DephOne's First Grow - Unknown Strain

Re: DephOne's First Grow... Unknown Strain

I love this sight. Above is why I chose to be an 'active' member here. Good vibes....toke.....bad typing.....toke.....joks tht get u....

what was i doing?

Ahhh, I think you were passing it back..................................................................................
Re: DephOne's First Grow... Unknown Strain

Geez, did we already kill the new guy? It was only one J.

No, not even one J, I still got it here, 1/2 left. Very sedative feeling going on..........MELLOW1111111111111. Nice Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This is my official Smoke Report, DNA lemon Shunk, or trainwrecck, or Big Bang..........
Re: DephOne's First Grow... Unknown Strain

I'm gonna say DNA Lemon Shunk, the taste is still developing, but it was the smallest plant of the 5, so I'll know after I taste the other 2 next week.
Re: DephOne's First Grow... Unknown Strain

1. Whats the average span of 1 plant cycle?

Our plant is an annual, meaning they die every year, life goes on via reproduction only. (im hoping one day we cross weed with a perennial). as for growth time, anywhere from 50-90 days plus vegitation time depending on the species.

2. Is there a way to determine an unknown strain, such as in my case?

Not for certain unfortunatly, grow em and smoke em, then get yourself some pedegree seeds.

3. Can I name my own bud? Or do they all already have names?

Most already have name a plant when it is the first cross breed of 2 species.

4. What(in your opinion) is the best method for smoking?

not opinion but fact... vaporising is the helthiest method of smoking

5. Can plants grow indoors during the winter if the room is a little chilly?

they are suprisingly tough, but they do like to be warm

6. Whats the best way to transfer plants across state lines without being caught. (I live in Md now, family is moving to Pa within the next few months)

dont do it man, not worth the risk. send seeds

7. Do you guys have any questions you'd like to ask me?

not yet, but im watching now ;)

8. Does blowing smoke on them help any? Even in the least bit?
Smoke is rich in co2. so is talking to your plants or just plain old breathing on them. i hear tobbacco smoke is poisonous to them tho.
Re: DephOne's First Grow... Unknown Strain

You guys didn't scare me off, I had to go make a smoke run. Then gf and I came home. You guys already know how that went. Then after that and the smoking. I was out mannnn.

But im bout to toke up now. Who's gonna join me?

And I'm a funy guy too, i dont mind being "kid" at all. I call a lot of people kid. Even ones older than me.

But i gots a blister from cutting grass. :(

Auntie Grace, kiss my booboo :' (
Re: DephOne's First Grow... Unknown Strain

give it here I'll hit that:)
thanks for more foot porn:rofl:
You guys didn't scare me off, I had to go make a smoke run. Then gf and I came home. You guys already know how that went. Then after that and the smoking. I was out mannnn.

But im bout to toke up now. Who's gonna join me?

And I'm a funy guy too, i dont mind being "kid" at all. I call a lot of people kid. Even ones older than me.

But i gots a blister from cutting grass. :(

Auntie Grace, kiss my booboo :' (
Re: DephOne's First Grow... Unknown Strain

LMAO. ahahahahahaha yeah son(my shorty laugh). If I could like that post twice, I would.

And thanks, Got it on my recent vacation to Myrtle beach. I love it. Way more than my first bong(if you look at mt profile pic.)
RastaBongian smoke like a champ dude.

Buuubbbblllleeeeee(huge rip). Inhale. Hold..... hold......... hold.. ughhhhhhhhh. COUGHCOUGHCOUGH. Damnit! Shit. Dear Lord.

Woah, instant high. Lol
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