Away on new tracks


New Member
Hey guys!

Been a while since i've been on here i know, but lately i've been cookin on something new... Possibly a bit crazy too.. So i figured i'd show ya'll what it is!

And so i will, no more words just check out the new crip -


I just set the whole thing up the last two days, so i havent thought of everything, so if you notice something you think i did wrong or could do better tell me please ;)
I have some questions concerning it all...

The most pressuring question i have at this point is kind of important in my situation... And its about ventilation.

As you can see the tent is located in my 1 bedroom flat and so is the fans... And as you can imagine its not 100% silent.
So my question is what have you all heard about/used to counter the sound effect of your ventilation system?

Do i build a box and soundproof it as much as i can and place both ventilators in there and duct the whole thing off?
Or do i duct all the way to my entry (its a seperate room) and then place my ventilators here to have them placed out of my sleeping room? problem about this is i cant just cut a whole in the wall, so i wouldnt be able to close the door with 2 ducts running through it... it'd place the noise further away from me of course but i dont think it'd be sufficient + the long ducting would remove efficiency of my ventilation system..
Maybe combine the two ideas?
And if you think soundproofing a box would work, how'd you go about doing it?

Any ideas are super appreciated here guys, i feel like im walking a thin thin line trying to pull this off in my 1 bedroom flat :)
Since your location says northern europe, I assume it wouldn't hurt being stealthed either?
Do you own your apartment?
If you do, judging from pic 1 i'd say build a build a drywall with a normal sized entrance and
get a second handed lightweight bookshelf to cover the entrance. Place floor protectors
on the feet of the bookshelf and sound isolate your new grow areas walls with sheets or
old covers.
That should give you more room to use sound isolated ducting aswell from the tent.
It's early... Need more coffee.
No ideas are bad ideas except for the ones which are worse than the not so good ideas... This might be one if the worse ideas. :D
Man i wish i could do the drywall thing... but yeah its not my appartment, so first i gotta pay for any damage when i move, second if a repair guy of some sort ever needs to come by, or maybe the guy measuring my heating system.. then i'll have to be able to pull it all down within the days notice (probably)..
Sound proofing though is something im trying to break my mind on.. :) ofc theres always soundproof ductings etc, but im thinking more of a room isolating solution.. Sheets would probably raise temperature a little i reckon.

So far what im gonna try is to get some of these bicycle bagage wire thingy's with a hook on each end... the wire between the hooks is elastic so i want to hang my ventilation fans from those, hoping it will reduce the vibrations felt... at the moment one of them is standing on the floor lol, so pretty noisy...

And yeah i agree on the idea thing... 1 thing i've learnt growing is that trying things out is how to learn. Dont overthink. Just try it. Doesnt work? Then you know you brainfarted and can move on to the next subject :)

Appreciate the input dude, have a gd one ;)
You seem to have some room around the tent though, how about building the fan into a sound isolated box and suspend the fan inside the box with the bikecords and isolated ductings? Isolation material is usually pretty expensive as far as i know but how about egg cartons?
Hey man, sorry for late answer... As i dont have my clones yet i havent felt so dedicated to the thread yet.
However i bought bikecords, and more flexpipe for ducting. Bikecords actually help a little bit on the noise situation, but its not gonna be enough for my girlfriend to be able to sleep in it i think. At this point the only solution is ear plugs lol or maybe sleeping to the TV. Something i kind of knew i'd have to do so its no biggie for me, but my girlfriend isnt too happy about it. Maybe this will get her engaged in finding a bigger apartment finnaly ;) lol jokes.. Anyway the soundproof box is an idea i'll have to try out, but as i dont have too much money im gonna have to wait a while. I'd wanna do it with real isolation materials etc, to make the best solution. Like you said ninjakicks thats gonna cost me a bit, so yeah thats gotta be for the future reference.

But asides from the noise, i've got everything assembled, now all i need is my clones. They have been unbagged few days ago, so i can go and pick them up whenever i want ^^

The clones i'll recieve are -

1 clone of - Ed Rosenthal Superbud
4 clones of - Northen lights#5 x Lemon haze

I'll get back with an update when i got the girls home :thumb:
Hey there Away! I stumbled upon your thread and thought maybe I could chime in as I was having sound problems at the start too :/

Best way to counter your exhaust sound is to buy an oversized fan for your space and a cheap plug in speed controller off ebay
Running a bigger fan at a lower speed means you can still achieve your required CFM's for your grow space but quietly.
Also if you ever do need that extra kick for battling temps (summer) you can just turn it up slightly with the controller.

My setup has my carbon filter where your exhaust is, ducting out to fan.

My fan:
I got a storage container from ASDA (walmart?) that fits my fan in. Cut a hole in both sides that fits the ducting. Get a piece of Styrofoam/exercise mat that fits into the bottom of the storage box. Put the fan on top of that and then attach all your ducting.
Pack the rest of the box with blankets/packing peanuts (anything you can get your hands on) and put the lid on :) This halved my sound. Then turning it down made it even more quieter :)
Id also get rid of your intake fan and make a light trap for a passive intake, never had problems with mine.
Hey Away :circle-of-love:

Just wanted to drop in and say hi and sub ! As for the sound issue, I'm useless on this matter, I see good advice around so I leave that to people that know a bit or two :laughtwo: Never used fans indoor, do have one but had to keep my electricity bill small, that is one expensive first world problem we got in this 3rd world country :rofl:
Subscribed Away.
Thanks for subbing up guys ;)

A little update on whats going on..
Well for starters my girlfriend is in spain untill the 5th december. She has the camera, therefor no pictures untill she's home. Sorry guys..

On another note, the girls arrived on monday in tiny pots they had outgrown, so i immediately transplanted them to some bigger pots (will probably need another transplant before flower). They've taken the transplant very well and now 5 days after are really starting to grow. Nutes were already pushed to the strength i want it when i got them, so i can just feed them as i like now...

The girls are 4 Northern Lights x Haze
and 1 Ed Rosenthal Superbud (this strain is my favorite flavour cannabis so far)

temperatures are about 28 degrees celcius durring day and it drops to minimum of 20 degrees if i forget to close my windows xD If i remember they have night time temps of 22 degrees aproximately.

Humidity levels are quite low, but the girls pull through. Its at about 25-30% max was 33% so... Looking at humidifiers at the moment.

the whole noise thing is a longerterm project for me, because i've been sleeping with earplugs these 5 nights and it bothers me none what so ever.. And durring the day i have my pc on, music whatever so i dont really notice it there. Its a matter of getting used to.
I will look into building a soundproof box though, cause that seems a pretty easy DIY project. Just need an idea and some funds first.

Anyway i hope you all are doing great, i'll be heading to my supplier to taste his bubblehash and clear shatter today.. So i am ^^
Hey guys.. The mrs returned home saturday so i got some pictures for ya'll.

Heres the clones as they are looking atm...


The 4 Northen lights x Haze clones... They seem to be doing fine. theres some spotting on the leaves but they were there since i got them, and they have still grown aloooot in these 2 weeks so dont think its causing problems. Yet.. But im keeping my eyes on it..

The Ed Rosenthal.. Idk what her problem is man. She's been looking like this since i got her. She's grown twice in size tho, so she's still fine, but i cant really figure out what the deal is with her.. She's looking a lot more 'ill' than the northern lights x haze clones.. She is supposed to be smaller and bushier but not supposed to have yellow leaves :D


Anyway thats the situation as of now..
Im gonna use my old closet setup as veg room for clones soon.. but yeah i wanna wait till i can clone the ed rosenthal before cloning and flowering, so idk how long it will be. Thing is i cant wait for too long cause then the northern lights x haze clones will be too big for my setup xD
The leaf problem is Thrips. found a leaf with larvae crawling around on it, and it looked worst of all the leaves so i took it under the loop and im pretty certain. So gotta find a remedy for that one of these days..

Rosemary Oil in RO water spray worked for me.
2% Rosemary Oil - 98% RO Water - Mix and spray on all surfaces = Dead Bugs

Two weeks after spraying, I harvested and washed the bud. After cured, I had no tell tale Neem Oil taste or smell.

Best Of Buds


Thanks for the tip JB, appreciate it. Will try it if this thing doesnt work.
The guy i got the clones from came by today with a super strong insect repellent that you mix up with like 90% water.
I took the girls out one by one and sprayed them. First i layed them down sideways in my hand and sprayed from below the plant all the way around. after letting them dry up a bit, then i sprayed them from above as well. It was actually kinda difficult because the girls are also hungry... so they're bodies are all sloppy right now lol, laying down over the pots, but i've just mixed feeding water and im about to give it to them... Then i'll let them stay in the bathroom for another 30 minutes to drip off the insect repellent (so they dont get burned leafs when i put them back inside) then after a little bit in the light they will be strong and perky again i suspect... Really hope this shit takes care of business lol. We'll see..

dunno how much sence im making right now, im super high :)
After 4 days of dead thrips and no live ones, i found 1 this morning... god damn it. So im spraying again today, i should probably wait few more days but i just cant when i know these little f***'ers are in there eating my girls.
im also gonna hang some sticky tape to catch adults if theres any..

If it doesnt work i'll try JB's rosemary oil recipe or another recipe i have laying around using some garlic and onions, chilli powder, organic soap (no emulsifiers etc) and some other stuff i forgot...
They shall not prevail!
KIck A$$ Away
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