Critical Comparative: Growing Anything Critical Related? Let's Share Info And Get The Most Out Of Our Grow

The last pics of her in the tent :(
The last pics of her in the tent :(
they look so primo now bud. cannot wait to see them dried and twinkly. bet they will smoke devine. great work prof
they look so primo now bud. cannot wait to see them dried and twinkly. bet they will smoke devine. great work prof
Thanks gentlemen! She's in the dark at the moment and I'll cut her down at 8pm UK time. I took her out the tent and she finally collapsed under her own weight lol. I've tied a string around her to keep her upright for now. The COP has progressed well over the last 24 hours and loads more of her hairs have turned a different colour. My eyes are terrible but I don't think her hairs are as bright as the C+....
Yum yum ! Some top notch buds there Prof well done
Thanks Dutch! I'm looking forward to yours now though. Keep it Critical
Very pretty, and well done with those watts! How did the lowers turn out?
Thanks Shed! The lowers are pretty fluffy to be honest, it got pretty crowded in the tent. The plants got a tiny bit taller than I would have liked and I could have probably trimmed the lower parts of the plants a little better. I'm happy with the tops though :)
She's been chopped! Not a bad haul for a plant grown in the corner of a 2x4 tent with 200w of lighting. Can't wait to try her. She has a citrus skunk smell at the moment. Well here she is :)
look at them bifters. nice work prof. hope none of the samples you mail us all ,get lost in the post !!!
i am stocking up on munchies !
here are the girls on day 22 of flowering. got to love the criticals. seeing harvests ( prof) always spurs me on. Pamela( peyote) and kath ( RQS Critical) have now took the lower north side and chased the Laughing Buddha "outta town " (she is in digs on edges of of town now !)
they are budding up nicely and stacking fairly close too. have lowered ppm to lighter end as they seemed unhappy with higher strength ( always bloody right icemann420 , your partner must hate arguments with you. lol)
here's the ladies today .
here are the girls on day 22 of flowering. got to love the criticals. seeing harvests ( prof) always spurs me on. Pamela( peyote) and kath ( RQS Critical) have now took the lower north side and chased the Laughing Buddha "outta town " (she is in digs on edges of of town now !)
they are budding up nicely and stacking fairly close too. have lowered ppm to lighter end as they seemed unhappy with higher strength ( always bloody right icemann420 , your partner must hate arguments with you. lol)
here's the ladies today .
Well that's a nice looking garden! Good for Day 21 of flower. Some of mine that are in my current grow looked like they were slacking a bit at this stage. They've all caught up now though and hopefully will all be down by the new year. Good job GG! :)
Well that's a nice looking garden! Good for Day 21 of flower. Some of mine that are in my current grow looked like they were slacking a bit at this stage. They've all caught up now though and hopefully will all be down by the new year. Good job GG! :)
thanks prof. the criticals have been in veg months recovering from my rdwc balls ups. gave me good foundation for the peyote mainline but the RQS Critical has caught up with 3 weeks veg before flip on 1st Dec. seems genetics can do a lot. love both seed breeders for their produce. They have took a lot of stick.
Great growth GG! (See what I did there?)

If there was room I would dive in and go on a leaf-tucking rampage :).
heehee amazing wordplay fella. haha
with you you on the leaf tucking and due a major defol before they hit the 4 weeks flower mark. bloody christmas getting in the way of growing time!!! kids can have an orange and a hoop and be done with it. Humbug lol
heehee amazing wordplay fella. haha
with you you on the leaf tucking and due a major defol before they hit the 4 weeks flower mark. bloody christmas getting in the way of growing time!!! kids can have an orange and a hoop and be done with it. Humbug lol
:rofl: I went shopping earlier for my daughter.....I got her a hoop! Of course she will be getting the Orange as well. My misses bought her finger paints though....I'm not best amused lol
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