Autos - Indoor - 600W HPS - Soil - Kalashnikova - Big Bang - Auto Bomb

gytfobill, I will be starting my first, very small, grow very soon and would love to sit in this one. Looks like you have more experience than you say. You're off to a good start!
May the force be with you.

thnx dude but it is my first attempt really but for 2 0r 3 months before i started i did a lot of reading here on 420 watched full grow sessions on internet etc but still a noob...
It appears that Krista is still having leaf problems that could be one or more of 3 things as i checked on internet

1- root problem from lack of oxygen. , and the signs i see look much like it. i will buy an air pump for fish tanks today to bubble the water for as long as it sited before use
2- ph problem.ALTHOUGH i always ph the solution, after the signs of nute burn i added more plain phed water next day as i said to wash out some nutes and let them drink it all for 3 days. Water PH increases as days pass in pot so it could cause ph problem too. I'M 99% sure that one leaf shows ph problem
3-Nute burn i'm starting to think that it wasnt a nute burn after all.

I did more research and i come to believe that is more root problem from lack of oxygen and over watering + ph problem, than it is over feeding.

It isn't extended for now but i'm really worried today i must water them but i'm not sure what to give them
krista day 17
Just be careful with your nutes less might end up being more at this stage. Watch the new growths and hopefully the issue will not show up one the new leaves.
Just be careful with your nutes less might end up being more at this stage. Watch the new growths and hopefully the issue will not show up one the new leaves.

thnx slayer (by the way SLAYER is my favorite music band) i will start increase dose from next watering and it appears that slowed down plants from overwatering are back on track and some heat stress too for a couple of girls is solved too i think i'm back on track:thumb::thumb::thumb:
thnx mate. How did they perform in yield?

I was new to growing autos at the time but I got just over an ounce on each as I recall. Back then I was very happy with that for sure! It would be interesting to go back and do them again. It will be fun to watch yours.

I was new to growing autos at the time but I got just over an ounce on each as I recall. Back then I was very happy with that for sure! It would be interesting to go back and do them again. It will be fun to watch yours.


1 ounce from 8 girls that i run is 226g dried. my goal is at 2- 2.5 ounces per plant average in total 400-500g dried i hope i'm not a dreamer
There have been some changes about water i use. Here is how and why.

I bought a big air double pump for aquariums. i keep a 20l tank with water bubbling 24/0. That as you know gives extra O2 that roots need badly, and helps Cl vaporize(i dont want to copy others info so check ATRAIN feeding schedule for more details GREAT INFO IN THERE).

I have small measured tanks of 1 liter that i use to water my girls.
So i take water from big tank and prepare solutions for each group of plants in dif. tanks.
And every 2 days or more it depends on your tank size and the amount of water you need i fill in water in the big tank and so goes on.

why i do that.
Cl vaporizes from water but CAL and MG don't. That's a scientific fact.

so fro example with random numbers . SAY you have 10liters of water that contains 2 grams of CAL+MG. After 2 days 1 liter of water vaporizes. Now you have 9 liters of water containing 2grams of CAL+MG.If you add 1 more liter in tank you have again 10 liters of water but with more concentration of CAL+MG 2.2 grams per liter. Keep doing so SHOULD GIVE you harder and harder water that means more CAL and MG as you go on. I hope this will save me some money although i know that in a point i'm gona need CAL anyways(i came up with that solution cause CAL additive isn't here yet)

As i said earlier in journal after some research i found out that water in my area is supposed to be HARD and if Feeding Bag instructions are true i will not need CAL additive. I dont have many hopes fro that but we'll see..

happy grows to all
They are about to go on normal dose of basic nutes and last dose of voodoo and piranha before flowering.
PICS will be daily updated to check the progress after feeding.

so pics when lights go off in a few hours
2ml/L Voodoo Juice, Piranha, B-52(Voodoo and Piranha stops for now for about 10 days)
0.5ml/L Sensizyme
0,5g/L Powder(N-P-K+MG)

1 Liter each girl Krista had some more training too. succesfull this time:thumb::thumb::thumb:

krista before training

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