Blaze's Garden Of Weeden All Orgasmic Organics 2017

K thanx man cuz im trying to order more stuff to get my plants to reverse but they didnt work last time any of the ones i tried altho in the beginning it cud jus have been my skill level lol but i didnt know which worked best sts or c.s. and when it come to the silver there r so many different kinds idk what to get so figured id just ask u lol cuz i know uve done this n got it 2 work n i know people make auto seeds it can be done i jus wana make some seeds of the strains i got now so i dnt lose em lol so thanx bro
Yep that’s what you need

Sweet i cant to get it and try it out and from what i was reading this shit should last me awhile considering how long the c.s lasted me and didnt work lol i would way rather go this route its way cheaper n u get more so whats not to want lol. Hey do u know if i started to reverse a plant with c.s. but i ran out of the c.s. half way threw the process could i jus continue with the sts or would that not work?
It should work as long as you used CS and there is no down time. STS is the shizz for reversing.

When u say as long as there is no down time do u mean as long as i didnt stop using the c.s for abit then start using the sts again? So as long as i jus go straight from c.s. to sts i should be fine right? If it dont work ill just have to try my others lol
Exactly, CS and STS work by inhibiting a hormone called Ethylene. Female plants need ethylene to produce pistilate flowers. If you stop spraying for a couple of days the female will ramp up ethylene production and it becomes harder to reverse her then.
Exactly, CS and STS work by inhibiting a hormone called Ethylene. Female plants need ethylene to produce pistilate flowers. If you stop spraying for a couple of days the female will ramp up ethylene production and it becomes harder to reverse her then.

Shit ok thanx for lettn me know i missed about 2 days with one of mine so i doubt she will work but know i now this next time i cant leave her lol
You may be ok if it was early you missed a couple of days. STS is cheap so spray them good when you get it.

Ok well i tried to start my red poison while it was still in veg i figured maybe i wasnt hitting them early enuf n it jus started to flower within the past 2 days or so. But i havnt sprayed it down in like 3 or 4 days or at all since it started to flower So would the buds be fine to smoke if i didnt spray them at all any more or would i not be able 2 smoke them? Or shud i jus contiue to spray with c.s once or twice a day till the 25th or so when my sts should arrive jus wondering what ur thoughts are lol
Ok so figured id show my big mama in flower now tht i got her closet all done up nice with a big sheet of panda paper i made like a bowl n linned the walls up with it and sat her in it lol but yea here she is my strawberry cake im also tryi g to reverse two of her branches so lets hope it works ill be doing the first half of her treatmeants with colloidal silver spray but im running out lol so i got a suggestion to make my own sts and from a fellow grower pennywise he helped to find what i need to make it so i ordered up the ingredients to make it and it should be here this weekend then ill start the second half of her treatmeants with sts n from what i hear n see from other growers it works great but yes here she is jus started flipped to flower last friday and she had a big drought with me being gone for the weekend but her she was after i got back i forgot to take one after she woke back up n i feed her lol but i will get some pics up 2nite

If it’s already flowering your too late and I would smoke any parts that were sprayed.

Thanx man thts what i figured as well jus didnt no if it was to late to still smke or not lol but yea thanx man i still got like 3 red poison beans to try and get it to make pollen n get auto beans lol but yea i hope now i got the sts ill have better success
Oh i almost forgot this is the strain ive been working on here is my favorite pheno im trying to lock in the one where they have the big domina leaves so i know its guna have tht berry bubble gum kinda smell/flavor to the buds but also the massive side branching lets me know the hindu kush is in there cuz the black domina i had didnt side branch very much and out of all the different phenos i got at first only 3 really stood out but this one was my favorite since u can clearly taste both strains in the buds its a very nice high as well both head high but also a nice body buzz but not to heavy where u jus pas out unless u let it grow long enough then oh yeah she will knock u down lmao but thts whats nice about the domina is it can if u want get done early enought to stop tht effect but still be some potent bud but yea here she is in a 5 gallon dwc bucket half under my mars hydro reflector 96 and the other half under my dwarf star led light now in the flower tent

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