Away on new tracks

Use my cheap ass method!! Get some kitchen/paper towel. Then any cheap generic bug spray that kills em and get some towel, spray damp and fit as a barrier to pot surface. Make a good few layers and spray damp to seal tight. Then just respray every so often and a complete barrier that's treated, stops the life cycle! :)

Tried and tested on the cheap!

That is actually brilliant. I just sprayed the top layer of soil but thats dry in a jiffy lol and i dont wanna over do it and accidentally let it seep into the roots.. Easy fixed with paper towels!
How long does it take for a thrip egg to hatch? How long would i have to keep doing it for it to really kill it all?
Today i had a visit from a service dude, who was to check my heat usage.. sooo i had to take down the room :eek:
So first i took out the plants, put em in the bathroom and gave em a bath in neem oil pretty much. Then they went into my old grow closet thingy while i took down the tent + equipment.. took me a while but i got it done in time. he was here for about 50 seconds then he left and i could set up the whole thing again... So i took this chance to change to the flowering bulb and change the light schedule to 12 /12... all in all the plants had like 3 hours in the dark but i dont think it'll do them any harm now that im changing to flowering anyway.
Also last week i transplanted them all but 1 (didnt have enough soil lol) and so they're all ready to go. Now its just bloom time baby :)
they do look a little rough though because of the thrip attack... the plants are killing off the leaves as they go and at this point it honestly looks brutal.
I'll get some pics tommorow, right now im wasted after all the - putting up tent/putting down tent - stuff.. :)
Like i said... it's brutal... >.<


The new Ed Rosenthal clone.. She's the one in best shape at this point
Subbed in. I'm a new grower myself, and hoping to learn from other's experience. By the way, how did you solve the fan noise issue? I don't recall seeing how you resolved that.

Welcome man, sounds good.. I did the same and deffinately learned alot from this site and the different journals. :thumb:
About the noise issues, the only thing i've really done so far was to hang them up in elastic wire thingy's to have less vibration and it actually worked a little bit.. not like it magically removed all the noise, but apparantly its enough for my girlfriend to sleep right through it, i though need an earplug or 2 lol...
But plans are to make a box for each fan, soundproof as well as i have fantasy to do and then hang the entire box with the elastic wire thingys.. just need money for materials, christmas was expensive :p

You are going to figure out how to get rid of those nasty little bugs keep it green.
Thanks man, i hope you're right!
When the stores open again tommorow im gonna go out and find a new insecticide to try out... This time i'll try Light addict's idea about soaking kitchen papertowels in insecticide and making a layer of it ontop of the soil to prevent them laying eggs/eggs hatchlings crawling up.. Of course also a spray at the same time to be certain ;)

Finally made it brother. Sending good vibes your way.
lets get them feckers out of there.
Welcome brother, merry christmas ;)
Thanks man, i'm all over them all the time, surely they wont prevail (i hope xD)
Glue Traps are very effective at telling you the status of your eradication efforts! I keep one hanging at all times and even found a mosquito on the tape strip once. Best of luck!

Glue Traps are very effective at telling you the status of your eradication efforts! I keep one hanging at all times and even found a mosquito on the tape strip once. Best of luck!


Thanks man ;)
Might look into where i can buy them.. only had the sticky tape so far and thats just unhandy in a growtent... gotta get the little square traps
Hey guys i'll try to snap some photos for you today ^^
Girls arent looking as brutal as they did before :) Today i transplanted the last girl and nipped some dying/disseased leaves off so they're in tip top shape atm (of what we've seen so far atleast, with thrips and all).. Also spotted preflowers on all of the ladies + the smell is starting to change character ^^
I have to say that I am with Light Addict! At first sign I isolate the first plant to show symptoms. On young plants in small pots I shrink wrap the container in self clinging plastic wrap. Then I carefully turn them upside down over a sink and using the spray nozzle on my kitchen sink faucet I gently spray them off of the underside of the leaves with air temp water. Not hot or cold and definitely gently not a strong spray. I just use my fingers or ask for help from the Bride of Holler to gently rub down the bottom side of the leaflets. I then turn them up right and let them sit until all of the water has dried from the leaves. I then tap the side of the pots to resettle to soil. Once or twice is usually all I have to do it and they are back off and running. When you see a plant as damaged as the one you have. Those leaves will not come back. By removing them at the stem by snapping the petioles you do 2 things. First by destroying the leave you radically reduce the resident population of the pests. Secondly by breaking the apical dominance of the plant you will encourage the growth of the secondary leaf nodes. I also recommend this before spraying for spider mites. With them it makes even more sense. By removing infected leaves , you reduce the pest population. With spider mites you also expose more surfaces to strong light which spider mites don't enjoy. Since they don't have little sunglasses in a size that fits spider mites this causes them to congregate even more so on the underside of the leaves which concentrates them so that they have an increased exposure to your spray applications and the exposure is more prolonged. Best of luck in all you grow!
I almost forgot you can also use trap crops for thrips. They are attracted to blue flowers, Petunias are especially good as are asters. Petunias are somewhat hairy sticky plants and thrips love them. They are really nice in any grow room ...take up little space. I plant them in containers in my greenhouses as they are early indicators of a number of potential problems that may have the correct environment to show up. Brown spot and thrips are two of the most common but they also are a favorite of spider mites. Again best of luck in all you grow! Wow can you tell that I am a tightwad old farmer or what?
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