Bruce Banner Marries A Watermelon - SIP Grow

Yeah the anticipation 😉
You wanna make sure that the branch snaps when you bend it. Otherwise it's not dry yet. Don't wanna rush the gun.
But it’s soo hard to wait haha

I’m proceeding as described above. They are in bags or jars as of this morning. I will pull them out this afternoon to breathe. And then jar them back up and do the same thing every 8 - 12 hours until their RH is lower :)
Shogun looks like a good strain 💪🏻💚 and everyone loves a good OG
Looked good to me :)
I too have seeds slated for 2 more grows or so as I won a raffle and got DFG and other breeders seeds in the win!
It’s crazy! I’m getting ready to start my PGC grow, followed by 2 @Barney's Farm and a @The Vault giveaway from @Freedom of Seeds that I won. And then for my late winter/spring grow I’m doing that shogun, OG and ??? I think I have some other free seeds I should probably play with :)

Love the sponsors here, my next year of planned grows are all from them :)
My 2 cents.... Sometimes when I've burped my jars I've dumped the buds out onto a nice piece of cardboard for an hour or so and then toss em back in the jar till the next day. It all depends on your time schedule. Happy Friday buddy!! Rock and roll!! 😎✌️
So got home and every jar and bag was at 61% - 64%

So everything came out for about 10 mins and then back into their bag/jar.

Buds did not feel as crunchy on the outside as before, so that’s good.

Wedding gelato oddly still has a bit of hay/straw smell. The others smell great!

Watermelon and WG buds are on the fluffy side where as the banner is solid and hard.

Things seem to be smoothing out rather nicely considering all things.
Once they get to mid-60's I don't take them out any more. Instead, I open the jar and use a folded up paper bag as a hand fan and push some air into the jar to help exchange the air a bit further down.

Constantly bumping the buds as you remove and put them back in degrades the trichomes each time they get bumped, and once well below 70 the chance for mold goes down so I try to be more gentle with them.

Sounds like you're well on your way! :thumb:
I just opened everything and all are at 62% - 64%. With that said everything is in grove bags now. All in 1/2 lb size bags. Got 2 watermelon and 1 each of banner and wedding gelato.

Burping, continue to do it daily until the 60% mark and then under the stairs where it stays cooler and dark for the next 3-4 weeks is what I am thinking. Am I off track there?

I have a couple of doobs rolled up for a get together at a friends house tonight so we will see how what the consensus is.

On another note at least one of my preying mantis eggs hatched :)

As I was letting these little manti go I noticed that, and forgot that, I had put the watermelon out in the veggie garden. Haven’t watered or fed her in a week, though I’ve gotten like 2.5” of rain this week. She is still alive and probably revegging?

I’m going to feed her and keep the experiment going. Maybe I will be able to harvest her again in the fall?
A couple of updates:

All bags are now at 62% or 63%
Hay smell is gone from the WG
The diesel smell of the banner is starting to subdue to a refreshing lemon rind scent, very pleasant.

Smoke report is a little skewed, as we all had several adult beverages and I forgot what was what hahaha but over all they were a success.

I’ve also started my PGC grow. Long is in my signature for anyone interested :)
Ok bags are still 62% - 63%. I’m burping the bags daily and will continue to do so until I hit 60%

WG bugs are tightening up and have turned quit dense. They were pretty fluffy and loose when I bagged them. Cake smell is starting to creep back with them.

Banner had gone pretty lemon rind smell and todays face in the bag was much more diesel forward than lemon rind.

Watermelon is still smelling sweet yet has brought on a nice skunk like nose to it.
Sounds like your nose works well @Ke0ncp!

I wish I could get you to sniff some of my stuff. :Rasta:
Burping and decided to take some pics. They are really starting to look good, tightening up and aromas are developing nicely.

Here are some random pics. Clearly still need to do some cleanup on them!



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