a hobby and got into this. I have always been curious about Hydroponics anyway. Seems like a cool sustainable way to grow things. Aquaponics is even more interesting. If someone ever perfects a Aquaponics system with blue crabs, king prawns, or lobsters, I swear I will stop working and get into aquafarming. :)
Here are some photos that I just took of the sprouts. The first one is a pretty good pic. The next two are of the other sprout. They came out blurry so I apologize. I do not know why this one is growing so weirdly. Anyway have a look and tell me what you think.


4 sq ft? you may be adding wrong
that's like 4- 1ft sq block
2'x2' id have trouble with one blooming plant in a 2x2 space
You should stick a bamboo skewer or something in beside that floppy plant to stand her up. Wrap a twist tie tightly around the skewer so it holds on tight and make a loose loop around the stem just below the crown to stand her up.

Those tiny bits of hydroton are a PITA. You'd think they could screen those at the factory to have a more uniform size in the bag. Here's what I did to get rid of the little ones. I took a plastic, half pound tobacco tin and drilled a bunch of 3/8" holes all over the bottom and for a couple inches up the side. Just hold it over some container and dump a cup of balls in it and shake it around good. All the tiny crap falls through and you just dump the can into another container. Refill and repeat until you have a bunch all ready for rinsing off. None will get in the nutes after that. :)

That first pic with the nice little seedling doesn't look like it's growing funny to me. What in particular concerns you?

4 sq ft? you may be adding wrong
that's like 4- 1ft sq block
2'x2' id have trouble with one blooming plant in a 2x2 space

lol. Both will cover 2x2 space for a total of 4 sq feet (I hope). The whole area is 4x8x7 with about 5" of usable vertical space (the other 2 ft are used up by the light and the space between the light and plants). So in reality I will need all 8 plants to cover about 4 ft to fill the whole grow area. I just hope it does not take 2 months in veg to get there. You can still train a plant using a screen during the first two weeks of flower right? What I mean is if I am able to fill in the screen to like 3 square feet and then flip, can I fill in the screen during the first two weeks of flower or will that mess up the bud sites?
usually you would fill about 80 percent in veg roughly and the other 20 would be filled in when it stretches
you still have to work it in the net in bloom until its all full then let it reach if it still wants too
Update 7 days as sprouts (by the way when should I start the clock as the start of Veg?):
Not much has changed with the plants. That is good. The second set of leaves are growing in nicely. I would say probably half way grown. The big news is the chiller finaly came this evening. So I just finished installing it and letting it run. Works fast! Took like ten minutes to get the res temp from 84 f down to 68 f. So now that the temp situation is solved, I just have to dial in the ppm and pH. My pH is sitting at 6.1 I did not do anything to it to bring it down. Just going to wait until I hook up the other four pots and put the new seedlings in the RR plugs. Speaking of them, this morning I placed them in the paper towel. I just looked at them and the five PPP all have itty bitty tails coming out, but the Tut does not. Hopefully tut catches up tonight :)
Well that is about it. Hope every one has a good night and green dreams.
im counting once its in the res under the lights with nutes
my count starts pretty fast
Update Day 8 of Veg:
I should have done this last night. I just got very tired and went to sleep though. Everything looks fine to me. The plants are growing and second set of leaves are really filling out now. pH is 6.2 and ppm are same at 350 ppm adjusted. The res temp is stable now at 70 f! :) So glad to be on top of that now. I have checked on the plants already this morning and they are fine. I will make a day 9 update tonight. Thanks and have a great day.

They're looking better now Bama. Off to the races!

Best to leave the pH where it's at for now unless it starts creeping up to 6.4. Might start creeping down. The plants are too small to have any effect on pH. Bubbling air thru the water can slowly make it more acidic from the CO2 in the air. When CO2 is bubbled in water it produces carbonic acid, CO2 + H2O -> H2CO3. It's a very weak acid and as there is only 400ppm CO2 in the air it takes a while to make enough acid to do much.

You might want to go a little lower on your nute temps to increase the oxygen level in it. I'm pretty steady at 63F and the girl is loving it.


Thanks for checking in. I said I would do an update last night but could not log in for some reason. So that did not happen. I have tried to lower the temps some more but because of the ambient air temps I can not get it to go much lower. The plants seem to be loving the lower temps! They are really starting to show off a bit.
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