Boss's Poor Mans Grow

Boss, that bud looks deeeeelicious!
May not be on much for the next weeek or so, just had a power surge and it blew up the motherboard on my main machine.. (despite the surge protector and battery backup)

I'm looking at a new one now.. damnit-We can't even get decent power anymore. Americans need to quit working, or have pride in what they do... Seems we can't get shit right anymore..
Yeild on runt cured was just an ounce :) But it's a kicker. Little too skitzy for me, but she was harvested 2 weeks early easy.

How long has that cured...cause I know my bud is always really sticky until its cured for at least a week after drying. And stems hardly weigh anything...Ive weighed em before.
At least a week and a half. I had to, to get rid of the premture odor. Now that is gone, it's tasty, and I cant stand to smell the case when I open it up to smoke :)

Man this tablet PC is nice, but the keys are way small, and it seems my wife spilled coke in the detachable keyboard and the left side of the KB sticks.. Nice way to treat a 3000 dollar tablet pc :)
No explinations needed. The less money you spend, the more you reap. And the sweeter the buds. Heh. I got a bit more than an 1/8th from my single plant and it was some of the best smoke, in my mind. Didnt get me as high as the Rhino thats came through that week, but still the best high ive ever had. Livin the simple life.
Lol-Thanks guys :)

Ya, back in the day I was able to get all the toys. People who have never gotten really sick have a hard time understanding the cost and effect it can have on your life, even if you are insured :) Those are usully the people calling disability insurance a givaway, and living off the government. (Even though you pay into it your whole life)

It did make me realize that the stuff is nice to have, but far from a need ;-) What you really need, you can't buy.

My electric ill is 150.00 a month. Not bad at all. However the gas bill here is almost 300. Like I said before, the total wattage in the grow room was just at 400w until I added the lights out heater, and that runs at about 300 watts by itself, up to 1500w at full power, but it never goes above low.

I got this tablet for work about 6 years ago. List was 3500, I bought it for 1500 from a warehouse. It one of those things you can draw and write on the screen and all that crap. I think if you lookup a compaq t1000 with all the bells and whistles, they still run 2500 :) I can't pass up a deal.

I have 2 other machines around here, but one is in the sons room (can't smoke in there) and the other is on the floor needing to be put together again.

I have a bid in on a new motheroard so it shouldn't be long to get the main machine back up. I wont have much image editing capacity until then, unless I decide to install software on these other machines, which I doubt.

Plants are doing well, bushies buds are all orange from the tea tea spray still, it definately stunted her bud growth. Keep the maxi crop seaweed away from your buds until you test it on one of them first!
no rush boss.:]

That image alteration will have to wait till the 300 gig drive is up again :)

lol no i just type really fast and dont look up when i do so. and like boss said, being constantly high doesnt help either:bongrip: but i belive you guys get the general idea of what im saying. ill try to fix that for you guys if it urks you.:]
Do you type with a hammer, fillabong?
Don't irk me a bit, brother. Just thought it was odd. The bong can be

distracting... eghh.... hehehe:bongrip:
lmao it's all good. all of my posts since reading that have been re-read and spell checked. well spell checked from the eye at least. sorry for spelling youre name wrong bsos, i mean boss.:loopy:
Im pretty sure were all high, to some degree. Im high all the time. I just love being high-er.
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