Dr. Strange Bud - How I Quit Worrying And Learned to Love The Medi Bomb

Yep my boy's graduation party.
got a 18lb pork shoulder and 2 turkey breasts to Q and of course all the burgers and dogs!
have a great weedend Invi:)

Ahhahaha that is a BBQ there :rofl:
Have a good one! And congrats for your boy! nice job :)
Thanks fish and old med man..... so graduation party bbq's I love em. Wow that pig had a big shoulder. Least untill u got ya hands on it
Not sure what graduation is over the pond. Use school for longer and call college school right?
Either way I'm sure congrads are in order have a good party... will there be some farther son smoking?
Just the grade school part is over. he is soon to be put out the door to find his way on this earth:):)
LOL Hell NO he aint smoking none of my shit! I will never get rid of him if I did that:thedoubletake::straightface::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::rofl:
Aw cmone fish dad give a son a toke lol.
Aint Goin To Happen!
Told the boy a long time ago if I ever caught him with pot in my house unless its better than mine that I would snap each finger on his hands one at a time. HE KNOWS BETTER! lol
he needs to see the world with a clear head first and I dont think he really is into it.
besides his mom would beat the shit out of me:)
off topic kind of! bought another weber grill HE HE now I have 4:)
got the pork shoulder rubbed down with yummy stuff and the turkeys are in the brine!!
going to have the gig at my brothers house so about 5:00am tomorrow I will head over and get the smoker box started and of course a chair and many many many beers:) bought a new pack of cones and got three of them packed so far. 1 more to do then I will have one each of my stash. some sativa in the 11ish hour and then it wont matter! I love Parties with folks I like:) but of course I had to invite my not so favorite Brother in-law yay:/
Beer Weed and BBQ!! Yeah Babaay!!:Namaste:
off topic kind of! bought another weber grill HE HE now I have 4:)
got the pork shoulder rubbed down with yummy stuff and the turkeys are in the brine!!
going to have the gig at my brothers house so about 5:00am tomorrow I will head over and get the smoker box started and of course a chair and many many many beers:) bought a new pack of cones and got three of them packed so far. 1 more to do then I will have one each of my stash. some sativa in the 11ish hour and then it wont matter! I love Parties with folks I like:) but of course I had to invite my not so favorite Brother in-law yay:/

haha, the brother in law rule comes in to affect now...it goes like this; if the party of the first part (you) is at the party of the second parts (your brother, especially little brother) house havin a celebration for the party of the first parts boy, then the party of the third part ( any asshole) acts in a disrespectful, violent, or just bein a dick manner, then the party of the second part is obligated to do whatever is necessary to alleviate the problem, while the party of the first part acts like nothing is even goin on and completely ignores the whole situation. Sometimes referred to as the bil 72 rule. I bet I could be more obnoxious to him than he ever dreamed of bein to you........I am well drilled! LoL, you'll have a great time, and please don't forget to tell the minnow we are proud of him and the pond only looks that big!:cheer:
Howdy Token-up!! glad you could stop and say hey:)
got to like a man on the grill MMM MMMM. stop anytime you like and join the fun and what not.
Hey Fish, Been lerking around awhile trying to learn. Think I am doing OK.! So far I got Jerky on the grill, chicken marinating, doobies rolled and music playing. Think I will relax over the weekend and glad to see your doing the same. Have a good one!
haha, the brother in law rule comes in to affect now...it goes like this; if the party of the first part (you) is at the party of the second parts (your brother, especially little brother) house havin a celebration for the party of the first parts boy, then the party of the third part ( any asshole) acts in a disrespectful, violent, or just bein a dick manner, then the party of the second part is obligated to do whatever is necessary to alleviate the problem, while the party of the first part acts like nothing is even goin on and completely ignores the whole situation. Sometimes referred to as the bil 72 rule. I bet I could be more obnoxious to him than he ever dreamed of bein to you........I am well drilled! LoL, you'll have a great time, and please don't forget to tell the minnow we are proud of him and the pond only looks that big!:cheer:
going to have my wife print this out so I can show the cops when they come LOL
the worst part is I have a Chihuahua that even though she is a easy beat say if you broke into my house and she attacked you, you would have to give respect to her for what she is alone. NOWWW my brother in-law is a same but different story DAMNIT
going to have my wife print this out so I can show the cops when they come LOL
the worst part is I have a Chihuahua that even though she is a easy beat say if you broke into my house and she attacked you, you would have to give respect to her for what she is alone. NOWWW my brother in-law is a same but different story DAMNIT

If bil acts like that...he may not be what he thinks he is....just me fishy! Enough said, you'll have a great time..............I would eat shit if I had to, to make sure your crew AND especially the guest of honor had the best time. I will tell you this, sometimes I may keep company temporarily with some fairly dangerous folks.....the thing they ask me...a hundred times at least is.....am I having a good time? Certain people may have forgotten their obligations....an obligation to be a decent human being.....and ESPECIALLY to make this day as memorable ( in a positive way) as is absolutely possible!
Its not what he thinks he is (well yes it i is) its just a guarantee almost of how he will be. I aint worried about TCB I just would rather not be irritated or be hassled if it was my way. I will just impose the Bil rule as needed:)
pork pork pork pork(in the voice of the chef dude from the muppets)pork pork pork
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