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Just starting my first grow. I germinated 2 seeds and put them in fox farms soil in 5 gallon pots. Placed in my 32" x 32" x 63" tent with 600 watt led on waiting for them to sprout. I was going to leave the light on round the clock til they sprout, then back off to 18/6 for the remainder (these are autos).

After a full day, my tent is up to 85 degrees. So I decided to give them a break for a few hours. My little non oscillating clip on fan doesn't seem to help much. So I got on amazon to shop for an oscillating tower fan (minimal foot print). That's when I stumbled onto an oscillating fan with a built in ionizer for cleaning the air. It occurred to me that this might help cut down on any smell. (Kill two birds with one stone - No pun intended). Has anyone ever tried using an ionizing air cleaner in a grow tent? Any considerations I may be missing in my logic? Thx!

Not sure but that oscillating fan is a must. My 8" exhaust routed to a roof jack helps keep my smell down, keeps it cooler and lots of air flow. I havent used my filter yet. You dont want any higher than 85 deg, especially in flower. 75 is desired.


Some history:

Jager indica dom experiment using my outdoor soil amended with pearlite and some cheap store soil. Outdoor soil is like sand which from all i read promotes dranage, however it keeps moist for far longer than any plant in tent.

Watered 5 days ago and still at the top of charts for my probe.

Im wondering if the sand was compacted from heavy watering? This is important because I will be doing outdoor growing next year all manner of plants.

What is recomended amendments/ratios for sandy soil?

lol my soil is the worst hardly grows grass.

Next rear ill also rotate chickens and wood chips to start storing carbon and nutrients in yard.


Some history:

Jager indica dom experiment using my outdoor soil amended with pearlite and some cheap store soil. Outdoor soil is like sand which from all i read promotes dranage, however it keeps moist for far longer than any plant in tent.

Watered 5 days ago and still at the top of charts for my probe.

Im wondering if the sand was compacted from heavy watering? This is important because I will be doing outdoor growing next year all manner of plants.

What is recomended amendments/ratios for sandy soil?

lol my soil is the worst hardly grows grass.

Next rear ill also rotate chickens and wood chips to start storing carbon and nutrients in yard.

You live at the beach!! I wouldent use that soil for much. My yard soil is great, best in the world. The valley Im in has been a flood plane forever. I dont use it or amend it. I could. I just dig a hole the size of a 5 gal bucket and use FF Ocean Forest. I suggest buy and use the most good soil you can. You cant get a big enough hole. Nice to experiment though. If your climates mild, no winter freeze, try a spring yard grow. Get two grows a year outside! I do every year and I love it. Go utube and check out the " Mendo Dope Boys" and see the size of their pots and plants.
A big YES. Light leaks of any kind are no good in flower. tape em up. make sure its pitch black always.
Could explain some of the hermie action I'm having but it was bag seed so I'm guessing "h'r mudd'r was hermie"

Thanks guys, got everything taped up
Alright guro..hows it going?
Yes that will do great extra csl/mag.
And yes the ec, ppm is a little only couple of weeks in veg ain't you?.me personally I try to stay around 1.4 ec at most..
When mixing your nutes, start with the cal/mag (I usually do 0.5ml per litre. Then add your normal nutes on top of that to 1.4 ec, you'll be golden.
Rather than messing trying to get a ballance, might be best to just knock up a fresh res.
Happy growing bud.

It's going great so far Smeg.
I'm on my 4th week in veg was planning to give them last set of grow nutes but with these high E.C and ppm do you think I'd be ok just starting out with fresh RO water and adding my bloom nutes ?
Not sure but that oscillating fan is a must. My 8" exhaust routed to a roof jack helps keep my smell down, keeps it cooler and lots of air flow. I havent used my filter yet. You dont want any higher than 85 deg, especially in flower. 75 is desired.
Thanks! I placed the order for the oscillating fan... should be here later this week. I figure i can always turn the ionizer thing on or off if it's needed for the smell, but for the temp, I'll just leave the fan on. Btw - last night I left the flap on the tent open (with the light on) and this morning the Temp was a more amenable 75 degrees. Not ideal, but I can certainly do this til the fan gets here. Thanks again for the response!
Thanks! I placed the order for the oscillating fan... should be here later this week. I figure i can always turn the ionizer thing on or off if it's needed for the smell, but for the temp, I'll just leave the fan on. Btw - last night I left the flap on the tent open (with the light on) and this morning the Temp was a more amenable 75 degrees. Not ideal, but I can certainly do this til the fan gets here. Thanks again for the response!
Btw - look what popped up to greet me this morning...
Thanks for the help yeah I use fox farm with calmag and molasses but I was also thinking maybe the cfl lights I'm using are making it extra hot in there . Do you think taking the lights away would help with temp but at the same time would it hurt the plant tobhave less light (using the cfls as side lighting ) because the bulbs do get hot also this is in my room so I took the thermometer out of tent and put it in my room and when I woke up this morning it was 79 so ac set to 75 but because of my tent it made my room 79. Maybe if I put the cool mist humidifier on low it would keep temps down a little ?

So a little follow up and if turned off the cfls last night and no difference in the temps now would the plant stop growing so tall if I used both bloom and veg lights cause they keep stretching and I'm at my limit for my tent
It’s going great so far Smeg.
I’m on my 4th week in veg was planning to give them last set of grow nutes but with these high E.C and ppm do you think I’d be ok just starting out with fresh RO water and adding my bloom nutes ?

Guro, personally I carry on giving veg nutes even when I flip to 12/12 (flower).I carry on doing that until they show the start of actual flowers, then I change to flower nutes.
In my theory, the plant still veg's and stretches for a couple of weeks after switching lights to 12/12.
So fresh res of veg nutes, starting with the cal/mag. Then switch lights, when it shows little flowers switch to flower nutes.
Im just starting my clones to 12/12, this is what I do I'm just a couple of weeks behind you.
This works for me time after time after...ect
I'll be around to follow up if you need to know anything else.
Guro, personally I carry on giving veg nutes even when I flip to 12/12 (flower).I carry on doing that until they show the start of actual flowers, then I change to flower nutes.
In my theory, the plant still veg's and stretches for a couple of weeks after switching lights to 12/12.
So fresh res of veg nutes, starting with the cal/mag. Then switch lights, when it shows little flowers switch to flower nutes.
Im just starting my clones to 12/12, this is what I do I'm just a couple of weeks behind you.
This works for me time after time after...ect
I'll be around to follow up if you need to know anything else.

Once I'm home I'll send you a picture of the floral development they currently have just very minor flowers. Defs going to go through with another week of veg nutes for more foliar development once I bring my ec/ppm down tonight. than I'll switch to my flowering res solution. I'll keep you updated I really appreciate the help..
I've read that u can use peroxide and water for pest control. What is the ratio water to peroxide 50/50 ?

Hi ironcity.
Yes you can, in the past I used a product from GROWTH TECHNOLOGY called liquid oxygen. That I believe is diluted peroxide for use with your plants . I'd further dilute it to 30% to 70% water.
What sort of bugs have you got?
The only time I had bugs (thrips), I sorted them with neem oil in warm water with a drop of soft soap.
Wouldn't spray to much if you have dense flowers though.
Day 5 of high humidity in flower stage week 5. Its been between 65 and 80% humidity. Ive had 2 intake fans going and had 2 more moving air. My humidifier is supposed to be here Thursday. But mu temps will be back colder by then. My question is did this effect my plants. They look great and buds are fattening up nicely.
Day 5 of high humidity in flower stage week 5. Its been between 65 and 80% humidity. Ive had 2 intake fans going and had 2 more moving air. My humidifier is supposed to be here Thursday. But mu temps will be back colder by then. My question is did this effect my plants. They look great and buds are fattening up nicely.

Hi tmtmtll.
With that much air movement, sounds like you are well long as it doesn't stay that high for prolonged periods, now that you're coming to later part of flowering it becomes more important to get it lower..just in time for your de humidifier to arrive. Don't think you could of timed it better.
When the de humidifier arrives, see if you can get the rh below 50%...
Not long now, you gonna be harvesting some nice bud.

I cannot tell if this is root rot or if the roots just took this colour due to the water colour in my res , what do you guys think

Guro, they don't look to bad, just one spot where the roots meet the pot on the larger one looks a little dark.
What do they smell like?
Scientific left some good advice on the other thread you started, he was talking about the hydroguard.
Also you want vigorous bubbling in the tote.if you got an airstone in there, you might want another.
Last thing, when you shut the lid down, you want a little gap of air between the pot and water.this allows the bubbles to airate the water and roots.
I know you had the temperature of res dialled in so extra room and more air bubbles couldn't hurt.
You've only gotta make slight adjustments now, because you've got most things under control.
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