2nd Grow - Promix - LED - CKS Hash Plant x 2 - Old School - Alpha Dawg

I saved all of my CBD sugar leaves......what do you do with them?
I saved all of my CBD sugar leaves......what do you do with them?

I'm not 100% sure. I think I went about it wrong the first time. They need to be decarbed with heat and with my first lot I don't think that got done. I got no buzz but did it ever make me sleepy. I'll have to read up on it before I try it again.

Hitting Moncton tomorrow after work. The wife had to make an appointment at the Apple Store to get her phone looked at, so I'll tag along and see what dispensaries are on the go up there.
I'm pruning off a load of sucker buds and smaller twigs now to let the main colas do their thing. It also gets me a little smoke for now. Kind of a 50/50 going on there.

What are your guys preferred method of fast dry?
Do tell... is there a process or journal somewhere?
I haven't gotten a chance to make any since moving up here. But after harvest I certainly will. Very simple honestly. Just need to be in a well ventilated area for starters away from any open flame. You can buy a vessel from a smoke shop, they look like giant wangs.... you fill the tube with sugar leaf, or nug if inclined, then put 2 coffee filters over the big end held in place with rubber bands. Make sure the rubber bands are very snug. Using a can of pure butane, Newport or another 7+ times distilled butane (food grade is best) insert the tip into small and of the extraction tube. Sometimes using an adapter piece is necessary. point the filter covered end over a large shallow Pyrex and run the butane until runoff is clear or shortly thereafter. The Pyrex can be lined with parchment to make life easier.


The butane has a boiling point of that below room temperature, and after 30 mins to an hour will look like a slowly bubbling golden sludge. When the solution becomes noticeably more viscous it will no longer be dangerosly flammable.

The Pyrex or parchment lined Pyrex should be placed on a pancake griddle capable of low temps. 100 degree is ideal a heating pad for seedlings works wonders :)

If you have access to a vacuum chamber and vacuum pump the process can be sped up when the bubbling has slowed to a near halt. If not simply leave in a high temperature area for 3 or 4 days. It can be smoked sooner however if a booger sized bit sparkles under a lighter there is more butane to evaporate. If a crumbly texture was is desired the solution should be heated to 100 degrees and "whipped" or agitated at day 2 and then left to finish.

Boom, Dabs done easy.
Yeah bestvaluevacs offer a good selection of equipment but a local head shop should have glass extraction tubes for like 15 20 bucks :) yes I have a journal. I'm kind a starting over one of my girls got super super light burnt and the other i think got overwaterred I did a grow years ago so I'm re learning the ropes a lot....
I haven't gotten a chance to make any since moving up here. But after harvest I certainly will. Very simple honestly. Just need to be in a well ventilated area for starters away from any open flame. You can buy a vessel from a smoke shop, they look like giant wangs.... you fill the tube with sugar leaf, or nug if inclined, then put 2 coffee filters over the big end held in place with rubber bands. Make sure the rubber bands are very snug. Using a can of pure butane, Newport or another 7+ times distilled butane (food grade is best) insert the tip into small and of the extraction tube. Sometimes using an adapter piece is necessary. point the filter covered end over a large shallow Pyrex and run the butane until runoff is clear or shortly thereafter. The Pyrex can be lined with parchment to make life easier.


The butane has a boiling point of that below room temperature, and after 30 mins to an hour will look like a slowly bubbling golden sludge. When the solution becomes noticeably more viscous it will no longer be dangerosly flammable.

The Pyrex or parchment lined Pyrex should be placed on a pancake griddle capable of low temps. 100 degree is ideal a heating pad for seedlings works wonders :)

If you have access to a vacuum chamber and vacuum pump the process can be sped up when the bubbling has slowed to a near halt. If not simply leave in a high temperature area for 3 or 4 days. It can be smoked sooner however if a booger sized bit sparkles under a lighter there is more butane to evaporate. If a crumbly texture was is desired the solution should be heated to 100 degrees and "whipped" or agitated at day 2 and then left to finish.

Boom, Dabs done easy.
I know you wrote in it capitals, but I think it's very important to understand the volatility of creating the dabs concentrate. I have a good friend whos not a member.....that reads my posts on a regular basis, and he called me first thing this morning after reading your post to me sure I wasn't going to try making concentrate. He said an explosion can be as simple as someone walking in your home. Even with a staticy floor, or someone flicking on a light switch. Not to be done unless you know what the fuck you're doing. Please don't anyone try it based on what you've read here. Research research research, dont fuck around with that shit, that's what my buddy told me.......for him to react that way.....I'll take that advice, thanks.
Back to why I came on tonight. Those who read regularly know that I am about to venture into a custom space for my grow room. So construction has started and on the weekend I got a bit of a freebie boost when we visited a friend's for drinks. The husband works for a large construction company and is often last on site cleaning up. This means last on site cleaning up lol. On Saturday I secured a bunch of Roxul insulation that is both sides coated with a reflective coating......enough to do all of the grow area. Not only that, but he has also gften me 7 full rolls of R8 insulation that can occupy the same wall cavities giving me an R22 wall value. My ceilings can be done the same way (up to R40), all of my shed will be insulated for free. All of my lighting (new LED fixtures) for the bike lifts, benches and work spaces. All of the wiring, including 200' of Rubber coated 10/3 BX, to get me from the house panel to the shed pony panel, which he also provided. Also gave me 600 Sq ft of the heaviest filter cloth I've ever seem for under our new spaces.......saved me a pile of dough.
I would think it would be wise to do it outside if you can. I don't know how long it takes but I would run an extension cord out to a table or bench outside. Just get a hot plate or one of those convection burners and do it outside. Hell of a lot safer in my opinion.
Were cut from the same cloth brother. My buddies words exactly. To me, same thing I told him. I love the high of the dabs, but it's like dessert. I love the meal....all of it. From the food to the social aspect.
Yes outside provides the best ventilation. Never ever ever inside. Unless you have a high grade chemical extraction hood. And you should always ground yourself. Closed loop is best and safest.

Guy congrats on the new supplies! Wanna see shots as the room comes along :)
Yes outside provides the best ventilation. Never ever ever inside. Unless you have a high grade chemical extraction hood. And you should always ground yourself. Closed loop is best and safest.

Guy congrats on the new supplies! Wanna see shots as the room comes along :)
I wanted to make sure that I wasn't stepping on your toes and I always appreciate the input and what writings come out of journals. I didn't want to upset you but at the same time I thought it was imperative to lay out the safety concerns regarding making concentrates. Most of which I didn't know until my buddy called me.

That all being said, you're the second person to ask me about the journal specifically for my build so I might just do that. I will definitely link it to this grow though so that people can find it.

Thanks to both you and Shopgrow for this idea.
Back to why I came on tonight. Those who read regularly know that I am about to venture into a custom space for my grow room. So construction has started and on the weekend I got a bit of a freebie boost when we visited a friend's for drinks. The husband works for a large construction company and is often last on site cleaning up. This means last on site cleaning up lol. On Saturday I secured a bunch of Roxul insulation that is both sides coated with a reflective coating......enough to do all of the grow area. Not only that, but he has also gften me 7 full rolls of R8 insulation that can occupy the same wall cavities giving me an R22 wall value. My ceilings can be done the same way (up to R40), all of my shed will be insulated for free. All of my lighting (new LED fixtures) for the bike lifts, benches and work spaces. All of the wiring, including 200' of Rubber coated 10/3 BX, to get me from the house panel to the shed pony panel, which he also provided. Also gave me 600 Sq ft of the heaviest filter cloth I've ever seem for under our new spaces.......saved me a pile of dough.

That's a whole load of loonies saved there. Almost the entire interior of your grow room there, isn't it? I get as much stuff as I can second-hand too, either as trades, as you know, right down to dumpster diving at work Got a small industrial-type space heater out of there last year, just needed a plug.

And it just occurred to me that I have scrounged up almost enough stuff to make a 200L goldfish tank with a biofilter. I may be able to "retro-design" a cannabis setup using it. We had to get a hatchery up and running over the road from the main one a few years ago (and now it puts out almost 10M fish a year), and I screened everything that went into the dumpster and I have enough stuff to do something useful, be it for goldfish, weed or some sort of an aquaponics combo.

I got into the dispensary yesterday. I don't know if what I did was quite on the level though, so I'll leave it at. But I thought you'd be curious. I just went in there quick-like and picked up three 2g medicine bottles of Super Silver Haze, White Widow and AK-47 Extreme. Two thumbs up for the Haze for sure. I may have my sativa strain for outdoors next year.
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