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Bud development looks about right for 4 weeks. You really should try to keep track of those things in the future. I'm at 47 days so take a look at my journal (in sig) for comparison. Of course, different plants are different so keep that in mind always. My stretch was not bad at all. Not sure if that was a fault of mine or a win.

Defoliating is a good idea in mine and others opinions. Look for the ones not getting good light, or blocking good buds from the light. LST in flowering helps with this too. Also, don't be afraid to snip some of the lower buds that are shaded and not going to contribute to the overall colas. I have been keeping my stems pretty clean below a point. Little guys have tried to spring up, but i took them off so that the plants could focus on their good buds.

Heat was an issue for me through veg during my summer months but has leveled off in the autumn during flower. I would say NO to a mister because of the moisture and yes, bud rot. But i could be wrong. Others will have opinions on that. I've heard of ice bowls in front of the fans, but that seems like a heat wave solution, not a general thing.

I am only on my first grow so my info is from reading, the helpful people on this site and the experience that i have been logging in my grow journal. Point is, I'm no expert.
Good luck.

For your first grow you sure spot the fuck on all the time. "No Expert?" I see Master Grower in your near future.
Hey good people! Got another question. I'm currently growing 1 plant in a 2x2x4.5 grow tent. I'm trying to see how long i should keep this beauty in veg. I believe she's doing fairly well right now. She's wide and somewhat flat with some decent inner growth. She's currently on day 36. I'm just trying to anticipate the stretch. I know i don't have much room. What do you all think??

Defoil a lil
Okok I'll defs take a look into that
But before I try aspirin I'll try some Calimagic and show y'all the results

Im in dirt Guru. I wouldent mess with the aspirin. It just heals. The damage wont get better. Its the new growth like already said is most important. Cal/Mag with my waterings not with the nutes is what I do.
Also, test what people say if possible. I do. How we learn. Ive learned so much from this site its incredible. My goal is to get as good as I can in the time I have left. Great Day 420.
I pick all the damaged stuff off and SCOPE!!!
Calimagic is great, I use it and my plants seem to love it. 5ml a gallon and I use it every watering. For smaller plants I use half strength..✌️

Thing I don't like about CalMagic is the N, specially later in flowering...Demeters Destiny is 0-0.5-0 with 4% Ca, Hurculean Harvest(liquid bone meal) is 0-6-0 and is high in Ca(not sure exact %) which is awesome for flower .
For your first grow you sure spot the fuck on all the time. "No Expert?" I see Master Grower in your near future.

Much appreciated. I can only hope and work to be a pro someday.

Wouldn't be as comfortable/confident without the helpful folk around here. Just being able to bounce ideas around has been great for my knowledge and understanding. It's funny, i look at all plants differently now.
Ordered my sample kit today ($30 shipping is a little ways from a "free kit"). Looking forward to testing this stuff. Sounds like a solid product.

$30 really isn't much depending what you get, their line is something like 14 different products(including a ph +\-) and they're pretty amazing.....using the entire line for a grow is pretty advanced compared to the other product lines out there .
Just starting my first grow. I germinated 2 seeds and put them in fox farms soil in 5 gallon pots. Placed in my 32" x 32" x 63" tent with 600 watt led on waiting for them to sprout. I was going to leave the light on round the clock til they sprout, then back off to 18/6 for the remainder (these are autos).

After a full day, my tent is up to 85 degrees. So I decided to give them a break for a few hours. My little non oscillating clip on fan doesn't seem to help much. So I got on amazon to shop for an oscillating tower fan (minimal foot print). That's when I stumbled onto an oscillating fan with a built in ionizer for cleaning the air. It occurred to me that this might help cut down on any smell. (Kill two birds with one stone - No pun intended). Has anyone ever tried using an ionizing air cleaner in a grow tent? Any considerations I may be missing in my logic? Thx!
First off your plants fantastic!!! Dude at the grow shop said with FF your runoff will always be fucked up cause FF is both natural and artificial with salts. He said make sure its 6.5 going in and add some CAL/Mag and thats it. Why FF is so nice.
Heat.... the air your giving the tent MUST be 10-15 deg. cooler than desired tent temp. However you have to do it. House's AC? A portable room AC? Open the tents doors. I know, when I was told this I was like but bugs. But no, open them doors. You must keep the tent under 90deg. Heat problems with LED's??? I thought that was the benefit?? That and power costs. Now my recommendations are with two 600w HPS's not cooler LED's. So even easier. Also I have a 8" fan in a 5x9 and Ive got great air flow. I know this was a smart choice and sounds like it will be needed for a LED set up too.
Print FF schedule and use it. I swear the powders are the shit in flower. Make outdoors like indoors. I mix mine 60% and dense buds. Also VERY potent.
Hope this helps.

Thanks for the help yeah I use fox farm with calmag and molasses but I was also thinking maybe the cfl lights I'm using are making it extra hot in there . Do you think taking the lights away would help with temp but at the same time would it hurt the plant tobhave less light (using the cfls as side lighting ) because the bulbs do get hot also this is in my room so I took the thermometer out of tent and put it in my room and when I woke up this morning it was 79 so ac set to 75 but because of my tent it made my room 79. Maybe if I put the cool mist humidifier on low it would keep temps down a little ?
$30 really isn't much depending what you get, their line is something like 14 different products(including a ph +\-) and they're pretty amazing.....using the entire line for a grow is pretty advanced compared to the other product lines out there .

Agreed, $30 isn't much considering what I'm getting. I am planning on doing a side-by-side for my next grow, if i have enough left. One with my current nutes and the other with this stuff. Since I'm only going to be using some to boost calcium for the next 4-5 weeks, i think i should be good.
I doubt their samples are more than a few oz each(not actually sure I couldn't get the sample), so it wouldn't be enough for a grow at all, just a taster :Namaste:

From the email after i requested:
"Our sample cases come with a quart of Gaia, Medusa, Zeus, Demeter's, Athena's and Herculean Harvest. As well as an 8 ounce bottle of Khaos and Olympus up. It will also include a feeding schedule."

I'll have to compare it to their feeding schedules. They have a few options on their site, but 1/4 gallon each is a pretty good sample.
From the email after i requested:
“Our sample cases come with a quart of Gaia, Medusa, Zeus, Demeter’s, Athena’s and Herculean Harvest. As well as an 8 ounce bottle of Khaos and Olympus up. It will also include a feeding schedule.”

I’ll have to compare it to their feeding schedules. They have a few options on their site, but 1/4 gallon each is a pretty good sample.
Damn, that's actually some good sized bottles, figured they'd just be sending like 3oz bottles, that's awesome

Recently dosed plants micro to deal with a calcium deficiency. After 3 days didn't notice much difference so I thought it could be magnesium.
today I added one tsp per gal of camg and I am wondering if this was a good idea ?
Ph is 5.5 ,ppm 1100 and an EC is 2.0 which I will be trying to bring down to about 700-800 ppm and an ec of 1.9 before the last week of veg.
Was mixing those two micros a good idea ?
And do u guys think my plants will be ok ?

Recently dosed plants micro to deal with a calcium deficiency. After 3 days didn’t notice much difference so I thought it could be magnesium.
today I added one tsp per gal of camg and I am wondering if this was a good idea ?
Ph is 5.5 ,ppm 1100 and an EC is 2.0 which I will be trying to bring down to about 700-800 ppm and an ec of 1.9 before the last week of veg.
Was mixing those two micros a good idea ?
And do u guys think my plants will be ok ?

Alright guro..hows it going?
Yes that will do great extra csl/mag.
And yes the ec, ppm is a little only couple of weeks in veg ain't you?.me personally I try to stay around 1.4 ec at most..
When mixing your nutes, start with the cal/mag (I usually do 0.5ml per litre. Then add your normal nutes on top of that to 1.4 ec, you'll be golden.
Rather than messing trying to get a ballance, might be best to just knock up a fresh res.
Happy growing bud.
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