DankWolf's 1st - Multi-Strain In Soil - Fall 2015

Morning dildo! Love the name! Hope to see more of ya too.
oh and..
@OG, look at his journal, purple kush is looking lovely!

Looking, seems like everything is going pretty smoothly. I too, think I am having a gnat issue. I think I seen one crawling around on the top of my soil but It was gone by the end of my double take. I'll keep an eye on it just to be sure. Those things suck man. Good luck!

:laughtwo: yeah, exactly. Buggers are quick! And easily get lost in the bright light!
...okay id better leave this alone, family friendly site an all..

Left that door wide open didn't I? :rofl:

Leave it DankWolf. :rofl: You had me laughing so hard I could barely see to type. :laughtwo: Where have you been all my life? :battingeyelashes:
Be careful Sue, he is a wolf afterall, he will Puff, he will cough, and he will smoke your house down!

No no no. I couldnt!
On second thought!!... Thatd make her homeless and be a great opportunity to invite her to live with me :hmmmm:

Left that door wide open didn't I? :rofl:
Where have you been all my life? :battingeyelashes:

Yes, WIDE open!:laugh:
Im here now sue, all that matters:love:

Ps, ill get some pics and a proper update sometime today. Maybe after my cold shower
No no no. I couldnt!
On second thought!!... Thatd make her homeless and be a great opportunity to invite her to live with me :hmmmm:

Yes, WIDE open!:laugh:
Im here now sue, all that matters:love:

Ps, ill get some pics and a proper update sometime today. Maybe after my cold shower

Careful there mister. I'm a bit dangerous you know. I'm a happy, healthy woman with her own income and no ties to keep me here and a boldly stated aversion to living alone. You keep sweet-talking SweetSue like that ........:laughtwo:
This picture is so beautiful to me I had to give it a second posting. You don't mind do you DankWolf? The linear beauty of all those leaves just takes my breath away.


Your ability to grow and your passion for the hobby get you extra points. You fond of brownies?
You keep sweet-talking SweetSue like that ........:laughtwo:

This picture is so beautiful to me I had to give it a second posting. You don't mind do you DankWolf? The linear beauty of all those leaves just takes my breath away.


Your ability to grow and your passion for the hobby get you extra points. You fond of brownies?

Brownies?! The way to a mans heart..
Dont mind at all, thanks for the sweet words!:love:

(whos sweet talking who?)
Buckle up Baby.
He's a fun playmate. :laughtwo: I have to admire a man with that much whimsy running in his veins.
He's a fun playmate. :laughtwo: I have to admire a man with that much whimsy running in his veins.

Okie doke smokies! On with it!
Spent some much needed time on setup and kids.

Had to cut light holder to fit in closet so light would be level. No more angled lighting!

Level lighting

Next task was to repot these 2 clones of annie.

Next 3 are bagseed#2, roughly 2.5months still vegging.
Pre uppot-

Friend still alive after 2months

Post uppot-

Female Dragons breath today-

Unknown afghan kush today -

Bagseed#2 sideshot

Top shot

And 1 final for now, this was yesterday, day19. One of only a few male looking pods that ive been watching closely.

Ps. Sorry bout the taco neck pictures, keep forgetting how this works. Hang in there, one of these days ill get your necks straightened out!

This is exciting to see. Healthy soil that will support worms. Oooo.... Now I really like you. :kisstwo:

Okie doke smokies! On with it!
Spent some much needed time on setup and kids.

Had to cut light holder to fit in closet so light would be level. No more angled lighting!

Level lighting

Next task was to repot these 2 clones of annie.

Next 3 are bagseed#2, roughly 2.5months still vegging.
Pre uppot-

Friend still alive after 2months

Post uppot-

Female Dragons breath today-

Unknown afghan kush today -

Bagseed#2 sideshot

Top shot

And 1 final for now, this was yesterday, day19. One of only a few male looking pods that ive been watching closely.

Ps. Sorry bout the taco neck pictures, keep forgetting how this works. Hang in there, one of these days ill get your necks straightened out!

That male pod has opened. Needs to go.
Every single one of those plants look happy and healthy. For someone claiming to be a rookie, you sure seem to know what you're on about. Seems you have the midas touch.

Every single one of those plants look happy and healthy. For someone claiming to be a rookie, you sure seem to know what you're on about. Seems you have the midas touch.


That was fucking great! Thanks for the laugh and the kind words. Hate to break it to ya though... This rookie would have left ol hermie until day 50 before being certain SHE was an IT. Thanks to the great community, im now certain of what im seeing.
Not exactly sure what im doing about it yet, but hey thats the fun part. Wingin it!
..the midas touch:biglaugh:
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