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about 2 weeks old been in dwc about a week. Not sure what im doing wrong.
Just a quick question for the wiser ones I'm growing in a tent adding nothing but water temps are good and humidity is good plants thrive, but soon as they get to flower stage my leaves start dying off . Afraid to add anything for fear of adding something wrong. This is my second grow and do I g the same. Producing great but very small buds. Any help would be wonderful...
growing mama!
Just a quick question for the wiser ones I'm growing in a tent adding nothing but water temps are good and humidity is good plants thrive, but soon as they get to flower stage my leaves start dying off . Afraid to add anything for fear of adding something wrong. This is my second grow and do I g the same. Producing great but very small buds. Any help would be wonderful...
growing mama!

sounds like the plant lacks food in the flower stage when the soil gets depleted ... the plant starts to eat itself ... however getting 1-2-3 leaves usually the oldest ones that yellow and eventually dry up is not abnormal ... without a picture its hard to asses what it is
Ok got few photos. Just have to figure out how to post them after uploading. Not much left of plant, but what you say makes sense. And am I to far gone or is it fixable? In week 5.

No one should die of acute peoplelessness!
Wow that was fast
Looks like maybe P and K or maybe Ca and MG deficiency check out this chart.
Hahahha nah i checked my run out when i was flushing... and thanks man... just got some cal mag am a feed her as soon as her soil dries up... i just wanted to make sure if i was doing right... cuz im kind of a newbie to growing... and something else shes 25 days into flowering but and is building her tricombes... but she doesnt really have a smell is this normal?
If it is salt build up and you didn't flush enough it can make it worse. Your showing signs of multiple deficiencies, lock out. If you just flushed and are certain well enough than 2 days wasn't enough time. Magnesium will correct its color the rest of the damage is permanent. If it continues to get worse flush again.
Okay so if more leaves start dying off flush again? And can i start feeding her right after i flush or should i wait a couple days??
Okay so if more leaves start dying off flush again? And can i start feeding her right after i flush or should i wait a couple days??

I'd flush it with 1/4 strength nutes. Just be sure to flush with 2-3 times the volume of that container. Then let it dry up good. Then continue on with a feed water feed program. If your using full strength nutes, cut back a little. Your buds will thank you. .
I'd flush it with 1/4 strength nutes. Just be sure to flush with 2-3 times the volume of that container. Then let it dry up good. Then continue on with a feed water feed program. If your using full strength nutes, cut back a little. Your buds will thank you. .
So when i flush it again use the nutes not plain water? How do u use your nutrients? Cuz i keep hearing mix answers... some say every watering others say every other watering... or water water feed... just confused
So when i flush it again use the nutes not plain water? How do u use your nutrients? Cuz i keep hearing mix answers... some say every watering others say every other watering... or water water feed... just confused

Your in soil correct. If so the right way to feed in the stage your at would be feed-water-feed and let the pot dry between. Still a good idea to flush once in a while with 1/4 nutes. Always ph'd
So when i flush it again use the nutes not plain water? How do u use your nutrients? Cuz i keep hearing mix answers... some say every watering others say every other watering... or water water feed... just confused

At the beginning of your grow you can and should feed-water-water-feed but once your plants mature they can handle more. Learning how much your plant needs comes with more experience, but the best practice is to go a little on the lighter side with nutes and adjust if they look to be lacking.
Hope that helps you some .
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