Clone machine vs terrarium what's your fancy?


Well-Known Member
Howdy all what turn around times and rates do you get from the way of your cloning practice ? I've heard some people doing alot of things on here and I'm trying to find out ? Not to say I'm a master cloner or anything but I do pretty good I usually get100%turn around in about a week time with minimal stress in a terrarium with rapid rootes and a dome no heat mat I dampen the rooter with humic acid and EM-1 and use it throughout the cycle with the rooting acid hormone instead of the gel or powder which for $10 I can do many many clones I save what I don't use in a pill bottle under in my veg room I just keep them at a safe distance from the light I've done the clone machine for some years and had ok luck but ph fluctuating and heat from the pump and changing water What a Pain in the ass ! I like the terrarium much better how about you all?? What's your method? Same with beans what's your popping method?
I do it pretty much the same way I have 100% turn around as well you use the powder,gel or acid for hormones?
Clonex gel. I wonder if aloe gel would work... it contains auxins and gibberellens.
Our sponsor, Remo Nutrients, also has a rooting gel:
I use clonex, root riot plugs, a humidity dome with mat, and a 8W LED strip light (cool white) and generally within 1-2 weeks I usually have pretty close to 100% success. Some strains are a little more tempermental but overall Iwould say over 90% success rate.
Everyone from small backyard gardeners to large commercial growers to nurseries face the challenge of caring for plants when they’re young, small, and vulnerable. Here are some of the best ideas and methods. The less soil in a pot, the more important keeping up with irrigation becomes. Plants in big pots can go long times without water, those in rockwool cubes or small containers can need water many times a day.

The Challenge​

  • How to give your small plants and seeds enough water when they don’t have much soil
  • How to take care of small plants when you don’t have much time
  • How to keep new plants watered before you have time to transplant
  • How to prevent over-watering
  • How to save labor, water, and plant-loss costs
  • How to assure the most healthy, strong-rooted, and prolific plants



Evolve your strategy and irrigation system
We started designing and supplying irrigation systems in the mid-1970’s. Since then, we’ve continued a quest to experiment and evolve better ways to water. We learned and continue to learn from both our own and our customers' experiences and we’re happy to share these with you. We can help you design systems through the range from conservative/traditional/proven to innovative/cutting-edge/experimental.

Capillary Mat Systems​

The best way to start and nurture clones, starts, seeds and seedlings​

Made from a felt-like material, capillary mats supply water by wicking moisture up from the bottom - when the planting mix and roots dry, they automatically pull moisture up. In university studies, this normally saves 70% of the water use and 92% of the labor costs while making plant growth faster with bigger yields.
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