Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Sorry, I forgot to ask another question that may be very important for me, since I have skin metastasis of my primary breast cancer, how can I make something to put on my skin? Can I dilute some oil with the coconut oil? Can you give some advice on how to do that, or other method?

Thank you sooooo much :)
Hi Carretita, a good beautiful Sunday morning to you and yours.

It sounds to me like you've done a great job making your first oil! I don't know the indica/sativa ratio of your oil, but you want 90%+ indica for night time oil and a sativa dom. oil for day time oil when you can manage it. You've probably read how the sativa dom. oil will give you a better feeling of wellness and energy in the day. It's true. I know from first hand use. I'm set-up to make day oil for myself today. I've been using my night oil in the day and it takes away the energy and extreme well feeling i've become hooked on.

I would advise you to increase your dosing frequency as fast as you can, using the smaller tack size that you can control. This is VERY important. I tack about 10 times a day, on the hour, when I remember. Your goal is to work your way up to 1 gram/day minimum tacking. You should consider tracking down Cajun for other ways to add other protocols for increased pressure on your c. The more cannabinoids in your system, the better. But always remember to tack before any other, so you get as little high as possible.

Yes, you can take pain meds with the oil. Tack an hour before taking the pain med and go slow, you know how bad it feels to get too high with just the oil. You will see that over time, as you get better at tacking, you will need less and less of the other meds. Yes, you will be able to stop the other pain meds when you attain full oil doses. Canna oil, it turnes out, is strongest at reducing pain!!! How convenient. Plus it kills c. at the same time! LORD HAVE MERCY. Thank you GOD.

RSOiler or Cajun can instruct on using the oil with coconut oil and other infusions.

I haven't used it in coconut oil, but Buck, my imaginary partner, eats it that way every day to keep his prostate c. in remission. He likes the euphoria, so be careful using it this way. He's also just using a small maintenance dose. You need a much larger (1gram/day min. is present day conventional wisdom) dose to kill advanced c.

Motoco have their hands full treating their patients in the S. California area. They presented their findings on the tacking method in this thread, and continuing to answer the same questions becomes very repetitious. As one of the last to be Mentored by this dynamic duo, I find great joy in being able to 'pay it forward' just a little. Problem for me is...I type with my thumbs...holding the keyboard with my fingers, up on my chest, laying in bed. Pretty slow.

I'll PM you if necessary with personal stuff, but others may be helped with answers to your questions in the open thread.

Hope this helps, Carretita. Peace...:Namaste:
Good day Carretita, as John said, please keep reading, any question you can think of has been asked and answered. The best answers came from Motoco and will help you. Keep at it Carretita, once you get the tacking down and get the Sativa for day time to keep you on a positive note (Sativa high in THC & Sativa high in CBD) at a ratio of 2:1 THC to CBD. This is very important to have Sativa for daytime & Indica for night time. Sounds like you did a great job on your first time oil making.
Remember, eat first then tack 1/4, 15min tack a 1/4 repeat until you get a rice size grain tacked in one sitting. If tacking the right way you won't feel euphoric at all but you will feel the Indica effects. you will want to get to as many tacks as possible during the day (much like John) this is why I stress that getting Sativa is so important. Also you must eat & drink in between meals. If you start to feel euphoric after one of your doses you can take a 1/4 size tack to help bring you back down to earth.
When you tacked a 1/4 grain of oil and did not get euphoric then you did it the right way. Congratulations now get back in there and tack 3-1/4 doses (slow and easy, if you get high then you are getting sloppy). You can try a test if you think you are not getting the oil into your system the right way because you don't fill anything. Wait until morning and just eat a 1/4 dose without tacking and you'll understand just how potent your oil is and how important tacking is to getting up to a gram a day.
John is the best guy to listen to because he is the one going through what you are going through. I will ask Cannafan if she would come over here and tell you how to make your lotion.

Love and respect Carretita, stay at it and kick cancer in the butt. :high-five:
Hi Carretita,
Sorry to hear of your cancer. We're here for you!

I don't make a "lotion" as in the liquid type, it's more a topical cream. The anti-inflammatory and healing properties are well worth the effort, in addition to softer skin of course.

Before I go on, I want to say that you should not apply these creams/lotions to open wounds!

Here's a very simple recipe to start you off, I got this one from the internet a few months ago:

Melt 2 cups of coconut oil in the microwave.
Place coconut oil in a sauce pan.
Preheat oven to 200 F
Crush 7 grams of high quality marijuana or 14 grams of low quality and place on a baking sheet.
Put baking sheet in the oven for 10 minutes.
Remove marijuana from the oven and place in the sauce pan with the coconut oil.
Simmer for 30-45 minutes (DO NOT BOIL) and stir often.
Strain oil from marijuana with a cheese cloth.
Melt 1 ounce of beeswax and combine with 5 ounces of cannabis infused coconut oil in sauce pan on low heat.
Add 1 TBSP of Vitamin E oil.
Remove from low heat after 5 minutes and let the mixture cool for an hour.
Apply to joints, skin and achey parts of your body. NEVER APPLY TO OPEN WOUNDS.

This next one is on my blog and is from member "Beemerbill". It has additional ingredients that are good for the skin, and cooling menthol crystals. Word of caution on the menthol, use it sparingly. I would cut the amount called for in half when you make the cream if you don't like a strong menthol smell. ;-)

Pain Creme recipe by Beemerbill - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®

True lotions require much more involved processes, so I just stick with the cream.

Edit: If you don't have any bud or trim, and only have the RSO available, here's a ratio that you can do using the RSO with the Coconut oil:

1/8 oz RSO to 1/2 C. Coconut oil.

Here's some info from the net on using the RSO to make cannabalm:

When using 'full extract' oil, an eighth-of-an-ounce in a half-cup of oil should be sufficient.

Place your fatty base into your plastic mixing bowl, and add your Cannabis products. Fill the soup pot halfway with water and set it on the stove to heat. When the water begins to approach boiling point, reduce the heat slightly, so that a constant simmer is achieved. Place your plastic mixing bowl inside the soup pot, making sure that no water can enter the bowl, and gently heat the contents until the fat has become fully-liquid.

When the fat has turned to liquid, use a clean wooden or plastic spoon to mix the ingredients together, so that the oil can fully penetrate and dissolve your Cannabis products. Continue to gently simmer for between thirty minutes and one hour - if using herbal Cannabis, a longer simmer time is advised.

Straining your balm with cheesecloth and a sieve is vital.
After the required simmering period is complete, remove your plastic bowl from the pot; remove the pot from the heat and set it aside. Place the cheesecloth or muslin over the smaller bowl in which you intend to store your salve - you may wish to use a sieve to hold the muslin in place - and strain your Cannabis-infused liquid oil into the smaller bowl or jar beneath.

Allow your salve to cool completely before using it. When properly stored (in a cool, dark place, for best results), your salve should keep for at least two months. As is, the salve can be used for various topical applications; you can also use it as a base to create specialized creams, lotions and ointments for use against specific conditions.

If using beeswax as your base, you may wish to add other, more liquid oils for use as a body cream or lotion. Beeswax is quite hard at room temperature, and even if used for making lip balm, adding small quantities of coconut oil will soften the balm and allow for increased penetration through the epidermis. Alternatively, if your base is coconut oil or shea butter - both of which are solid, but soft, at room temperature - you may wish to add beeswax to 'firm up' your salve. When adding other oils, it is advisable to gently reheat your salve so that the oils can easily mix together, without separating.

To make smooth, non-greasy body creams and lotions, adding almond or grapeseed oil is an excellent choice, as these are oils that deeply penetrate the skin and leave little-to-no greasy residue behind. Adding aloe vera gel is also highly recommended, as not only does it reduce the level of greasiness, it also has its own antibacterial properties and can make your product delightfully cool and soothing.

Another option is to add your freshly-prepared Cannabis salve to your own existing skincare products, such as hand cream - or even shampoo and conditioner. However, this option is only recommended if existing products are free from potentially-harmful additives, such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), parabens and synthetic fragrances.

Your Cannabis balm can be endlessly tweaked to yield the exact results needed to treat your particular condition, or simply to produce an array of skincare products that will keep your skin in far better condition than most commercially-available products can ever hope to achieve. With such simple and quick procedures, anyone can achieve these results, get healthier, better-maintained skin, and potentially save hundreds - if not thousands - of dollars every year on purchasing overpriced and potentially damaging commercial products.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Cannafan your the best. :Namaste: :love:
Carretitta, my wife also has stage four metastisized breast cancer. It is very important to know if your cancer is ER+. If it is, it is very important that you do not do a high THC treatment. The high THC can actually cause your cancer to metastasize faster. There is actually a published study showing this. I have spoken to experts in California who heal people with cannabis oil, and when they are dealing with ER+ cancer, they typically want the ratio of CBD to THC to be 3 to 1. Also, they don't recommend that you just stick to a standard 1 gram per day. Instead they recommend that you have the oil tested and then take 5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. In that total amount of milligrams per kilogram of body weight the ratio of CBD to THC should be 3 to 1. My wife was originally taking high THC oil, and she saw no improvement at all after a month and a half. We are not sure if it got worse or not because we didn't have the scans to compare, but we know it didn't get better because her pural effusion didn'the get better. (She just had an operation where they filled the pural effusion space with talc and it was successful, so no more drainage). She also had similar problems in terms of getting uncomfortably high. So, we started doing suppositories instead which were much much better. However, when doing suppositories, you have to be careful not to insert the suppository too far. If you insert it too far, you will hit the portal vein and cause the oils to go to the liver and cause a psychoactive effect. So she made sure to insert it until just before the middle knuckle, which was about two inches. Anyway, the question is is your cancer er positive, and if it is, have you had menopause induced, were you already in menopause, or have your ovaries been removed? Let's go from there.
Tptb73, I'm so proud of you, for how much you've learned (teaching me now----thank you) and how brave you are paying it forward.

God Bless you and The Mrs...:Namaste:
I'm glad your wife was able to get on top of it tptb.
Breast cancer survival with the oil is one of the better percentages.

Y'all let me know if you need anything outside of tacking.
Dear cajuncelt,

My cancer is the subtype triple negative, it's growth is not hormonally driven, so the conventional treatment options are more limited than other types of breast cancer. It is very aggressive and now that it has metastasized to the skin again (first skin mets was last September and went away with the chemo regiment I was on) it is currently spreading like wildfire. I also had another thorecentisis on Monday to remove a liter and a half of fluid from pleural effusion. Everyday has gotten worse and is very difficult to get under control. I was told today we will stop the current chemo, and they will do radiation on the skin to try and stop the spread and put me on new chemo drug called xeloda while on the radiation. I told radiation oncologist that I was taking cannabis oil and she said that was fine.

I still have this total fear of getting the high I got last week, so I feel apprehensive at night when I tack my little spot. I have now gotten down the tacking pretty good and tack probably a half grain of rice, and there seems to be some whitish residue still there in the early morning. I just don't understand how I'm going to get so much oil in me without the getting high, is this really possible? I am trying to remain positive and not negative nancy, but I am in constant pain, and I have high level of anxiety as it is, I feel even more anxious instead of relaxed. I did not do oil the last 2 nights, first because I had to be at hospital for fluid drainage procedure at 6am, and then because I've just been so darn mentally and emotionally and physically exhausted. I am sorry to just ramble, but I am so thankful to have found you guys and be able to vent, I hope that is ok with you guys. I feel a little alone in this process, I have great support from all of my family, but I still wish I had a tacking buddy, haha!

Any advice, kind words, tips etc you can throw my way would be great. Any other ideas on oil, how to get it in, etc, would be fantastic.

Has anyone ever heard of using the oil on skin metastasis of a primary breast cancer, or any other primary cancer? I have read the skin mets happens usually in breast and lung cancers. It looks totally different than a melanoma, more like a bruise like rash that can be very widespread across the chest.

Would a CBD oil well you think? This way I believe you would have the euphoric high either, right?

Looking forward to hearing from you. Please wish me good vibes, tomorrow I go in for the simulation and speak to oncologist about when we will start new chemo. Love and light to you all.
Dear tptb,

I am so sorry that your wife has stage 4 cancer, it is such an ugly disease. I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for reaching out to me, I was very encouraged by it, knowing that I'm not alone in this and all of you guys are here.

I'm 38 years old, and was diagnosed in Oct 2013 at 36. When I had the biopsy in 2013, It came back estrogen negative, progesterone positive (30%) and HER2 negative. I went through the standard treatment protocol for a hormone positive breast cancer. I was originally a stage 2B, and as I went through treatment I went into chemo induced menopause. During treatment, it grew and then after surgery I was diagnosed stage 3b with 9/20 positive lymph nodes. So I did radiation treatment and 6 weeks after that, I had recurrence on the skin and malignant pleural effusion. The crazy thing is that when we received the pathology back from pleural effusion and skin, I was triple negative, with no hormone positive anymore. So it mutated I was told. I started a new chemo regiment and it worked very well, and kept me in chemo induced menopause. I never had my ovaries removed, I was told it really would not make a difference. I finished my max of one of those chemos, and only a month or 2 later is when I started to have complications and recurrence again. I was mentioning in previous post to cajuncelt that to get this skin mets under control, we will attempt radiation combined with a new chemo called xeloda. the skin mets is out of control and spreading like crazy. And the pleural effusion is filling up quickly, I had liter and a half removed on Monday, so they want me to speak with the thoracic surgeon regarding the talc procedure. I am so happy to hear that is has been successful for your wife. Did she have to have them drained frequently before you guys decided on the talc procedure? As of now, I'm draining about a liter - a liter and a half every 8-10 days on average.

I am thrilled to know about the suppositories. Please, how can I connect and learn more about this with you? Does she experience getting high at all with the suppositories? How much oil at a time, and did she build up to it? I am still only at a half grain tacking once in the evening. I did not get my oil tested, but I do know that in Colorado, my friend bought 6 ounces of 20-24% THC high grade indica dominant bud, and we were able to get about 18 grams. The first day I tried it last week, it was about a small grain of rice, and I ate it in a cranberry. 4 hours after, i was on another planet, and time was going extremely slow. i felt shaky, electrical, dizzy, anxious, fast heart beast, yet I could hardly speak or keep my head up. I have never felt like that and I did not like it. I remember my husband trying to talk me thorugh it, and that high lasted about 3 hours until I managed to start coming down. I remember thinking there is no way I am going to be able to get a gram in. I luckily stayed up most of that night and found this forum. I have now been able to tack one spot on my gum in the evening, but I feel like I am going way to slow for the amount I am sure I need to get in because my cancer is aggressive and very active. I feel a little down in the dumps (or a lot down in the dumps), I have to have the pain meds (oxycodone / acetaminophen) every 4 hours right now or the pain goes out of control. I am not sure how much this matters with the oil, but I imagine I should try to have good vibes when I take it. Does that make a difference? I also notice that as I let the oil soak in through my gums, I get this weird feeling in my upper gut, like gassy and upset stomach a bit, it starts about 2 hours after i tacked. Does anyone else experience this?

I hope that I have not rambled on to much, I have all of these questions, and I'm just trying to get through one day at a time ( or one hour at a time) I am so thankful for the responses and encouragement I have received. I am totally looking forward to hearing from you guys soon.

I just discovered the emoticons ! :):circle-of-love: :Namaste:

Thanks to the wonderful thing called "the internet", no one is ever truly alone anymore. :circle-of-love:

I feared the high just as you do when I first started the oil, I couldn't risk it at work was the main reason. I knew I was doing it wrong because I could feel the burn in my throat. After making sure I did it properly that did not happen anymore.
If you tack properly every single time you will work your way up to what you need with no high. I doubted it myself, but I never had the high when I concentrated on my proper dosing technique every single time.

Also, you have to think of your dosing as a mandatory part of your routine, not something optional to do only when you feel up to it. Consider it as important as keeping a doctors appt. or a medical procedure appt., or an insulin shot. It is mandatory to take it on a schedule or routine. The dishes will wait till morning if you are too tired, the laundry will wait till tomorrow, dusting and cleaning will wait.....Cancer will not. It will take advantage of every open opportunity to grow. Don't let it get that advantage!

It's going to take some reorganizing of your routines, and it will take a little longer than taking a pill or an insulin shot, but it has to be done on a routine.

We're here for you, I can't answer any techy questions like Cajun and others do, but I am a good cheerleader. :)

I wish you positive vibes and then some for the appt. tomorrow.

Take care!

Hi Cannafan!

Thanks for the response!

How long did it take you to build up to your daily amount? When you tack and are doing it properly, does it still move around on your gum? I am constantly checking it in the mirror to make sure it's still there, but tonight I noticed it's swiggly, like gooey in there, and moves around. I put ice on it, but after a while it seems to do it again. I spit out saliva now for the past hour, but i taste it a bit. But it's still there. Is this doing it correctly? I get really thirsty but I'm afraid I will swallow it.

How long have you been taking the oil?

We are so sorry about your situation too. My heart goes out to you. I wish I could heal you so badly. My wife is 41. She had 2 liters removed the first time, then, 3 weeks, later, a liter and a half. She then went to an interventional radiologist and had a temporary drain put in. What an unpleasant pain in the ass that was. When she got that put in, her heart rate and blood pressure went up and stayed up constantly. Her heart rate was 100-122 resting, and her blood pressure was always high. It was like that for about 4 days until she was scheduled for surgery to have her ovaries removed. She has a type of cancer that is HIGHLY estrogen dependent. At that time, they decided to perform a Pleurodesis also. Other doctors had advised us not to do that, because it supposedly had a 50/50 chance of success. However, as luck would have it, once of the best thoracic surgeons in the world was available. He said that you have to take the 50/50 stat with a grain of salt because that statistic includes mostly elderly people, but a healthier young woman in her 30s or 40s is much likelier to have a successful outcome. Plus, having a drain is just not do-able. It's a very bad quality of life. Even with the permanent type.

If you're looking into that procedure, look fast because the doctor was explaining to us that if we waited another 2 months or so we would miss the window of opportunity to do that procedure.

Also, seeing that you have no time to waste, you must start suppositories ASAP. My wife did work her way up to a gram per day orally, but she got so tired of being stoned out of her mind all that time. And I am TOTALLY familiar with the experience you are describing...of having a bad trip and being so high that you just want to have a panic attack. That is no fun at all. So my wife switched to suppositories. She is doing 3 per day...1/3 gram per dose for a gram per day, and another 1/10 of a gram orally at night. You can get size 00 gelatin capsules, put 1/3 of a gram of oil inside a capsule, then fill the rest of the capsule with coconut oil. Don't expect it to mix. Wait until after you poop. Then, using medical gloves, insert the capsule until just BEFORE the middle knuckle and no more. Hold it in there and go about your business, but don't poop for an hour at least. You will only get a warm fuzzy feeling and you will be able to function normally. My wife LOVES the suppositories. I haven't heard of anyone who doesn't. I am sure that after your traumatic experience, you will want to test a suppository with less oil in it than 1/3 gram the first time, and I don't blame you. But after you do that, go ahead and bump it up. It would be a good idea to have some benzos around,like clonopin or xanax, or diazepam, in order to have something in case you ever go into that awful negative high again. Just be careful not to insert the capsule too far. My wife experimented once and pushed it in past the middle knuckle all the way to the portal vein. It was a large dose and she almost had a panic attack. Luckily, we had some benzos around. But, trust me, suppositories are the way to go for you. Everyone who can't handle the oral doses does suppositories and likes them. You will do great. Just get started ASAP.
HI Carretita,
I only have a quick response this morning, will have more later.

If the oil is still there after an hour, I don't quite understand that. Maybe one of the other "oilers" here can figure out what's happening. My absorption would take place within a few minutes. Hmmm.....

I want to agree on the suppositories as Tptb explains, I used those also the last couple of months I was on the oil. You can buy the gelatin capsules at Health Food Stores here, and some drug stores even carry them.
There was no high whatsoever when I used those properly.

As far as how long it took me to get to a gram a day, it was a couple of weeks at the most. Everyone will be different though, so I can't really say how long it should take you.

I totally agree that you need to get something of a routine on the oil ASAP, and it sounds like the suppositories would be a good choice for you on the majority of the dosing.

I was on the oil from around April or late May last year after I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. I had to stop taking it in December due to a job loss and resulting drug testing during the search for new permanent employment. I have obtained a permanent job now and I'm making my first batch of oil since then as soon as I have time. (just harvested a home grown plant. YEY)

Again, I'm sending lots of positive energy your way for the appointments today! :circle-of-love:

Tptb: Positive energy and love to your wife, and you as well for being a great caregiver to her during this traumatic time in your lives.


Cannafan, thanks for the kind words!


Just so you know, most people cannot reach the gram per day orally and have to resort to suppositories.
My wife would tack abut 1/2 grain of rice worth 15 minutes before she took her oral dose in order to lessen the psychoactive effects. It worked only somewhat. She was taking .25 grams orally 4 times per day. It took a month to work up to that, and she mainly followed the rso dosage chart. You can find that here: Worlds First Rick Simpson Oil RSO Dosage Chart ? Martin Medical Services

We never got the hang of full tacking, and we're a bit turned off by it after Cajun Celt said his cancer grew while he was just tacking alone and doing nothing else.
He's (Cajun) a lot happier now and his cancer is lessening. Mental state is everything! It's not fair to judge tacking when you are in mental chaos.

Knowing I'll get zhit for this!

That's my opinion, and I'm sticking with it. I'm only 1 1/2 months past my Dead Line (c.), but I feel full of life after a heart attack, kidney infection, dehydration and c.

Carretita, you MUST drink, drink, drink like a fish or you WILL become nauseated Every single time! Rinse with ice water to solidify the tack, and then drink as much as you can handle (water is what we're talking about). If you drink anything with alcohol in it, the oil will spread to your whole mouth, throat, stomach and you will get very high. Watch out for cough meds, etc. If you feel it in your throat, you are ingesting it and will probably get sick (high).

It took me over a month to reach 1 gram/day. And I was a heavy pot smoker before that. Still took me a month. Now I 'sloppy' tack a double long grain rice sized amount every hour under my lower dentures and feel no high what so ever! I guess I've inundated my CB1's. I don't even get high smoking anymore! What a bummer, but the 'WELL' ness I've felt from the sativa oil is better than any other high. I've been using just indica dominant oil for awhile, and it's not the same.

Sativa dominant oil for daytime is ALL is 90%+ Indica dominant oil at night for proper rest!


Sativa dominant oil for daytime is ALL is 90%+ Indica dominant oil at night for proper rest!

Miss that message and I believe you will fail. PM me if you need further help or ask me to PM you if you cannot PM yet.

All my love, power and blessings be upon you and your loved ones for your healing. Like Cannafan, I'm your cheerleader.

Motoco, CajunCelt, RSOiler and others are your primary care oil heads. I hereby relinquish control of your computer to them!

Thanks everyone for the great information. I think i want to try the suppositories and went to look for them today, but there was only a larger size available, so i am going to get them in the morning.

94xjjohn, i dont have the ability to get the sativa strain yet, i have to wait to go back to colorado in a month aor so. I only have 18 grams of the indica dominant right now, and man is it potent. When you tack, how long does the oil stay there for? I have still had like a whitish residue on the gum in the morning. Like I mentioned I have only done it at night, so i dont drink much water or anything when Ive done it. Have you ever tried the suppositories? Is your c getting better?
To all,
When you use the suppositories, are you getting all of the absortion as well? Does it matter that i do 3 a day of the high thc indica strain? Will i feel tired during the day? What about citicholine? Has anyone used it? I bought a bottle but havent used it yet. I have this dread of the high feeling, sorry to repeat this as i know ive made it clear, but i just dont think i can handle it. I do have ativan, so i can take that if i do get high?

So i was planning on adding a small amount of oil to suppositry and trying it first.

I had my simulation today and will start new chemo and radiation on wednesday. It was nerve wrecking, but i got through it. I can feel the c growing underneath my axila, and it hurts like hell. I am just praying that i have a good exoerience with the oil suppositories so i can get it in asap.

Again, so happy to have all of you here.
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