BID Bean Memorial Grow

look over there!!!!



Welcome...soon to be in phase two!
Nice result Hoz congratz on the harvest:thumb:
Phase 2 sounds ineresting:high-five:

I am going to try to keep three strains going this winter, maybe four:rofl:I am seriously thinking I will try to clone or reveg the volunteer, (BIDs Big Purple Widow) plus the HYBID and P-ROC already in clones. The weatherman says we are finally going to cool down so I will be moving some stuff out of my closet and back into the outside storage.
:yahoo: Still have four girls to finish up and then we begin Phase 2. :slide: I may pop a BID BEAN or two to make things really interesting:cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Buck!!! It is an honor to have you as a friend here at 420 magazine! We have been sharing a LONG TIME!! I enjoy both your posts and your support

Yes we have ...

This is still one of the most beautiful plants I have ever seen

Thanks Buck! If I had known then what I do now :cheesygrinsmiley: She was a beauty...too bad after keeping it going so long to lose my MMMF to circumstances beyond my control. :thedoubletake:At least now have my BID genetics going...Big Purple Widow and P-ROC showing some color and HYBID was showing a slight tinge of color also :yahoo:
Our thoughts an prayers are with you Hoz:circle-of-love:

Thanks Jaga! I now am using Advair instead of an oral steroid. Just started with it yesterday, so we shall see. Not much sleeping going on here:thedoubletake: Thank God I am pretty much just waiting for the girls (two outside, two inside) to finish up! Didn't get much moved yet. Clones are in the storage...they are in need of some transplanting.
If you remember a while back ( August 6th) I mentioned I had "joined" NORML? All I can say now is it is no wonder legalization (the end of prohibition) is taking so long! They made/make grandiose promises about what you will receive from them for joining "6-8 weeks they said" so when that time was past, I inquired as to where my membership package was, more than once. I was just informed by them that my membership donation of $100 was being refunded! I guess, unlike the old saying, a squeaky wheel gets oiled first, is not true in their case. They played the blame game blaming it on everyone else rather than a poorly planned membership campaign. "Due to an unexpected situation with one of our sponsors, there was a slight delay in receiving some merchandise so we are a few days behind schedule." OVER A MONTH??? No more support for them from me. I will be dead before they get this done! :rofl:
Took a trip to Home Deeps today and got a bunch of stuff. Two bloom spectrum large 360 w CFLs, a three bulb bathroom light fixture and 3 100w CFLs for it, more reflective insulation (for my veg cabinet) , and some assorted PVC parts for the shade screen area of my new 4' X 8' raised planter, my friend built me for doing a 5' X 15' mural on the wall of the food bank garden at his church, filled with soil and compost. I will put some pics together tomorrow. It is three AM and still haven't been to sleep. My coughing and gurgling is keeping me awake so I came out and added some things to my shopping list for when my Magical Butter machine arrives on Friday:yahoo: I offset the cost 2 ways, one with the discount they give us and the other with the refund I should be getting from NORML after the membership disaster (if it ever shows up). Gonna try to go sleep again, but I am laying off the cannabis until this stuff goes away. I am pretty sure now that hitting my little glass pipe has been the irritating factor, I will know in a day or so. So looking forward to making my own edibles! Gonna try to make some gummies and brownies of course! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Took a trip to Home Deeps today and got a bunch of stuff. Two bloom spectrum large 360 w CFLs, a three bulb bathroom light fixture and 3 100w CFLs for it, more reflective insulation (for my veg cabinet) , and some assorted PVC parts for the shade screen area of my new 4' X 8' raised planter, my friend built me for doing a 5' X 15' mural on the wall of the food bank garden at his church, filled with soil and compost. I will put some pics together tomorrow. It is three AM and still haven't been to sleep. My coughing and gurgling is keeping me awake so I came out and added some things to my shopping list for when my Magical Butter machine arrives on Friday:yahoo: I offset the cost 2 ways, one with the discount they give us and the other with the refund I should be getting from NORML after the membership disaster (if it ever shows up). Gonna try to go sleep again, but I am laying off the cannabis until this stuff goes away. I am pretty sure now that hitting my little glass pipe has been the irritating factor, I will know in a day or so. So looking forward to making my own edibles! Gonna try to make some gummies and brownies of course! :cheesygrinsmiley:

i just made canna lollipops :) Journal 1... awesome!!
Hope You're feeling better and was able to get some sleep Hoz.
i just made canna lollipops :) Journal 1... awesome!!
Kewl...looking forward to giving it a test drive!
Hope You're feeling better and was able to get some sleep Hoz.

Didn't go to sleep until AFTER 5 AM, got out of bed at 11 AM. Oh well:thedoubletake:

Mid-Week Update :yahoo:
As promised some photos of what I got done cough and all!
First I got my clones, veggers, and bloomers out into the storage room like I had a couple years ago.
The clone/veg area is illuminated with 3 100w CFLs hung above, the flowering area my T5 and 2 360w CFLs

My two flowering P-ROC girls

My P-ROC and HYBID clones

Lotsa roots! It was past time to transplant!

My P-ROC babies transplanted, going to wait a little longer on the HYBID clones

In the veg/clone area. The one in the solo cup in back is a struggling P-ROC I transplanted too soon :thedoubletake:

BID's Big Purple Widow showing a little more color

BID's P-ROC also showing color...I think I stressed her out when I transplanted her

My raised planter my friend built . (You can see where the stanchions for the shade canopy will attach)
I was wondering what is the white material I see in photos of the big outdoor grows..:hmmmm:

That's all for now my friends. Waiting for the Magical Butter machine so I can get to making edibles

Didn't go to sleep until AFTER 5 AM, got out of bed at 11 AM. Oh well:thedoubletake:
No matter how you cut it it's still 6hrs of sleep and I see you got up and got busy.
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