Cultivators Play Pen

I cant say enough good things about AMS, fast growing, heavy yielding, high thc and resin production and very resilient. Anyone who has read my other journals has seen what i produce in very short time frames with it.

I actually started growing AMS as i'd had a bunch of The Church hermie on me and the seed bank sent me the AMS for free, so glad they did. Church grows huge but i'll never grow it again after the troubles i had with it.

Awesome mate, simply awesome. You're gonna be a busy boy come Xmas With your buds n flip

Im always busy mukker, its a good thing but also a bad thing! need a fucking holiday mate lol
So i thought id take some pics of grow 1 through my sun glasses that i wear to filter out the hps light. They are great, stops my eyes hurting. i had them given the other day and wow they have helped me so much. i walk around with a permenant squint with the bright lights. filters out the orange hue well.

Jesus got a couple of Japanese snipers hidden there lol. That is one LARGE canopy there mate :) Holiday in the Bahamas on that my friend....shit, BUY the Bahamas and cut the middle man out lol :)
Awwwww, now your just showing off lol......Hey, please continue though, this is the nearest I get to internet porn lol :)
Wow, I'd guess that you were doing this before we had the internet. Amazing pics of health

Ive been doing it a little while, ive grown a plant or 2 lol.

Awwwww, now your just showing off lol......Hey, please continue though, this is the nearest I get to internet porn lol

Just gives u something to aim for OZ ;)
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