Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 2016

Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

Never seen a positive test after 30 days, even with the heavy users. Most are Piss clean in 28 days. I was and I kill nearly an oz a week.

yeah that's what always happened for me but that last time I failed for a job at 45 days and it was over 90 days before I could pass, even when I tried diluting. not even fat, I'm 6'2" 200lbs and in my twenties so metabolism is still good. :passitleft:
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

think this is day 32 now, kind of losing track of days

watered them all with a double dose of calmag with some plain water couple hours ago. they all have about a half dozen yellow and dying leaves on the bottom. except the candy which has them going up about half way up the plant. with all the dying leaves I decided to just do some defoilation and remove all the dead and dying leaves from all the plants.

was thinking next feeding giving them some extra nitrogen, know they aren't supposed to need it in flower but hope it just slows down all the yellowing leaves. seems a little early for them to be yellowing so much after only a week in flower. have a smokey weekend everyone. :lot-o-toke:

here's a overview pic and closeup of one of the candy canes dying leaf.
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

some main cola bud pics

early miss


candy cane

amnesia haze
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

They shouldn't be yellowing that quickly. What do you feed them? We use foxfarm feeding schedule for the girls. It goes up to 12 weeks, I believe. They still get N in flower, just less.

been feeding them half strength fox farm dirty dozen. last feed they got the week 5 feed of big bloom, grow big, tiger bloom, boomerang, microbe brew, and open sesame at full strength. thinking of either doing full strength of everything or just full strength of grow big for the extra nitrogen. they did just get their first watering with calmag too so that may help as well. only got the foliar feed before. :thanks:
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

Hey there Demon! I finally made it over to your journal and I am all caught up now, told you I would :) Girls are looking good, though I'm sorry to hear about your deficiency issue as well a the males back at the bgeinning. I would have to say myself that is for sure a calcium deficiency, I had this issue as well with one of my Amnesia's. I luckily did not have to add calmag to fix the issue because my 3part line of nutrients from general hydroponics contains both of those nutrients, so I just adjusted my feedings to help correct this. My Amnesia also didn't get to the same stage as your Candy Cane so I must have corrected it earlier.

All-in-all the girls are looking good over here. You have come a long way now and are now on to the most interesting part of the grow IMO :) You also got some great helpers here as well! Keep up the good work, hope you work out that deficiency with the calmag.

Best of luck, take care!
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

We have our girls at full strength in flower. Also, foxfarm does not have calmag in their dirty dozen. The plants will need that. That and the Half strength nutes is probably why your girls are yellowing. The calmag can be used as a foliar spray also. So mix it with water in a sprayer and spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves if it's not a feeding day. We don't give it on a water only day, cuz it's water only. Lol
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

Hey there Demon! I finally made it over to your journal and I am all caught up now, told you I would :) Girls are looking good, though I'm sorry to hear about your deficiency issue as well a the males back at the bgeinning. I would have to say myself that is for sure a calcium deficiency, I had this issue as well with one of my Amnesia's. I luckily did not have to add calmag to fix the issue because my 3part line of nutrients from general hydroponics contains both of those nutrients, so I just adjusted my feedings to help correct this. My Amnesia also didn't get to the same stage as your Candy Cane so I must have corrected it earlier.

All-in-all the girls are looking good over here. You have come a long way now and are now on to the most interesting part of the grow IMO :) You also got some great helpers here as well! Keep up the good work, hope you work out that deficiency with the calmag.

Best of luck, take care!

hey Dick, :thanks: for checking out my grow. yeah kInda screwed myself by not getting calmag from the beginning. this is definitely the best part, just watching those buds form into delicious goodness :circle-of-love: the help on here has been invaluable, I almost didn't make a journal cause I tend to avoid any blogs or social sites but glad I did. makes growing a lot more fun when you can share too :passitleft:
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

We have our girls at full strength in flower. Also, foxfarm does not have calmag in their dirty dozen. The plants will need that. That and the Half strength nutes is probably why your girls are yellowing. The calmag can be used as a foliar spray also. So mix it with water in a sprayer and spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves if it's not a feeding day. We don't give it on a water only day, cuz it's water only. Lol

ah ok so ill try uping them all to full strength next watering. do you do half strength in veg then? I gave calmag for this watering just to get some in them and foliar sprayed once couple days ago, I'll give it to them next feed and then start using it on nutes watering. maybe I should foliar feed some calmag every other day til then too? do you use flowers kiss at all? :thanks: for all the help :high-five:
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

ah ok so ill try uping them all to full strength next watering. do you do half strength in veg then? I gave calmag for this watering just to get some in them and foliar sprayed once couple days ago, I'll give it to them next feed and then start using it on nutes watering. maybe I should foliar feed some calmag every other day til then too? do you use flowers kiss at all? :thanks: for all the help :high-five:
Seems to me like nis is always going around spraying the girls with flowers kiss and calmag in the same bottle. Every other day seems reasonable.

We start the seedlings at 1/4 strength with their first feed, then 1/2 strength for their 2nd feed, then full strength. We keep it full strength all the way to the end.
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

Seems to me like nis is always going around spraying the girls with flowers kiss and calmag in the same bottle. Every other day seems reasonable.

We start the seedlings at 1/4 strength with their first feed, then 1/2 strength for their 2nd feed, then full strength. We keep it full strength all the way to the end.
Two or three times a week I give them a good spraying. Isn't doing any harm that I can see. Until something bad happens I'll continue to do it. Can spray them up to week 4 or 5 in flower the schedule says but I think week 4 in flower is when I'll put the brakes on the foliar.
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

awesome, so tomorrow I'll start doing a foliar spray with flowers kiss and calmag every other day for the next 3 weeks and giving full strength nutes. thank you both for the help :thumb: forgot to mention too I checked runoff ph and they were all sitting around 6.4 except candy cane was 6.1 should I starting watering with 7 ph or is there something else?
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

awesome, so tomorrow I'll start doing a foliar spray with flowers kiss and calmag every other day for the next 3 weeks and giving full strength nutes. thank you both for the help :thumb: forgot to mention too I checked runoff ph and they were all sitting around 6.4 except candy cane was 6.1 should I starting watering with 7 ph or is there something else?
We water at 6.5 ph. I tested the soil on one of them last week and it was 6.5 and had "adequate" nitrogen. We picked up a soil test kit at the store and have only used it once. I figure if there isn't a problem and growth is good, everything is in range.
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

We water at 6.5 ph. I tested the soil on one of them last week and it was 6.5 and had "adequate" nitrogen. We picked up a soil test kit at the store and have only used it once. I figure if there isn't a problem and growth is good, everything is in range.

i normally ph my water to 6.5-6.8. and my water is naturally at about 7.2-7.8 before nutes or ph balance. is 6.1 too low for the candy cane runoff then? should I start giving it like 7.0 or something to raise it or will 6.5 just balance it out eventually? was thinking since the candy cane seems to be the worse off and has a lower ph then the rest maybe that could be causing problems too.
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

i normally ph my water to 6.5-6.8. and my water is naturally at about 7.2-7.8 before nutes or ph balance. is 6.1 too low for the candy cane runoff then? should I start giving it like 7.0 or something to raise it or will 6.5 just balance it out eventually? was thinking since the candy cane seems to be the worse off and has a lower ph then the rest maybe that could be causing problems too.
I will say give it to them at 7.0 once and check the run off. I'll be honest, there has been a couple of times where we are half way done watering and we totally forgot to check the ph. It happens. But my advice is to change stuff slowly and make small changes at a time.
Re: Demon42069 - First Grow - CKS Autos - Candy Cane - Amnesia Haze - Early Miss - 20

When ypu are a growing genius like you, you dont have to check. Lol! Are you using the kit? Is that why people don't ph?

Not using the kit, I use a soil called biobizz allmix. It's buffered to ph 6.6. Pour any ph liquid into it and over a few hours, the soil ph brings itself back to 6.6.
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