1st Journal 2nd Grow Sugar Black Rose

Well purple I would think your ppm is way high. I personally notice that my plants show some nutrient burns when going up to like 900. So I finally decided to see what yours grow looks like. Looks a amazing. I use this for cropping my plants the easy super cropper, costs about 20 dollars online, haven’t lost any stems using it yet. Although it is always a scare using them lol XD but some of the stems look soo much better now. Here’s a nuterient and ph chart I found online, although I haven’t gone above 940 ec yet I hope this helps you out bud


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Earlier on in my grow my plants were showing some brown spots also, I concluded that it was from a combination of root rot or nutrient burn, and possibly light burn. I lowered my water levels a bit added an extra air stone, laxed on the nutes a bit and lifted my lights a bit higher, and the problems went away. And then they came back after I changed my lights to my current ones, but I guess that it was due to the plant acclimating to the newer stronger light
I am a new DWC grower albeit on a smaller scale than you are doing and I have settled on Autos.

I had enough cash to spend on a decent set up so getting stuff to "help" wasn't the issue it was tying down what the issues were that was and is still my main challenge on every grow.

I had very similar leaf spotting etc on my grows.

Didn't really get to the bottom of it but combinations of using fewer nutes, calmag, RO water, lowering the light intensity and complete rez changes are in order.. oh and using foliar spray. Not all at once....

I have grown different strains and had plants in the same rez that show signs of issues and others same strain next to them that show none...

I have had to abort a few grows due to "security" issues and one because I think i put freezing cold water in a rez and it shocked the plants which were flowering.

I would say just keep learning here from experienced growers , simplify things until you have some successful grows under your belt and given the quantities you are growing get ready to spend a lot of time harvesting drying and curing it all !
@BirdieNumNum Yeah I am definitely planning on doing a water change meant to do one Monday but just been busy(lazy). I’m not sure how I feel about foliage spray though. Maybe you could shed some light onto as to why you do.

@Scottylikesbud:D thanks man I think I was just trying to crop to early on when I snapped a few.. second grow and all ya know, bound to make a few mistakes. But now I seem to have it down. Successful supercropping of all three with no more snapping.

Thanks guys for chimming in :snowboating:. I can use as much support and advice as possible to produce the best buds possible. I mean after all isn’t that one of the main reasons?:yummy::bongrip:
Day 35 from popped seed

Supercropping and more low stress training. A1 is showing purple on her new growth leaves, kind of hard to tell in the washed out pictures but it’ll have to do. A2 is still the smallest, growing fine though with A3 still being the largest. Everyone seems to be very happy other then the lower fee leaves with the browning which I hope to remedy with the water change today. Starting to clean the 55gallon fish tank I had laying around.
@Scottylikesbud:D i took a closer look at that ph nute chart and if my issue with the lower leaves is in fact due to cal-mag deficiency/lockout I could easily cure it by raising the ph up to 6.0-6.2 max

My tap is naturally high in ph and that’s what I use for the water so I’m thinking I’ll just throw a few gallons in the res and let it cycle for a bit and test. What’s everyone’s thoughts on this?
co2 Update: Day 1

Bubbles are steady at about 8-12 per second( hard to count that quick :laughtwo: )... with that being said I did further research to try and determine how much this thing is releasing according to the 8-12 bps (bubbles per second) while digging through other forums and articles I stumbled across some people on a planted aquarium talking about the size of 1/8” bubbles and some conversions I was able to use to find out how much this thing is putting off in cfh. Here is the article so if anyone else would like to use the numbers or see where I grabbed them.

With 1/8 inch diameter bubbles, one bubble is about .00086 cubic inches. For a flow of one bubble per second that it .00086 cubic inches per second, or .052 cubic inches per minute. One cubic inch is 16.39 cubic centimeters. So, one bubble per second is about .85 cc per minute. And, I don't think gas flow meters can register that low a flow rate.
You can consider this flow rate to be sccm, standard cubic centimeters per minute, since the gas is essentially at standard atmospheric pressure.

So with the above info I went and started calculating assuming mine are about that size as well...

.00086 x 8bps = .00688 cis
.00688 x 60 = .4128 cim
.4128 x 60 = 24.768 cih
24.768 \ 12 = 2.064 cfh
2.064 \ 60 = .0344 cfm

If these numbers are right then I am actually producing twice as much as I need in this room once levels are high enough... this really makes me want a meter now, even a cheap one. Anyone got a recommendation?

Oh and I just ran your equation based off what your bubble size and speed is @bluenoserjoe
.258 cf per hour and for your small space that’s probably plenty.
Ha, I was about to do just that when I read that last bit. Thank ya for that.:passitleft: Something I have wondered about and good to know it is doing some good. Time to look for more yeast on sale.
Your plants are doing A-1. You have a great hand for training, my grows always turn into such a jungle. Practice will make perfect.:peace:
@bluenoserjoe Absolutely man. I’m glad to help. And thank you. The first time I decided to start training I sat there just looking at like hmm, where do I even start and how. Next thing you know I’m just working full circle round the plant and she’s all bent over.Bend, tuck, and level. I figure I just keep bending out with everything for right now since as the circle gets bigger so does the available area to grow fat ass colas and the middle will fill in due time with stretching.

Update on res cleaning...

So I saw a bit of dead algae from before I had the lids all painted and blacked out... smh shit happens I keep telling myself... Well anyways I wiped all the surfaces down with a new scotchbrite sponge threw in 240cc or ml of 3%hydrogen peroxide with 3 more gallons of my high ph tap water to help compensate the lower ph of the peroxide. Going to let that sit till later today then turn inline pump off and pull all my nylon filters for a clean and sanitize. Then I will fill my mix tank with tap water and bring it to a ph of 6.1 and throw in a heater to bring the temp up to original res temp. I’ll use my Python aquarium auto filler hose that attaches to my faucet to suck as much crap out as possible of each tote. After I’ll put the filters back on fill the system let run for a few hours then repeat one more time. After which I will make another batch of nutes and throw it in rdwc. Fingers crossed all issues are resolved. I will get back to everyone later about this.
Damn that sounds like a lot of work, I just wash my buckets out once a week with a bit of soap .
Yeah but I haven’t cleaned the system ONCE yet! Never properly cleaned and sanitized in the beginning and now I’m paying for it. So I fee this is necessary. After which I’ll clean once weekly with sponge and some h202.
Day 37

I have now removed 99% of all the crud that builtup over the last month.. I will make note that my flush for 3 hrs was with water that had a ph of 8.2 however the temp was within 2 degrees F of what the res was before... Now let me say that I could have sworn that I ph’d it first and that it could be from all the crap that was still in the system that raised it? But to go from 6- 8.2 seems like a bit too much. No worries tho. It was only for 3 hours. This time I dosed my water with 500cc of Micro and Gro and 250cc of Bloom like suggested by HG for rdwc. I also threw it about 250cc of h202 one last time just to get rid of anything that may be left over. In about 2 more days I will add hydroguard to give the system some good bacteria to help fight off any bad bacteria( I am going to wait a few days so that all the h2o2 breaks down and won’t kill any of the good bacteria) and cal-mg assuming everything looks good and there is signs of nute burn. Doing this water change really makes me feel better.. I just hope the girls feel the same.

Water perimeters now are:
PH : 6.08
Res Temp: 73.5
TDS: 1550
Day 41

SCROG has been finished and placed. Hydroguard has been added. As well as a splash of CAL-MAG plus. I have wrapped the 3” pvc with pipe insulation with plans to wrap everything in an attempt to drop the temps. I have purcgased an adapter to the bathroom sink so myRODI system will not leak while using it and causing me to waste so much water and have about 25gallons made and counting. My plants do seems happy. Note that they did take a few days to bounce back from the water change/flush I did.

co2 Update Day 6

Bubble pruduction has significantly decreased down to about the 1-2 bubbles per second. I will be emptying the 5gallons and mixing up a new batch to try and find a long lasting steadier mix.



Insulated 3” pvc




Day 45

About 2 days ago I did some defoliating to help the girls breathe. As well as mixed up a new batch of sugar and yeast. This time I kept the water level just before it starts to get smaller, used about 5lbs of sugar again with 3 not 5 packets of yeast, and left about 1/3 of the sugar without dissolving it at the bottom in an attempt to extend the release. Day 2 of diy co2 generator and going consistently atm, maybe 2 bps slower.
All 3 of the girls are looking very happy and have been exploding with growth. Today I have super cropped once again. I am holding the canopy at about 8 inches with the scrog net haha someone please tell me if that is abnormally short or what? Killin my back from bending over them.
Mixing up some new nute solution for the transition week and plan to flip to flower in 1 week. What’s everyone’s thoughts? Also I am seeing a LOT of pistils on these girls atm. Should I be concerned about preflower or? FYI they are not autos.






Here are the absurd amount of pistils while still in veg

And here is a shot of all 3 girls
Thanks Modest. Do you think I should be worried at all about the pistils or is it more of a good thing to have so many pistils so early?

@West Hippie you said you use MC for your hydro setups right? Is it the 2nd one and how do you feel about the other nutes listed there? Any experience with them? I plan on running MC once I use up the rest of the GH products I have.
Thanks Modest. Do you think I should be worried at all about the pistils or is it more of a good thing to have so many pistils so early?

@West Hippie you said you use MC for your hydro setups right? Is it the 2nd one and how do you feel about the other nutes listed there? Any experience with them? I plan on running MC once I use up the rest of the GH products I have.
Thanks for the tag . I haven’t gotten past GH calimagic yet . @Dutchman1990 is using them ! I’m glad you asked I need to get back over there and check it out also .
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