Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style


Can uou say me what's happening to my plant ?
I think that's cold cause its been for just one day 7/8 degree
Excuse me for the wrong words cause i'm italian

It really looks like splash, youve had water splash on the leaves then the light burns them.
I normally start at 1/4 dose an work my way up till the girls tell me enough. How ever I never go over a full recommended dose. Even now my diesel is at full dose an asks for more but I stop there. Not sure what my Ppm is at full strength but Iam sure it's quite high.
Hi everyone:)! So I decided not to put the grow tent in the attic when it gets here , temp issues I have a space in the apartment where there is a corner . And the door that leads up to the attic.
Think it's a good idea ?

Looks like two 4x4 tents would fit lol and way way better than the attic you would never be able to keep it cool enough consistently
Yeah??I'd love to hear a definitive answer on this issue... do autos benefit from staged transplanting? It seems to me that if its busy making roots in a too big pot, that's gonna inhibit overall plant growth, at least until it catches up, and with auto's we may not have a lot of time for it to refocus on bud growth...

I'm no expert, ...

Imho autos are best when they are started in the same pot that there harvested from meaning no transplants ever for autos. I've tried doing the solo cup thing I've tried the organic starter pots that you bury into the final pot and the organic starter pot bio degrades in the final pot and I've done no transplants germinating in the "life" pot and the best in my experience is to start them in the "life" pot so no transplants are required
Thank you both so much. I have not slept all night because I have been concerned about my family, myself and my one baby girl. I appreciate this forum so much. I almost stripped my whole setup because the world wide Web scared the shit out of me.

You all have been so patient and so helpful. It's amazing what all is involved in growing. I've learned so much and still have along way to go...math, physics, biology..and all I thought I needed was some tap water, dirt and a seed. Haha! Boy I was wrong.

. You all have been great! Thank you again

If I were you I would definitely make sure to wash all you buds this harvest. If it's not something your used to doing google bud washing trust me it's gonna be a must on this harvest of yours there may be little to none mercury but better safe than sorry don't want anyone getting sick ya know
I'm not confident on when to harvest.
I have 4 auto white LSD @70 days now and they are big and beautiful.
I'm sure in the past I have harvested to early.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
I have followed your water pattern and that has made a whale of a difference.
Ok tis the season to get ready for outdoor growing an I have a question. As many know I've switched to coco indoors an love it now my question is... has anyone tried mixing coco with soil outdoors in the ground no pots ? The thinking behind it is it holds more oxygen then soil an would help keep medium fluffier I would think. Just wondering if it's been tried an what issues have arisen
So I tried my hand at a little trimming today to maximize light penetration to an untamed tree .

Take a gander and rate me on a scale of 1 to 10. I made a point of aiming for the significantly larger fans whose branches did not show any signs of producing buds (cute little stamen looking growth near either the trunk, or branching of two new leaves. The space where the buds seem to be growing (most aromatic places) have all seemed to have perked up!



In an effort to keep my phone with some free space (damn Apple...) and reducing any risk of evidence, I promptly delete photos after posting them. I'll find the most recent picture for a before pic

When defoling imho you wanna focus on the center of the plant. Any fans facing out away from the plant don't need trimmed the middle is what needs trimmed. Defoling will slow you down a little but not much at all. I run autos and photos photos I defol 4x twice in veg twice in flower autos only 2x once in late veg and once in early flower
Happy 420 Bud Heads:volcano-smiley:

In recognition , and perfect timing, of 420 Day My Crew is going 12/12 today:cheer::cheer::cheer:

I have a couple questions for you all since this is my 1st grow and 1st time in Flowering stage

I have read to keep my fans on for movement and reduce bud mold/rot. I assume the Exhaust fan also since soon they will smell sweet as candy, Grape and Skunks:high-five:.. No Filter yet.. getting a Black Ops one this week.

What about my humidifier? If the exhaust is on, id assume yes leave it on since the fan will pull all the Humidity out. I am usually at around 79-84deg and 40%RH, at night its the 79deg ish and was 50% RH when I checked this am, I watered yesterday so is a bit higher RH.

Im also using FFOF soil and the FF Trio. I started yesterday and added 1/2 dose (per their sheet) of Tiger Bloom, currently doing 1/2 dose of the other two also. Am I gunna work towards a full dose of Nutes???? Or is that really dependent on the Girls themselves


Appreciate the help and any advice you can give me


You wanna keep in mind that refer sweats during lights out. And it perspires through the leaves. Imho I would kill the humidifier at lights out
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