Bapple's 2015 Outdoor Grow - Autos & Photos

Update time, on a frighteningly hot day (37 C right now and it's cooled down some)

So sent everyone home at lunch time because the heat is unbearable and we have done so well this week.

So watered all three girls, and an hour later went and fed BioBizz Bloom at 3ml/litre.

All three are well and throwing out pistils everywhere. As I suspected the ASD is way ahead of the other two where flowering is concerned frosting up already and a fair few swelling bud sites.


So going to pour myself a drink and light a fattie....figure out what to have for supper.

Wish all my 420 mag chums a super start to the weekend :allgood::cheesygrinsmiley::yahoo::green_heart:

Hello BB.

:thanks: I am getting excited and nervous at the same time wondering what size they will end up. Would suit me fine if upward growth ceased now.

Hope your weekend is going well and that it's not insanely hot where you are :Namaste:
Nice job moving those plants bapple, I bet they were pretty heavy? The heat isn't playing around here either girly been over a 100 three days straight, and doesn't look to be lettin up anytime soon. More watering trips for me ahh. Enjoy that day off you deserve it! Take a quick see at what I got going on things starting to shape up nice.
Nice job moving those plants bapple, I bet they were pretty heavy? The heat isn't playing around here either girly been over a 100 three days straight, and doesn't look to be lettin up anytime soon. More watering trips for me ahh. Enjoy that day off you deserve it! Take a quick see at what I got going on things starting to shape up nice.

Hey Wildme, how's tricks?

Adrenaline, and I am still fairly fit :rofl: and there wasn't far to drag them.

Was 42 C here today still 30 and the sun has gone down.

I'm seriously attracted to that curvy girl front and center B!

That would be my ASD, the teachers pet :rofl:

I am stoked about all my photo girls, the Portela sounded interesting in the grower and competition blurb. What I thought was a Hollands Hope seems to be a different pheno of the Portela. Have tried to google plenty of HH's and fairly sure it's not a HH....... I think :rofl::rofl:

I had wanted to grow 3 very different plants; an indica, a sativa and a mixed type girl. Well whatever she turns out to be I am happy with :grinjoint:
Same weather here super crazy hot been swimming daily my last two little ones came down this morning got another holiday coming so next week when i get back I'm gonna do another two of them random grass-o-matic autos. I'm not to happy about the last two size wise but they look tasty ;) Stay cool bapple and them photos are looking awesome :goodjob:
Hello fellow gardeners!

32C here today - heat is backing off a bit but not much.

My girls are doing well considering the outrageously hot and humid conditions we've been having. The Hollands Hope (Portela no 2?) is yellowing fairly fast at the bottom and seems the least happy with the conditions, the strongest indication that she is a HH which is a cold weather strain.

Got the heebie jeebies reading about someone's girls all pollinated by one hermied plant so went down to examine the ASD with a fine tooth comb :grinjoint: happily no he-she in sight.

Fed the last of my BioBizz Grow to all 3.

I see some insect activity, nothing alarming but will stick/burn citronella coil things into the soil in the pots tomorrow and gas any upstarts presuming to hang out on my plants into oblivion.

Portela is stretching away and is now taller than me, she seems at home in the crazy conditions. ASD smells amazing and is as sticky as anything :drool::rollit:


Hope everyone's weekend has started well :Namaste:
Awesome plants Bapple, going to be some great bud....
Hello fellow gardeners!

32C here today - heat is backing off a bit but not much.

My girls are doing well considering the outrageously hot and humid conditions we've been having. The Hollands Hope (Portela no 2?) is yellowing fairly fast at the bottom and seems the least happy with the conditions, the strongest indication that she is a HH which is a cold weather strain.

Got the heebie jeebies reading about someone's girls all pollinated by one hermied plant so went down to examine the ASD with a fine tooth comb :grinjoint: happily no he-she in sight.

Fed the last of my BioBizz Grow to all 3.

I see some insect activity, nothing alarming but will stick/burn citronella coil things into the soil in the pots tomorrow and gas any upstarts presuming to hang out on my plants into oblivion.

Portela is stretching away and is now taller than me, she seems at home in the crazy conditions. ASD smells amazing and is as sticky as anything :drool::rollit:

Hope everyonend has started well :Namaste:

Good looking plants Bapple. Outdoors a bit of bottom fan leaf yellowing always happens at transition. Indoors we set when transition starts, but it's left up to individual plants outside so it takes a little longer. When I see a little yellowing, I'll start transition feeding....more P & K along w/ N. A good lasting transition food is organic bulb food, which is designed for bulb gardening so it'll last for a longer period after application. Any brand current box is 4-6-4. Biobizz is very good stuff, but liquids don't provide as much "lasting" effect.

You should rarely, if ever, see any hermie plants outdoors.

Shaping up to be a big harvest! :good job:

Awesome plants Bapple, going to be some great bud....

Thanks MMM! I hope so. :rollit:

Good looking plants Bapple. Outdoors a bit of bottom fan leaf yellowing always happens at transition. Indoors we set when transition starts, but it's left up to individual plants outside so it takes a little longer. When I see a little yellowing, I'll start transition feeding....more P & K along w/ N. A good lasting transition food is organic bulb food, which is designed for bulb gardening so it'll last for a longer period after application. Any brand current box is 4-6-4. Biobizz is very good stuff, but liquids don't provide as much "lasting" effect.

You should rarely, if ever, see any hermie plants outdoors.

Shaping up to be a big harvest! :good job:


Hey brightlight! :thanks:

Thanks for the reassurance on the yellowing and hermie behaviours. It is looking like a big harvest, I am hoping I can harvest one plant at a time over a 30 day period.

Hope your weekend is going well. :surf::green_heart:

They are looking great Bapple! I don't think they'll get too much bigger. Time for great big sticky buds! :cheer:

Hello CS!

I hope you're right, their sizes are just perfect as they are now. I think ASD will be ready first and then HH and then the Portela, but what do I know.

How is your quality control testing going? :high-five: :rofl::grinjoint::rollit::allgood:

Awesome. What a lovely spot to hang out at


Hey Weaselcracker! How's tricks? Good to see you round these parts

Have a super weekend :Namaste:
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